"I just don't know about us" Ivan said sadly.
" hey we will get through it. I'm not letting go this easy." I replied
" I love you" he said with a smile.
*WARNING* this chapter gets sexual skip if you want.* Y/n pov: *a month later* *so tessa comes running in my room all excited.* Tessa:" y/n wake up. We are going to learn how to salsa!!" Y/n:" what?!" Tessa:" just get up and get ready for the day!" *she ran back out and closed the door. I walked to the bathroom to shower, I got dressed.*
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*i did my hair*
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*i did my makeup and went down stairs to see Ivan, tessa, and Emilio waiting for me* Ivan:" there you are!" *getting up and giving me a kiss* Tessa:" y/n this is Stella she is going to teach us how to salsa!!" Stella:" shall we start with the basics?!" Y/n:" yup let's!" Stella:" ok grab a partner!" *ivan rushed over to me grabbing my hand softly and waffling it (interlocking fingers) We practiced and finally did the routine. We did it individually. Me and Ivan went first. He spun me and I spun him. We did the dip and when he pulled me back up we kissed. We were stopped by clapping. The whole house was watching.* Emilio:" WOOOO!!" *he said while clapping* Stella:" woah a power couple. How cute" Y/n:" *giggle* Ivan you're a good dancer!" Ivan:" you too princess!" *we kissed again* *stella left and we went to get lunch. Tessa dragged me to the bathroom so she could fix her makeup.* ------------------- Ivan's pov: *the girls went to the bathroom and Emilio asked me something(in Spanish but I don't speak it) Emilio:" have y'all gotten sexual yet?" Ivan:" no and why yet. I never planned to make us sexual." Emilio:" why not isn't she hard to resist?" Ivan:" I'm not going to have sex with her!" Emilio:" that's not what I meant. I meant like Jake and Erika how they lay on each other ya know" Ivan:" well I guess I've had the thought of laying with her. But I was high in medicine! No we won't get that way" *the girls came back* Y/n:" so what were y'all talking about while we were gone?" Emilio:" ummmm nothing." Ivan:" just how Emilio will never get a girl!" *we played it off well. ----------------- Y/n pov: * we got back home and tessa and I recorded a video for team 10. It was a doing dares requested by twitter. The whole time we kept hearing the guys doing loud things downstairs but we ignored it.* ---------------------------- Ivan's pov: *the girls finished the video and Jake ran and pulled y/n over to where we were.* Jake:" do the dance!" Ivan:" they've been wanting to see it all day." Y/n:" ok let's do it!" * we did the salsa but at the end I picked her up and put her on the floor and laid on top of her and kissed her. I hesitated but she was confident. I picked her back up and winked at Emilio.* Jake:" WOAH! You really went in!" Ivan:" yup power couple!" Y/n:" yup" ------------------ Y/n pov: *i can't believe Ivan did that. It was so much fun, feeling his chest in mine and him kissing me and laying on top of me. It was a nice feel of rush.* Jake:" yeah y/n you got into it!" Y/n:" hell yeah!" *it started to get late so everyone went to their rooms, besides me and Ivan. We made popcorn and went to my room to watch a movie. We were in the middle of watching it and Ivan crawled on top of me he sat on my private part and pulled the blankets away. He started to rub my body up my torso I slightly moaned. He got to my face and started to kiss me I kissed back and put my arms around him, he started kissing down my neck making me moan. He started sucking on my neck causing a small hickey. He moved down to my chest and sucked my chest right above my bra I moaned louder* Y/n:" wait Ivan I heard someone." *he stopped and laid next me and we started kissing like normal. About five minutes went by, the movie ended and Ivan was asleep. I got up and took the bowl down to kitchen and went to ivans room with chance and Anthony. I laid in Ivan's bed and dosed off. I woke mylself up at 7:10. I walked downstairs and went to the kitchen and made coffee. Ivan came down. Y/n:" Ivan please don't tell anyone about last night. Not even Emilio. Please." Ivan:" I promise." ------------- Wow what a night. I'm sorry if you don't like the sexual stuff. Love y'all