"I just don't know about us" Ivan said sadly.
" hey we will get through it. I'm not letting go this easy." I replied
" I love you" he said with a smile.
Y/n pov: We got back inside and took showers, me and Ivan cuddled in my bed and watched a movie, we ended up falling asleep together. ---------------- A couple of weeks later. Y/n pov: Me and all of team 10 went out to eat and me and Ivan (of course) got a separate table since it was a romantic restaurant with a beautiful view. We finished our food and I got up and walked to the railing and looked at the gorgeous Los Angeles. Ivan:" you look so beautiful tonight. I love the outfit.
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Y/n:" thanks baby, oh will you take a picture of me looking over the rail?" Ivan:" sure anything for my princess" I gave him my phone and before I could turn around I got stung by a bee. Y/n:" ow ow ow. I just got stung by a bee!" Ivan:" oh my are you ok?" Y/n:" NO I'm allergic. *my face started to puff up* Jake get my epi-pen out of my bag quick please." I said as I fell, Ivan caught me and I almost past out. Ivan:" it's ok baby you're going to be ok. TESSA CALL 911 NOW!" Tessa:" on it!" Jake:" here do you want me to do it?" Ivan:" do what" Y/n:" he h-has to jab it in my l-leg. Yes do it!" *jake stabbed my leg and I screamed and Ivan calmed me down. I started to cry because now I had two pains to deal with.* Jake:" y/n it didn't work!" Ivan:" WHAT DO IT AGAIN!" Jake:" maybe I didn't push the button hard enough." Jake said while he stabbed he again. *i screamed again and started crying.* Y/n:" tessa where's the police?" Tessa:" they are almost here" Ivan:" it's ok baby try not to cry, just breathe." *i tried to breathe but I couldn't, I started to freak out and then the ambulance came. Ivan picked me up and rushed down the stairs and put me in the ambulance and the guys started to poke me with a needle that supposedly helped the swelling. Ivan held my hand and when he poked me I gasped and tightened my grip and told me..." Ivan:" it's ok we're going to take you to the hospital and everything will be ok I promise." Doctor:" here hun I'm going to put this mask on your face and I need you to breathe *puts the mask on me* now breathe in... out. Good keep doing that" Y/n:*starting to sob* " I-Ivan I'm so sorry. I ruined the night." Ivan:*tearing up* "no no honey it's ok it wasn't your fault it was that dumb bee. You're going to be ok just keep breathing." ---------------------- Jakes pov: * I stabbed y/n with the epi-pen and nothing happened I did it again and she started to cry. The ambulance came and Ivan took her in the ambulance and one of the doctor guys asked me questions* Doctor:" do you know what happened?" Jake:" she was standing up and a bee stung her and she swelled and I tried to use her epi-pen on her but it didn't work so I tried again and that's when y'all showed up." Doctor:" ok we will take her to the hospital, I see her boyfriend is already inside, do you want to ride with us and your friends can take their car?" Jake:" yes let me go tell them" Jake:*to team 10* guys get in the van, nick drive them to the hospital. I'm going with Ivan and y/n." *i got in the ambulance and saw y/n with the mask on and I tube coming out of her arm and started to tear. I saw that she was asleep and sat next to Ivan who was still holding her hand. He was crying too.* Jake:" is she going to be ok?" Ivan:" I hope so. I hate seeing her like this." Jake:" me too." *the doctor started asking us questions* Doctor:" who are y'all?" Ivan:" I'm her boyfriend" Jake:" I'm her best friend." Doctor:" ok are her parents around.?" Jake:" no she moved away they are in Florida." Ivan:*crying*"I-Is she going to be ok?" Doctor:" yes we will take her to the hospital and she should be better in no time." *we got to the hospital and they took her back and we waited in the lobby. The rest of the team came running in. Emilio sat next to Ivan who had his head in his hands, to comfort him, he was rubbing his back and tried to talk to him. Erika came up to me and kissed me. * Emilio:" she's gunna be ok bro. Talk to me bro please. Ivan:*in his hands*"I'm so scared bro." Erika:" Jake! Is she ok?" Jake:" yeah they took her back. *tessa and chance were hugging and chance rubbed her back and played with her hair and kissed her head, while tessa cried into his chest.* Tessa:" she's my bestie. I don't want to lose her." Nick:" oh my god guys it was just a bee sting chill the fuck out its not like she's going to die!!" Jake:*running up to nick*" don't you ever talk about y/n like that, she's severally allergic and she's lucky she didn't die back at the restaurant ok? We are all scared and you should too!!" Doctor:" um Ivan? *causing them all to look at Ivan while he quickly stood up* she wants to see you and only you, her words." ---------------- Ivan's pov: *the doctor told me y/n wanted to see me and I ran behind him, when I got to her room she looked asleep but she was still swollen.* Ivan:" baby are you ok. How do you feel?" Y/n:" I'm so sorry I made all of you go through this. I feel so bad" Ivan:" no stop it...it's ok we all came because we all care about you. We love you and hate seeing you hurt. You don't need to be sorry." *she smiled and grabbed my hand and turned her head and asked the doctor for everyone out there to come in. It's a pretty big room. They all came in and she smiled and I watched a tear fall. * Jake:" how are you feeling y/n?" Y/n:" better. Still hurts." Erika:" I'm so sorry that happened to you we all feel so bad." Y/n:*trying to sit up* "no im sorry, I feel like I ruined all yalls night." Emilio:" no no no you didn't ruin anything. Don't think like you did. You're a savage, you managed to survive." *i smiled and looked over at Ivan who was staring into my eyes so I stared at his ocean blue eyes. The doctor then made everyone but Ivan leave so he could "work" on me.* Doctor:" hi I'm ally your doctor had to leave so I'm going to be taking care of you. So I'm going to take your vitals and some blood ok.?" Y/n:" yes that's fine" Ally:" is this your boyfriend?" Y/n:" yes this is Ivan he's so nice" Ivan:" hi " Ally:" hi, ok so we are going to test your blood so we can get you a better epi-pen." *i saw her blood and started to tear up I put my head on her hands and rested on the bed. She looked over at me and played with my hair so clam me down. We eventually left the hospital they offered if she wanted a wheel chair but she told them that I would carry her. I picked her up gently and carefully put her in the van. On the way home she fell asleep. When we got home I took her up to her room and put the covers over her and right before I closed her door she said* Y/n:" Ivan?" Ivan:" yes baby?" Y/n:" will you sleep in here with me?" Ivan:" of course." We settled in bed and went to sleep I kissed her on her forehead and fell asleep. ------------ I really hope you are Liking it so far. I make fanfic stories That are girls perfect fantasy. Love y'all!!