Part 2

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It looks like you'd be annoyed by his questions. The answer comes soon. "I agree... well...let's talk about something else, this subject isn't really the theme I really like to talk about ;)" You breath heavily and type: "Hahaa, good idea ;) so tell me something about u...? Or is all about u secret?" "No, of course not. So I really like music, I like pranking people with my friends (especially when I meet people like u) and yah.... that's actually everything interesting about me... And I can play the guitar...", he answers. You smile amd you two chat until 1AM. Seems like you've found a pretty good friend. Although you.don't really know much about him...

The next day when you wake up you realize that your laptop is still on your bed and you were sleeping between your phone and your laptop. Your mouth tastes terrible, probably because you forgot to brush your teeth last night. You sigh and get up to brush your teeth. As you stand up you get very dizzy and you only see black. You sit back on your bed and wait for the blackness to disappear. As it vanished, you stand up very slow again and go to the bathroom to finally brush your teeth. As you look into the mirror you jump a little because your hair is a huge mess and you have got huge bags underneath your eyes. You sigh again and suddenly you feel very bad. Your stommack seems to be empty and you feel like you'll throw up in the next second. And this is also what you do. You somehow manage to get to the toilet and throw up everything what still was in your stommack from yesterdays dinner. You stay at home that day because you're quite ill. You throw up some more and you feel very bad. The most time you spend just sitting on your bed, watching TV, being on your laptop or playing some boring games on your phone. "Beep" Your phone makes. You grab it and find it under your bed and watch. "Watcha doin?" Asks Prankster. "Being ill. Threw up 3 times this morning", you answer. "Oh no!", he replys. About two seconds later a second message pops up on your screen. "I have a little question..." "Yah? Whats the question?" "What r u gonna do in summer holiday?", Prankster asks. Another bad theme. You wanted to go to an art camp with your best friend but your parents said it wasn't good for you to be away from home for such a long time. You obviously started arguing with your parents because you are 15 years old and you think 15 years old can go on a camp for three weeks but your parents still didn't want you to go. So you are probably going to sit at home and watch TV whilst all your friends are having fun on the Bahamas or in Hawaii. "Nothing... sadly :(", you type. "Sure?", prankster asks. You stare at your phone. You are very confused... "What do you mean with 'sure?'", you type nervously. The answer doesn't let u wait. "I was just wondering if you're sure that you're gonna spend your holiday in your room at home. I was told something different..." You gasp as you read this message. You breath heavily and ask yoirself what he could mean. "What do u mean? I don't understand ;( ", you type. Okay, you think, don't freak out, he's probably just jokin'! "So I'd really like to do something with u this holidays... I mean if you want to and I think you might could come to Atlanta..." You gasp for air and do a little happy dance. But then you realize that your parents are never going to let you go to Atlanta. Alone. To see a guy. No way. You can already hear your moms angry voice in your head. "I'd really like to come but my parents... I mean I live in *whereyoulive* and Atlanta is quite far away... And my parents don't even let me go to an art camp...", you type back sadly. "Oh man. Too bad... well then, I'll have to spend my free days with my phone ;/", comes the answer. "I'm gonna ask my parents but I don't think they're gonna say yes...", you type back sadly. You spend the next couple of days trying to ask your mom nicely what she thinks about Atlanta. The problem? You haven't told her about 'Prankster' yet ans you know that she's going to freak out if she finds out you want to go on holiday to Antlanta to meet a guy you don't even really know. You spend a lot of time thinking about a way how to tell her. You've already thought about asking your dad because he is the exact opposite of your mom and he probably would let you do a safari trip if I'd make you happy. But because of the fact that your dad would tell your mom anyway, you don't mention this option any longer. Prankster asks you all the time and you always have to find reasons why you haven't asked yet and your mood suffers pretty bad with all this stress. One day, probably a week or a little bit more that that after Prankster has asked you to come to Atlanta, you decide to write a little letter for your mom. You used to do that all the time as you've been a little girl because it was a lot easier to write stuff down that telling someone right into his face. You've even asked your mom about your first period with a letter. So you write everything down. How Prankster called you, how he asked you to come to Atlanta. Just everything.As soon as you've finished your letter (it actually was three A4 sheets of paper long) you walk to your parents bedroom always paying attention not to be too loud. You lay the letter on your moms pillow and quickly go back to your room. The next day is a saturday so you don't have to go to school. You wake up in the morning and immideatly remember the letter. You nervously walk down stairs, still in your pyjamas. Your mom isn't awake yet so you quickly get your cereal, eat it and disappear in your room. You turn your TV on because you don't really know what else to do. You kind of regret the letter but you also are a little bit exited because you still hope your mom might changes her mind. As you watch at the TV screen you sigh. "Justin Bieber is gonna be at the "Late Late Show" this night... maybe he's going to tell us something about his relationship to Kendall Jenner?", says the voice of the 'always-smiling-blondie. She still wears a very short skirt and you start to wonder if there's one second of the day when this annoying person isn't visible at the TV. Even at 11 AM she's talking about boring celebrities. You skip to a different channel and watch some "Big Bang Theory" as you suddenly hear your mom arguing with your dad. Her voice rises up and down but your dad's voice is calm and silent. You turn your TV off but you still can't understand what they're saying. You slowly open your door to be able to hear what your parents are talking about. "It's even bad that she is friends with this strange guy and now she wants to visit him! Don't you know what can happen? She's 15, *yourdadsname*, she doesn't know how to deal with situations like that! She might thinks that she can just meet this guy or even sleep over at his house but she.doesn't even know his name and his age! What if it's an old man who wants to... to.... I don't know what but I don't want to imagine what can happen!", you hear your mother scream. Your dads calm voice answers: "We can go with her or we can invite this guy to come here. You're right, it is dangerous but I just say 'no risk no fun'" "No! I don't want her to go. End of the discussion.", says your mother and you can hear the dokr of your parents bedroom. You close your door and quickly back down into your bed, pretending to sleep. You hear your mom opening your door. " *yn*? Are you awake?", she asks as calm as she can. You slowly turn around and face her. You have to close your eyes for a while because you can't really see anything because you already have tears in your eyes. "*yn* I saw your letter this morning and I have talked about it with your dad. We think it's better if you don't talk to this guy any more. It could be a old perve man who wants to do terrible things with y-", she starts but you cut her off. "Mom! I heard his voice on the phone! I'm sure he is very nice! Why do you always keep me stuck in this room? I wasn't even able to go to a camp! Why do you do this to me? I'm 15 i turn 16 in some months, I can look after me myself!" Your voice rises a little bit higher than you wanted it and your mom looks at you a little bit shocked. "*yn* how do you talk to me? I just do it for you! Because I want the best for you!", she answers. You think about what she just said but the more you think about it, the angrier you get. "IF YOU'D WANT THE BEST FOR ME, YOU'D LET ME GO! YOU CAN'T BE LIKE THAT FOR EVER! ONE DAY I'M GONNA MOVE OUT AND YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO CONTROL EVERYTHING I DO ANYMORE! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LET ME DO WHAT I WANT?", you shout angrily and your mother looks at you. Your mom just looks at you. Shocked. Disappointed. Just the way you feel.

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