20. Mom and Dad!?

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Before you start tap on the picture.
Your pov:
Linda:" ok are you two going to be the foster parents?"
*me and Jake look at each other in hesitation trying to decide if we should really do this.*
*your thoughts*
* how will life be with kat calling her sister her mom and Jake Paul her dad. And Jake isn't even my boyfriend, Ivan is. I feel like Ivan should be here.*
*jakes thoughts*
* me? Kats... dad? But y/n is just my friend.*
Y/n:" can I make a quick phone call?"
Linda:" sure dear"
*i call ivan*
Ivan:" hello?"
Y/n:" Ivan Jake and I are about to become kats foster parents and I don't feel comfortable doing it. I feel like you need to be the foster dad not Jake. But I don't know if you can do it because you're not even a citizen of the United States"
Ivan:" what?!! Ummmmm "
Y/n:" this doesn't mean anything between me and Jake. We only are doing it so she can get into high school. I want your permission."
Ivan:" as long as it doesn't mean anything then I'm ok with it."
Y/n:" oh my god thank you. I love you"
*i hang up and walk back into the office. They all look at me and I stare at Jake in horror. I think to myself " this doesn't mean anything between me and Jake. Nothing". I sit back down*
Linda:" everything ok hun?"
Y/n:" yes let's just do this."
Linda:" so will you to be the foster parents of this lovely young lady?"
*jake takes a deep breath and at the same time we say*
Jake and y/n:" yes"
Linda:" ok just go in the lobby and fill these papers out and I will do the rest"
Jake:" th-thanks"
*we grab the clip boards and walk out to the lobby and fill out the papers. One of the questions said. "What is your relationship with the other parent?" I look over at jake*
Y/n:" what do put here. I can't just put " friend." And your not my boyfriend or my husband. What to we put?"
Jake:" just put fiancé"
Y/n:" Jake you can't not tell me this doesn't make you even the slightest uncomfortable"
Jake:" it is. I don't want to do this but we have to send this child to school. I didn't ask for her to come"
*i told kat to go back in the office and create small talk with Linda so me and Jake could talk.*
Y/n:" Jake I'm sorry that she's here. But I didn't have control on weather my mom died or not. And I'm not going to send her away to another family. I'm still here and I can take care of her. I'm sending her to school so she's not at the house all damn day so she's not a bother!"
Jake:" what the hell do you think Erika will say when she finds out you and I are FOSTER PARENTS!"
Y/n:" Jake look if I could have Katrina live on her own oh hell yeah I would. But I have no where else to send her. I'm going to give her up to some random strangers!"
Jake:" fine dammit just fill out the damn papers so she can get out of my life!"
*my jaw dropped. A tear fell down my cheek and Jake watched it fall. Is face turned pale. I turned away and filled out the paper. He finished his and I snatched it out of his hands and put my phone number at the top. And ran into the office. I threw the clip boards on the desk and and grabbed kat and right before I closed the door*
Y/n:" call me when you figure this out"
*we got in the car and drove home in silence. We got home and I told kat to go to my room and stay there and not come out. I ran up to the roof and stood at the edge. (No you won't jump) I started crying. I had. Brought my computer up with me and started looking for apartments I can buy. If I buy an apartment me and kat can live there. I will still live in the team 10 house,but wake up early in the morning to take kat to school and pick her up from school and be with her till it's time to go to sleep and go back to the team 10 house. I found a good one and had my fingers on the 'buy' button. I was rethinking my decision when ivan came up and scared me on accident and I flinched and accidentally pressed 'buy'
Oohhh Jake is salty.

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