Mars Day 25: Spring ahead...Not!

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What time do you have Ablo?

“It’s two o’clock sir.”

MY watch says one o’clock.

“I’ll reset mine sir.  Yours can’t be wrong…you’re a politician.  There…one o’clock.”

No wait Ablo, the clock on the wall says three o’clock.

“That’s because they never changed it since the last daylight savings time sir.”

But today we’re supposed to move our clocks ahead an hour.  I think its two o’clock, but it’s actually three o’clock because of the whole fall-back spring-forward thing.

“I’ll reset my clock to three am.”

Bartender, can we have a couple more beers here?”

“I’m sorry, but the bar is closed…it’s three o’clock.”

But it was just two o’clock a minute ago.  It can’t be three o’clock already…now give us a couple of beers.

“But sir…I can’t serve alcohol after two-thirty.  It’s against the law.”

Well if it was just two o’clock, it can’t be three o’clock all of a sudden.  We can’t just skip last call

“I’m sorry sir but I can lose my liquor license if I serve you.”

“Even if you’re right…there must be some law against skipping last call.  You can’t just skip something as important as last call!  Now give us a beer.

“Yes sir.  Here are a couple of cold beers.”

Arrrrgh!  Spit!  Blah.!  That’s terrible stuff!  What is that swill he served us Ablo?

“It’s root beer sir.  Shall I have him shot sir?  Or worse…I’ll have him deported to Afar!”

Those are wonderful options Ablo…but then who will serve us tomorrow?  What’s on the congressional schedule tomorrow Ablo?

 “The children’s anti starvation legislation and the assistance to families of war veterans sir.”

We’ll have to shelve them till next session.  Give this last-call law top priority.  Look into this whole time change thing too Ablo.  It’s too damned confusing.  I would have ordered a beer before two o’clock if I’d have known it was going to be three o’clock so quickly.  You know I would have Ablo!

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