"I just don't know about us" Ivan said sadly.
" hey we will get through it. I'm not letting go this easy." I replied
" I love you" he said with a smile.
Y/n pov: * I felt so bad for Ivan, when I closed the door I saw his shadow fade away and walked to the car. I almost got in when I heard Ivan running to me, he hugged me tight...* Ivan:" I love you too, so much.!" *he kissed me and left I started to tear and got in the car. I was driving because I knew how to get there and the girls didn't.* Erika:" hey y/n pass the aux cord we about to jam!!" *she started playing "its everyday bro" tessa's part and I turned it down a little so we could hear her in person!" Tessa:" yeah it's tessa brooks, this competition shook!!" Erika:"YEAH GET IT T!!" *the song ended and I grabbed the phone* Tessa:" oh no what's the savage y/n going to play!" Y/n:" Ohio fried chicken!!" *we were at a stop light so I had time.* About an hour later. *so we got to the hotel and got to our suite.* Erika:" holy shit y/n you got this for us?!" Tessa:"this is amazing!" Y/n:" of course anything for my besties!!"
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Tessa:" its huge! It must have costed a fortune!!" Y/n:" actually I just told them I was in team 10 and I got a huge discount!" Erika:" phew I'm beat I'm gunna take a shower." Y/n: " ok me and tessa will order food what do you want." Erika:" honestly anything will do!" ------------------- Ivan's pov: When I saw their car drive off I waved knowing they wouldnt see and went inside crying a little. I went to the room and Emilio and Anthony were playing Xbox and chance was chillin on his bed. I went to mine and Cried into my pillow and then I felt a huge body cuddle me. It was chance* Chance:" what's wrong bro are you good?" Ivan:" it's stupid." Chance:" oh her leaving for the weekend? It's ok bro she'll be back in a couple of days" Ivan:*i turned facing him* " I know chance but I love her so much, I guess I've never felt a love so strong." Chance:" it's always a new experience, I mean look at me and tessa" Ivan:" at least my love is real y'all two were fake married for a joke." Chance:" woah bro I actually love tessa about as much as you love y/n. Sure we might have married for fun but me and her are taking seriously." Ivan:" sorry bro I'm just going to miss her kisses." Anthony:" aweeeeee is savage boy now a softy?!" Ivan:*i got up pushing chance to the floor*" no if I was a softy could I do this...." *i yelled and punched the wall and my cost went straight through. I was panting and put my head down. I saw a tear drip onto the floor* Anthony:" shit I guess you are still savage." Emilio:" ok guys it's getting late let's hit the hay." *they all went to sleep but me I texted y/n* *texts* Ivan:" hey babe how's it going?!" *no response. I waited for ten minutes.maybe she fell asleep already.* Y/n:" sorry babe I was in the shower. It's great we are having so much fun! The girls went to sleep already." Ivan:" so Anthony said I wasn't savage so I punched a hole in the wall." Y/n:" oh my note to self don't call you not savage. Lol" Ivan:" ok baby I have to sleep. I love you!" Y/n:" ok baby" ---------------- Y/n pov: *so it's the next day and I already had the day planned out. I woke the girls up by blasting its everyday bro through the surround sound. They got up and I put on...*
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*its one of the new outfits we bought. I had been saving up my money since I was 10 and I knew today was the day I'd spend it. I had about two million dollars saved up. First went to Starbucks and went to the mall.* Y/n:" the whole day is on me I've been saving up forever.!" Erika:" how much have you saved?" Y/n:" about two million dollars." Tessa:" WHAT two million that's dedication!" *we got to the mall and they both pulled me to their favorite store. Tessa gave me an outfit and I went to the dressing room.*
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Y/n:" omg I like be this skirt. I think I'm a skirt person!" Tessa:" hell yeah you are!" *after shopping we went to eat, we went to Applebee's!* Tessa:" hey y/n why was Ivan crying yesterday?" Y/n:" he was sad that I was leaving." Erika:" aww that's so cute." Y/n:" yeah he told me he's never had a girlfriend that he loves so much leave for so long." Tessa:" that's so adorable!!" Y/n:" I know! I love him" Tessa:" do you want to marry him!?" Y/n:" maybe when we're older. But yes I want to spend the rest of my life with him!" Waiter:" ok here's your food enjoy!" *we left and I paid. I hadn't even spent a million yet and we shopped for a long time.* -------------------- Ivan's pov: *i woke up this morning and went on Instagram and saw that y/n posted a picture with her and the girls and the huge suite. I was so jealous, I want to take her on a trip that amazing. I got up and went downstairs and saw Jake with his camera laying on the counter and he had his head down.* Ivan:" Jake are ok what's wrong" Jake:" I have no hot girls for my vlog how am I supposed to get views?" Ivan:" Jake what the fuck? Is that really what YouTube is to you, the views? That's disgusting. What about you millions of fans who love you, do you love them or the views? They are so caring to you they are on your side are you on theirs? So questions is what do you care about more the views or your fans?" *i walked back to my room ignoring what Jake had to say* Jake:" wait Ivan. IVAN!" --------------- Y/n pov: *i got a text from ivan* Ivan:" hey" Y/n:" hey what's up" Ivan:" I just had to yell at Jake" Y/n:" why what did he do" Ivan:"have you ever noticed that he talks more about his views than his fans?" Y/n:" yeah actually it's the only thing I don't like about him it's quite disturbing." Ivan:" yeah I really hope he realizes it. I'm going to go ask nick if he will help me make a montage of it." Y/n:" yeah that's a good idea I gtg love you baby" *end of texts* *me and the girls went back to the hotel and went to the pool. We had one in our suite so we didn't have to use the hotel one. After that we took showers and went to sleep. The next day. We got up and packed and went to return the key at the front desk and went to Starbucks and went back to the team 10 house.* -------------------- So yeah have you ever noticed that Jake talks More about views than fans vote if you have and don't like it. Love y'all!!