3. Pool love

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Y/n pov:
Last night was amazing me and Ivan watched a movie in my room and we fell asleep together all cuddled. He feel asleep first and everytime I looked at him asleep I smiled. He's so cute I just love him so much.
Its the next day and Jake came in with his mercy gun.
Y/n:" Jake frick off!"
Ivan:"but babe this is good merch* to Jakes camera* link in bio always plug.
*i got out of bed and put on a sexy but simple outfit.

Ivan went back to his room and got dressed he came out and he was so hot

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Ivan went back to his room and got dressed he came out and he was so hot.

(The red jacket) he look at me up and down with his jaw open Y/n:" uh Ivan you dropped something

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(The red jacket) he look at me up and down with his jaw open
Y/n:" uh Ivan you dropped something. *closing his mouth*
Ivan:" sorry you just look so amazing*
Y/n:*blushing*"thank you, you look great too!"
*we walked downstairs holding hands and no one was awake. *
Jake:*handing me the merch gun*"who do you want to shoot merch at?"
Y/n:" chance and Anthony!!"
*jake loaded the gun and I shot it at the Ohio boys.*
Anthony:"JAKE! Really you've got her doing pranks on US now!"
Jake:" YEAH BABY!!"
Jake went to wake everyone else up but me and Ivan went out to get breakfast.
Ivan:" do you want to drive?"
Y/n:" no we should walk we can hold hand more!"
We walked to Starbucks holding hands everyone complemented us on being cute together. We went to Starbucks and I got a mocha frappe and Ivan got a vanilla bean frappe. We walked back to the team 10 house and when we walked in I yelled...*
Y/n:" WHATS UP TEAM 10!!!!"
*I made Ivan jump *
Ivan:" baby! You scared me *laughing*
Y/n:" awe I'm sorry babe"
*we leaned in and kissed. Jake snuck up on us...*
I walked upstairs and put on my swim suit I found the sexiest one hoping to impress Ivan.

I walked down stairs to Ivan and he stared at me like I was a god!Ivan:" babe you look so hot" Y/n:*blushes*"thanks so do you"*nothing really happened at the beach just a lot of fans*We got home and it was dark, everyone went to shower but I went ...

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I walked down stairs to Ivan and he stared at me like I was a god!
Ivan:" babe you look so hot"
Y/n:*blushes*"thanks so do you"
*nothing really happened at the beach just a lot of fans*
We got home and it was dark, everyone went to shower but I went to the pool. I set the lights to red because it's my favorite color and sat at the bottom under the water. I used to be a swimmer so I could hold my breath for a long time. After about three minutes I came back to the surface for air and saw someone standing at the edge, it was Ivan. He slowly got in...*
Ivan:" hey beautiful"
Y/n:" hey baby"
*he pulled me under water and we kissed under the water. It was so romantic. I just loved him so much. We came back to the surface and took a breather and chatted. *
Ivan:" if you don't mind asking what about your family, you've never talked about them?"
Y/n:" I used to live with my mom and my older sister kat until I moved here."
Ivan:" what about your dad"
*i started to tear up and ended up crying Ivan saw that and hugged me tight*
Ivan:" I'm sorry baby you don't have to talk about it."
I stopped crying and kissed him again.
Ivan's pov:
We got home and everyone went to their rooms I was headed to mine when I heard the back door close. I went to put my phone on the charger and went to see what it was. I walked out and saw someone sitting at the bottom of the pool. I realized that it was my girl y/n. She came to the surface and said "hey beautiful"
I got in and pulled her under the water and we kissed. It was so quiet under the water. I love her so much.
Our kiss was cut off by Jake and chance jumping in scaring both of us.
Y/n pov:
*Jake and chance jumped in and it turned into a pool party. We were all splashing water on each other when Jake asked...*
Jake:" what do you two see in each other. Not to be rude but I'm just curious!?"
Y/n:" when I first saw Ivan when I got out of the van he looked perfect. He's the perfect creation. He so nice and romantic and he's funny and a savage *giggles* he's always keeping me happy."
Ivan:" and when I saw her get of the van and when he hugged I knew I loved her. I knew I wanted her , I knew I wanted to spoil her with love and I never want to see her sad or hurt. I just love her so much."
Chance:" AWWWWWW you two are so freaking cute!!"

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