"I just don't know about us" Ivan said sadly.
" hey we will get through it. I'm not letting go this easy." I replied
" I love you" he said with a smile.
Hey guys just a note... this chapter will possibly be my longest chapter!! Ivan's pov: *so Jake is going to Miami to surprise Erika at swim week. I got me and y/n a plane ticket and they would fly their private jet and me and her would take a flight normally and meet with Jake and them at the airport. I better go wake her up. I walked upstairs and packed her suitcase and gently shook her awake. She was so beautiful.* Ivan:" hey. Wake up. We have to leave!" Y/n:" what why?" Ivan:" we are going to miami! Y/n:" to see Erika at swim week??" Ivan:" no, just a nice trip for me and you. So get ready I already packed for you. I'll be downstairs. I love you!" Y/n:" I love you too!" ------------------ Y/n pov: *i was so happy to hear just me and Ivan were going to Miami. We really need it. I got up and put on...
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*i put in some slight makeup and went downstairs to see Ivan on his computer. I walked in front of him and his laptop and gently closed it. He looked up at me and we both smiled* Y/n:" ready?! I'm driving" Ivan:" let's go babe!" *he stood up and put his arm around my waist and we walked to my car. He had already put out suitcases in the car. We drove the whole way to LAX holding hands. We jammed to music and fake cried to sad songs. I was so happy. I looked over at him at a red light, I looked into his blue eyes which always puts me in a spell (a good one) he did the same and smiled I smiled* Y/n:" so what's up with the surprise trip?" Ivan:" well I figured me and you need our own time together for a bit since we are almost drifting apart." Y/n:" well I think this is a perfect idea!" *we got to the airport and luckily it was early so there wasn't too many fans. Just a little but we were already at our gate waiting to board so we had plenty of time. And then he surprised me again* Ivan:" also, I got us first class" Y/n:" omg really!!?" Ivan:" yup" *he smiled gently and I went in for a hug. We boarded our plane and sat snug next to each other. I leaned on his shoulder and he leaned his head on mine. I looked at him and smiled I went into a kiss and he did the same. It was gentle this time. I ended up falling asleep in lap. He played with my hair waking up so we could get off the plane. We got a rental car and I drove us to the really nice hotel suite Ivan got us. It was late so we just went straight to bed. The next morning I woke up to the beautiful sun and the amazing view we had from our hotel....
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