Part 23

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You throw on a coat without even checking it's yours and then open the door, again very quietly. Noah's still standing there, looking rather handsome to be completely honest, but handsome in the way you'd think your brother is handsome. Not hot like, for example, Justin. He immediately sees you when you open the door and that's when you know there's no going back - not to be dramatic here but this is already a scene like in a film and you find yourself more than a little anxious about the whole situation. You walk up to Noah who doesn't say a word at all, just looks at you with a facial expression hard to describe. "Hi there" you mumble with a shy chuckle as a try to lighten up the situation a bit. Noah still stays silent. "So... why are you here...?" you ask, hoping to get a word out of him. He looks a bit annoyed when he answers: "I've been convinced to let you explain." And that's all. All he says - all he needs to say for you to understand. you know this is your chance. This is your chance to make it well again between the two of you. You made mistakes, humans all do and this one was kind and tolerating enough to give you the chance you desperately need, not only for him to know the whole story but also for your own peace of mind. "I don't think there's much to say other than the fact that I know very well that what I did was unhumanly terrible and I'm sorry. A while back, I recieved a prank call from somebody. We kept texting for a bit and eventually met up. The mysterious caller turned out to be Justin Drew Bieber. I guess you know the rest of the story" you say, desperately hoping for Noah's forgiveness. You have always considered yourself a decent human being and living with somebody hating you as much as Noah has the right to do is something that seems impossible to you. Noah takes ages to react. For a few seconds he just stands there the way he's been standing there for the last few minutes, an emotionless expression on his face. "I've been raised to be the good guy." he finally says, his face still quiet and with no readable emotion to it. "I was raised to be kind and forgiving and decent. I was raised to be

fucking nice and not hurt people. For some reasons it's always the people like me getting hurt somewhere along the lines." He doesn't seem to be talking directly to you, it's more like he's realising this for the first time himself. "You hurt me bad, *yn*. In fact, I don't think I've ever been more hurt." As he keeps going you feel tears coming up but you don't have the right to cry. If anybody here has the right to cry, it's Noah. And that's exactly what he does. It's only a few tears falling from his eyes but he's crying. You know he's not done yet and you know he's still got things to say so you just patiently wait for him to speak on. "Because of the fact that you did all this for love, I guess I can't blame you. I'd have done the same for you anytime. All I have to do now is find somebody who would do the same for me." He says and whipes away his tears. You exhale all the air you had kept locked in your lungs over the last 30 seconds and can't help but smile. you hug him like you never have before. A real goodbye hug. You know you're not going to keep in touch with him, neither you or Noah could possibly be up for that. While the hug lasts a feeling of peace and calmness floods through your veins. "You're a good man, Noah. You really are." you say and pull out of the hug to look deeply in his eyes. "You deserve to be loved the way I couldn't love you!" Noah also smiles and nods whilst his glance falls to the ground. Then there's silence. At first it's just peaceful silence of two people being at peace but then, after what feels about two minutes of just standing there in silence, it starts to et hella awkward. Once again you feel like you're the one to take the steeringwheel and finally say "I guess I'll go then. Goodbye." Noah doesn't react and calmly keeps his eyes pn the ground so you decide to take this as a goodbye from his side and turn around to go back into your house. You're already halfway there when you hear him clear his throat and say: "Actually, *yn*, I think there's somebody waiting for you in the car there" You turn around to see Noah pointing over to a dark red car at the corner of the street your house stands in. You don't recognise anybody sitting in the car but you know for sure who it is. You smile and thank him with a barely noticable nod and walk towards the car. As you get nearer a figure slowly starts to appear in the car and there's no doubt. You smile widely when you reach the car and so is the young lad sitting in it. He gets out of the car and stands there, the light of the first few beams of sunlight in his face. "Morning, love" Justin says as you go up to him and hug him tightly, even tighter than you hugged Noah a few minutes prior. Then you kiss him. And damn, he kisses back.

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