"I just don't know about us" Ivan said sadly.
" hey we will get through it. I'm not letting go this easy." I replied
" I love you" he said with a smile.
Your pov: * I woke up this morning feeling empty. I had no desire to get out of bed. I miss the twins so much. I rolled over too far and fell out of bed. I laid on the ground for five minutes until I got too cold. I Got up and just put on a Jake Paul hoodie and Jake Paul joggers and jandles. I walk out with my phone in hand hoping for Ivan or Emilio to call. I walked downstairs to the kitchen island and watched the new Martinez twins video. I had missed the last few uploads. Ivan looked happy but I could tell he was covering up his sadness. Jake came down with the merch gun. I was the first awake.* Y/n:" no Jake please I'm really not in the mood." * he put the gun on the floor and walked over to me. He rubbed my back while sitting down* Jake:" I'm sorry. They've been gone longer than we were all expecting." * I broke into tears and hugged him as tight as I could I was very weak so it wasn't that tight. He hugged me back" Y/n:" what if they never come back." Jake:" they will once we move into the new house soon they will try to come back." Y/n:" but what if they don't want to come back" Jake:" oh hush up they will. Just calm down ok?" * I pulled away and sniffled. Jake pulled his sleeves over his hands and wiped my tears away. I grinned. I felt so safe with him. I felt my phone vibrate on the table. I quickly sniffled again and answered it, it was from Ivan. I got up and walked to the backyard. I took a quick glance back at Jake and he was still sitting the same way.* Ivan:" hey baby" Y/n:" Ivan! Hi" Ivan:" have you been crying?" Y/n:" no I woke up a few minutes ago" Ivan:" what's wrong. Please tell me" Y/n:" ok fine I was crying. Im scared you and Emilio won't want to come back." Ivan:" we-... we will." Y/n:" why did you say it like that? Wait you don't want to come back to us. To team 10. We are your family we need you here you mean everything to us!" Ivan:" I know and we will come back. I can assure it. We just don't know when." * I strike of anger went through me. I felt my eyebrows bend and my face get hot. I wanted to hang up so badly but I didn't.* Y/n:" look I gotta go Jakes doing crazy things." * I quickly hung up without letting him respond. I broke into tears again. I was sitting at the edge of the trampoline. Jake comes running out and hugging me. I hugged him* Y/n:" HES SUCH AND ASSHOLE!" Jake:" shh just calm down. It's alright." * a few hours pass by and I was at Logans house with kat. I was on my laptop when an idea popped into my head. I quickly stood up and they both looked at me confused* Y/n:" I'm going to apply for college" Logan:" real campus college?" Y/n:" no online. It gives me something to do while I'm alone doing nothing worrying about the twins! Haha this is genius!" Kat:" she's delirious" * I was running around when I shot back to reality. I ran back to my laptop and applied for school. I decided to do film making as my major so I can make better videos. I applied for school and got in only a few hours later. I got the email while sitting at the island back at the team 10 house. I jumped up and went delirious again* Y/n:" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YESSSSS! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Jake:" woah calm down what's happening to you." Y/n:" look! I got in!" Jake:" YOURE DOING COLLEGE!!" Ray:" ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!" Y/n:" what aren't y'all supposed to be happy!" Jake:" no we are that's great!" Y/n:" I start online classes in two months" Chad:" and I thought I was the most savage in this house. You are doing team 10 and college. That's a lot you've got on your plate!" Y/n:" I know isn't it great! I'll always have something to do!" * I went to sleep peacefully and happy. I wake up the next morning and get dressed I wanted to look nice today since I was in such a good mood!
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I then ran downstairs. To greet everyone cheerfully!* Jake:" someone's in a really good mood today!" Y/n:" good morning Jakey!!!" * I spun around while putting my hands up. I then grabbed Jake by the wrist and pulled him to my car.* Jake:" whats going on. Why are you acting so delirious?" * I handed him a penny board I had in my trunk. I grabbed my baby pink one and closed the trunk. I leaned on the car.* Y/n:" I'm just in a super good mood. C'mon let's skate to Starbucks!" Jake:" ok sounds good" ------------ Jakes pov: * was she really that depressed that she has to act happy? We got to Starbucks and picked up our boards and went inside. We ordered our drinks and she paid for them. We sat at a table outside.* Jake:" are you ok?" Y/n:" what do you mean I'm great!" Jake:" no for real you can tell me, are you ok?" Y/n:" yes Jake I'm ok. I just woke up feeling great!" Jake:" youre not trying to cover up the fact that you're sad about the twins?" Y/n:" what the hell!" ----------- Your pov: * was I? Was I trying to hide my sadness? How did I not notice it* Y/n:" I-I guess I am." Jake:" you don't have to be ya know...sad..." Y/n:" maybe you're right Jake... maybe I'm being annoying and obnoxious..." * I put my head down in embarrassment.* Y/n:" I'm sorry Jake" * I got up and put my board down and started to ride off* Jake:" no wait!! Please!" * I kept going I was too embarrassed to face him. I rode home and left my board at the door. I ran to my room as fast as I could and took all my makeup off and changed into a plain grey tank top and plain black shorts. I could hear Jake screaming for me running up the stairs. I wanted to hide but my body was too numb to move. He bursts through my door and slams it shut.* Jake:" you didn't let me finish." Y/n:" stop Jake. I can't face you or anyone right now." * he walked up to me on my bed and sat at the edge and faced towards the wall.* Jake:" look you're my best friend, and I love you but you don't have to be embarrassed to talk to me. You can talk to me even if I'm asleep in bed in the middle of the night I'll listen and I'll talk to you and help you." Y/n:" I'm sorry Jake. I feel stupid. I'm so mad at Ivan I don't know why I'd cry over him." Jake:" don't you love him?" * do I?* Y/n:" I think so." Jake:" what. Yes you do. What about the ring." * oh my. The ring he gave me when we first started dating. I rubbed it softly. I felt a warm tear roll down my cheek.* Y/n:" yes. I do love him." * Jake walked out of my room slowly and we went to bed. I got on my computer that was sitting at my desk. I booked a flight. I was going to see the twins tomorrow. I leave at 10 am.* -------------- Drama alert!