Part 1

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Author's note: SO hello everybody. As you may know, this story is rather old and therefore my English is (at least at the start) incredibly rocky and I apologize for any mistakes i made. Also, may I mention that I know that it's damn well visible that this was written by a 14/15 years old version of myself that didn't really have a clue about what's going on. At all (I still don't tbh). I put this on here because a lot of people requested for it to be put on wattpad as I've deleted it from its original place (instagram).
Now dive right into the good old times when I spent my days imagining irrealistic things:

You wake up in the morning as always. You get ready, have breakfast and go to school. You go through a boring normal day, without any complications. As you get home you're tired and you don't want to do anything else that just lie on your bed and watch some TV. So you go to the kitchen and get some snaks and then you disappear to your room. You turn the TV on and watch a little bit of every programme because at 5PM were only boring programmes on the TV. You see some celebrity news, you see a picture of Justin Bieber and Kendall Jenner and the annoying voice of the blonde news speaker says: "Are Justin and Kendall finally a couple? They deny but if you ask me, it seems like they're a couple since a while" The news speaker with dark purple eyeshadow and dark red lipstick seems pretty stupid and you don't want to look at her ways too short skirt any more so you skip to a different channel. You get to disney channel and watch some minutes of "Shake it Up" with Bella Thorne it and as Bella and Zendaya start to argue about a cheese sandwich you have enough and shut your TV down. Suddenly your phone rings. You grab it and look at the calling number but you don't know it. You pick it up anyways. "Hello...?", you ask shyly. "Hello! Here is Mr. Harway and I'd like to talk to you about your missed school lessons.", says a deep voice. "I didn't miss any school lessons in the last couple of weeks!", you say confused. "Well how do you explain your bad exams then?", says the deep voice. You wait a second until you want to answer but then you hear a very silent laugh through your phone and the deep voice cracks for a second and then asks: "Hello? Are you still on the phone?" You smirk as you realize that it was a prank call. So you decide to get your revenge right now. "Of course, I'm still here, Mr. Harway. I just think my bad exams are because of our teachers and not because of me. I didn't miss any lessons and if my exams are that bad... I don't know, maybe I'm just very stupid...?" You say seriously. Well, at least you hope it sounds serious. You hear again a little laugh and the deep voice continues: "Wh.... well, certainly, that's possible. But... hahahaa..." "How did you get to the idea to do the "School problems" prank call?", you ask feeling a little bit proud. "Uuuhm... hahaa... well, we thought it would be fun because most people kinda freak out if they think they have problems at school. Not everyone is as smart as you and finds out that it's a prank that early and pranks us back!", says the voice. The voice is a lot higher now. You laugh and start to chat a little with the person at your phone. "How did you get my number?", you ask. "I just selected a number. I didn't know who'd going to be picking up. I'm quite glad it was you and not President Obama or Lady Gaga. Haha.", says the voice. You smile and try to imagine how the person on your phone just blushed. You talk a whole hour with the person until your mom comes to your room and tells you, you shall go eat dinner. "Okay, who ever you are, misterious prank caller, I have to go for dinner. And a little advice for your next prank call: Hide your number because now I can call you back everytime I want to.", you say. "I don't care if you call me back but thanks for the wise advice! Have a nice evening and I hope you have a yummy dinner!", says the voice on your phone and you turn off your phone. You smile and go to eat dinner. After dinner you are so damn tired that you go to bed without even thinking about doing something else. It's only 8.30 PM but you just had to sleep because you were too tired to do something else anyways. As soon as you're in your bed and the lights are all closed, you are full awake and you start thinking about the phone call. You start asking yourself if it really happened. You take your phone and turn it back on. You look at your logs and see the unknown phone number. You think some seconds then send a message the number. "Hi stranger... Have some time to chat?", says the message. You wait a while for an answer but you don't get one. After some time on twitter, instagram, tumblr and all these other ones you give up waiting for the reply and you turn off your phone and slowly drift in a nice sleep. After another exhausting day at school you sit at home again thinking about the misterious caller. You have been thinking about it the whole day. Concentrating at school has been really hard and you start asking yourself why this is so important to you. You don't ever take your phone with you at school so you go straight up to your room as you get home. You turn your phone on and see 2 new messages. "I'm fine ☺ how 'bout u?", says the first message. The second one is very cute. It says: "Hahaa, I'm actually quite glad I did this prank call to you ;)" You smile and think about what you could write. Finally you just write: "I'm fine as well. And I'm also glad you called me! Although you scared me pretty bad as you first told me I missed some school lessons ☺" You are pretty content with what you wrote and you turn your TV on. You sigh as there's again the blonde news speaker. "Today on InsideHollywood: Jonny Depps daughter Lily Rose Depp will walk on a fashion show for Dior? We know everything. And also: Justin Bieber and Kendall Jenner: Couple or not? Exclusive interview! Hang on to know the answers.", says the annoying voice of hers. You smile as you #imagine the #beliebers or whatever they are called all nervously looking at the TV screen waiting for the programme to continue. You're still sitting on your bed watching TV. It just turned out that Jonny Depps daughter Lily Rose didn't walk on a fashion show and it was all just a rumor and the purple-makeup- wearing-news-speaker with the very short skirt is just about to tell you that Justin Bieber and Kendall Jenner are still not an official couple and they still deny their "love". You don't want to hear this sh*t any more so you turn the TV off and open your laptop to watch some youtube. Suddenly, your phone beebs. You look at the screen and see a new message from the prank caller. You smile and unlock your phone to see the whole message. "Hi you! Can I ask you something?" "Yes of course" you type back. "How old are you?" You smile and type: "You shouldn"t ask a women for her age... just kidding, I'm 15. And you?" You wait for some minutes but no answer comes. You are about to watch on your YouTube video as your phone recieves a new message. "Secret", says the message. You are a little bit disappointed but you try to stay positive and write: "Well then, tell me your name..." This time the answer comes quick. "Also a secret ☺" Now you are quite angry with yourself. How could you be so stupid and ask him for his name? He prank called you once, why should he tell you his name? A new message pops on your phone "don't be mad, I'd just like to stay anonym" You are a little bit surprised how good the stranger knew what you were thinking so you typed: "I'm not mad. I'd just like to know how to save you in my phone. I need a name for the contact ;)" You wait a moment but you don't get an answer so you continue watching the Youtube video. But after like 30 seconds your phone beebs again. You open the message. "Just call me how you want ;)" You read. You think a moment about it and then decide to just call him Prankster. "Okay then, I'm gonna call you Prankster.", you write. After a few seconds your phone recieves a new message. "Very creative ;) But also cute" You blush as you read the message. You don't know what to answer so you wait a moment just being glad Prankster couldn't see you blush. "What are you doing?", asks Prankster. "Watching some Youtube... the TV was too boring :) only rumors about Justin Bieber and Kendall Jenner and some lies about Lily Rose Depp... ;)", you type. "Justin Bieber and Kendall Jenner... interesting ;) Do u like these two? Glad you probably not are one of these girls that freak out about stuff like that", writes Prankster. You write back immideatly. "Hahaa, I'm not really interested by stuff like that... All these celebritys shall do what they wanna do and I do what I wanna do and everything's okay... I quite like Kendall Jemmer because she's very pretty but Justin..." you don't know what you want to write about Justin.

"Yah...? What about Justin?", asks Prankster. You are a little bit confused about Prankster being so interested by that but you answer truely: "Honestly, I don't really know what to think about him. His music is pretty good and I think he's very talented but he messes up his whole life with all these parties and stuff. I think he wants to be a 'BadBoy' too much... but thats only my opinion, I know there are LOADS of people loving him ;) why do you care about that?" You send the message. You bite your lip thinking about the "why do you care". Should you really have written that?

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