"I just don't know about us" Ivan said sadly.
" hey we will get through it. I'm not letting go this easy." I replied
" I love you" he said with a smile.
Y/n pov: *two days later. Jake still hasn't even touched a camera. I'm starting to feel bad. I know exactly how to cheer him up!* Y/n:" hey Jake why don't you get out of bed and *sniffs and gags* take a shower?" Jake:" I just can't y/n. I feel like the worst youtuber ever." Y/n:" no no Jake you have so many fans who love you I know you love them. Here's and idea. Since I joined team 10 I need a YouTube channel!" Jake:*trying not to smile* that's cool have fun" Y/n:" you see there's that smile! And I want you to help me create it. You can teach me how to edit and what kind of camera to use!!" Jake:" yeah let's go!!" Y/n:*plugging my nose* nope you are going to shower first." Jake:" oh yeah right I'll go do that" *i left his room and went to Ivan's room he was the only one in there, he was on his phone I laid on his bed and cuddled up to him and kissed him* Y/n:" hey baby. I finically got Jake to take a shower!" Ivan:" Hey eso esta bien ¿como lo haces? (Hey that's cool how'd you do it?)" Y/n:" what? Babe you know I don't know Spanish yet" Ivan:" oh sorry habit. That's cool how'd you do it?" Y/n:" I told him I needed his help to make my YouTube channel!" Ivan:*sitting up* really that's awesome!" Y/n:" yup so so get ready we are going to Best Buy!!" ------------------------- Jakes pov: *when she told me she was making a YouTube channel and that she wanted me to help I went crazy. She sent me to a shower and got ready. I was so happy. ------------------ Y/n pov: Jake got out of the shower and I put on
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I went to Erika and told her she had to go too since she's married to Jake. Y/n:" hey Erika" *i said jumping into her bed* Erika:" hey y/n what's up!" Y/n:" get ready we have to go to Best Buy" Erika:" why!?" Y/n:" im starting my YouTube channel!!" Erika:" *gasp* NO WAY!!! " *she said jumping up* Y/n:" YES WAY" *i said and we jumped up and down like basic white girls* Y/n:" go get ready we leave soon!" *i left we room and went to kitchen to get something to eat, I looked in the fridge and felt Ivan on my back, I turned around and smile he instantly started kissing me, without breaking the kiss he pulled me away from the fridge and closed in and pushed me up against it, I then stopped and smirked and pulled him to the couch* Ivan:" I love your lips so much" Y/n:" I love yours" *he stopped the kiss* Ivan:" youtube eh!?" Y/n:" I am on team 10 and I've wanted to make one for years, now is the best time to start!" Jake coming down the stairs:" hey lover birds. You guys ready?" Erika:" yup" Jake:" Erika!" *jake kissed her * Jake:" ok ok ok we have to go." *we got to Best Buy and got a good big camera and a good smaller vlog camera, a small tripod and a big one, a battery and some sd cards. We were paying and Jake offered* Jake:" I'll pay" Y/n:" no Jake Im paying." Jake:" you have enough money for this?" *i pulled my million in cash* Jake stepping away from the counter:" o....k.... you'll pay" *we left Best Buy and went to grab something to eat. We sat down and got to talking about my channel* Y/n:" so Jake will you help me with the editing and thumb nails?" Jake:" hell yeah I'll teach you how to edit and I'll make your thumb nails. " Y/n:" thanks also I don't exactly know how to hold a camera." Jake:" that's fine Erika is still learning, you'll get the hang of it in no time!" *i smiled and leaned on Ivan's shoulder and leaned his head on mine and played with my hair* Erika:" I swear y'all are the cutest couple in the world. You two warm my heart whenever you're together!" Ivan:" thanks! She's teaching me better English too!" *i moved my head and hugged him and whispered in his ear* Y/n:" I want you to teach me Spanish!" *i ended the hug and looked at his face he was smiling really big, he then pulls me in for a kiss we kiss but not for too long we were in public. We got home and all of team ten gathered in the office/garage and Jake set up my camera and started to record I spoke to the camera like I knew what I was doing even though I really didn't.* *to camera with all of team 10 behind me* Y/n:" hey guys as you may know from jakes vlogs I'm the new member of team 10 and I couldn't be happier. You may also know Ivan Martinez from the Martinez twins. Link in description! Ivan is my boyfriend*we kiss* and I love him so much." Jake:" yeah guys so y/n here is finally going to make daily videos. *turns and looks at me* so what will your first video be?" Y/n:" ROLL THE CLIP!!" *jake got up and stopped the recording.* Jake:" so what now?" Y/n:" Jake i need you to put on your twitter a Q n A with the hashtag #asky/n you two Ivan" Jake and Ivan:" on it" *tweets immediately rolled in. Me Ivan and Jake went to jakes room and did the Q n A. Then I did my outro and turned the camera off.* Jake:" I'll edit your fist video but for next couple I'm teaching you how to edit ok?" Y/n:" ok" *ivan left and went back to his room I followed. He got in his bed and I walked in but I stood next to him while he laid down* Y/n:" Ivan? What's going on why haven't you been as hype today? You've barely talked to me. Did I do something?" Ivan:" no, I'm think I'm getting si-...." *he fainted I caught him and put him on the floor and immediately called for help* Y/n:" HELP SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!" *emilio, chance and anothony, and Jake rushed in* Jake:" oh shit what happened?" *emilio ran and sat on Ivan's other side, he looked really scared* Y/n:" I don't know but we have to get him to a hospital. Chanthony help carry him to the car Jake turn the car on and me and Emilio will get water. GO!" *we all rushed we all got in the car* Emilio:" y/n what happened?" Y/n:" he's been acting weird all day he hasn't had much energy and has barely talked so I went to the room and he just collapsed. Oh my I hope he's ok." *i started to cry and we got to the E.R. Jake ran inside and the doctors put him on a bed and took him back...*