Part 6

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You gasp. "Are we allowed to be here?", you ask. "I don't think so. But no one's gonna know", he says. "So tell me some more about you", he says and you laugh. "Why are you laughing?", he asks you. "I don't know what to tell you... My life is quite boring. Exept the fact that I'm just sitting here on my schools roof with Justin Bieber next to me.", you say, still laughing. Justin smiles. "Is it so boring to be here with me?", he asks ckeeky. You chuckle and shake your head. "Not at all", you say. Then you remember the phone call. "So can you please explain this thing with Tom and Jerry?", you ask. Justin jumps a little bit at the name "Jerry" and you're quite sure he blushes even if you can't really see it because it's still dark. "Well uuuhhmmm.... why do you have to ask this? Just ask a belieber, he's gonna know it.", he says softly. You chuckle. "What can it be that you're so embarrased? Just tell me, I'm not going to laugh!", you say. "Okay... I think I've got no choice. So do you remember the morning in Atlanta you woke up in my bed and you hit me?" You nod. Of course you remember! "So you hit uhhm... you hit my... er... my belieberd use to call the thing you hit 'Jerry'", he says really gently and then turns his head away. You laugh out loud. "Oh well... why didn't you just tell me before? I though it was something really - like really really - embarrasing or someone who died or something like that but this is just.... it's hilarious", you say. Justin grins and then says: "You said your not gonna laugh! And you don't know how it is when the whole world talks about your.... your.. you know your ...Jerry" You laugh out loud again. "Why are you laughing all the time?", Justin asks confused. "I just think it's funny that you walk around with a dick since 19 years, and you don't dare saying the word "dick" out loud. I mean, you also walk around with a head since your birth, at least i hope so, and it's not a problem for you to say the word "head".", you explain, still laughing. Justin laughs as well. "You're right... How comes that our conversations always end up with stuff like loosing our virginity or the name of my... my... dick?", he asks you. "Maybe we just know each other not good enough to care what the other thinks about you", you say. Justin nods at your answer. You smile and look at Justin. Justin looks at you too, then he looks at his phone. "I'm sorry, *yn*, but I think if we don't want your parents to freak out, I'll have to get you back now", Justin says. You sigh and stand up. You talk with Justin all the way home and you feel like you'd know Justin since always. When you stand in front of your house, Justin gives you a short hug and then says: "We'll have to do something like that again. But the next time I want your parent's permission." You smile and nod. "I'm gonna show them your wikipedia side and then they might will let me hang out with you.", you joke. Justin laughs, then goes to his car and drives away. You stand in front of your house for a while and think about what just happened. Then you turn around and go silently, without making a noise, back to your room, trying to get somr sleep until you'll have to go to school. The first thing you do the next day after school is going to your room and just sleep. You feel like you didn't sleep for ages and you really want to sleep. After a few minutes of sleep, your phone wakes you up again. You're kind of annoyed because you've been waiting for this moment the whole day at school but as soon as you see it's a message of Justin, you're wide awake. "Have a laptop near you?", the text says. You look around you and see your laptop on your desk. You grab it and type "Yap" back. "Okay, now search "Justin Bieber" and then you go to the wikipedia page", he leads you. You do what he told you to do, not really knowing why you shall do it. "Done that?", he asks. "Yes. But why the hell do I have to do that?" "You'll see", he types back teasing you. So you follow his advices and end up printing Justin's whole wikipedia page and giving it to your mother. Your mother looks at you like you'd be an alien but you just say "read it" and give her also a picture of Justin. Then you go back to your room to write to Justin that you've done that. As soon as you grab your phone, it rings. You pick up. "Hi *yn*. Have some spare time?", Justin asks immedeatly (how the heck do I spell this word?? Tell me in the comments plzz). "Uuhm... a little bit", you reply. A few moments later, your door bell rings. You hear your moms footsteps going downstairs. Some seconds later, you hear your mom opening the door. You totally forgot about you being on the phone with Justin fpr these seconds and you look at your phone. He had finished the call. You hear your mother speaking with a kind of deep voice downstairs and you wonder who it is. You go out of your room, walk downstairs and you gasp about what you see. Justin sitting on the couch in the living room, your mother next to him, just talking. As they see you standing there and just staring, Justin laughs and says: "Oh, there you are! I just asked your mother if I could borrow you for a couple of hours. She was so nice and gave me her permission." He chuckles and you look at him, probably still staring. He stands up, says bye to your mom and then goes outside. "'m gonna wait outside", he says smiling and you go up to your room to get your purse and other stuff you think you might can use. When you leave your house you see Justin standing next to his car. Or probably just a car. Not his. It's not one of these cars everyone's like "omg look at this car" when it drives by. He's a smart guy, you think. "First of all, Hi Justin. Second, how the hell did you mange my mom loving you so much?", you say and smile. He smirks proudly and then says: "You know, no women can resist me." You laugh and then mumble something like: "Yes, I can" "What did you just say?", Justin chuckles. You blush because you didn't want Justin to hear what you said. "Nothing", you say and look at him. Straight into his eyes. He doesn't seem to believe you but he obviously doesn't really want to know it because he doesn't ask again. "So what do you want to do today? It's friday so we can stay out 'till 5am if you want. We can go to a club, for exaple.", Justin says. You raise your eyebrows. "I'm sorry, Mr. Bieber, but I'll have to disappoint you", you say smirking. "I'm not 16 yet so they're probably not going to let me into one single club..." You actually don't really mind. You've never liked night clubs and wild parties very much. Justin nods and looks at you. "Why are you laughing?", he asks you. You laugh some more. "I don't know", you admit. "But I'm starving. Can we please go and buy something to eat somewhere?" You glance at your phone and see that it was only 5.29 pm. "Well, *yn*, I don't think it's a good idea to go to a shop with me. There will be screaming fans and all these annoying paparazzis...", Justin says. You nod and then you have an idea. "Okay. I've got an idea. I'm going to get some food for us. There will be no paparazzis and no fans if I go.", you laugh. "Okaaayyy...? And what am I gonna do?", he asks you. "You wait here", you say, turn around amd walk away. You hear Justin saying something behind your back, but you just walk on, thinking of the best take away shop in the city. You remeber an Indian food take away shop and you go there and buy some yummy looking stuff. You quickly head back to your house. You see Justin in the car, probably trying to hide or something. You run the last few metres and get in the car next of Justin at the passenger seat. "Finally! Do you know how boring this is just to sit here and hope no one is going to know it's me?", Justin says. You roll your eyes and give him his food. "You're welcome. I mean, I really don't mind getting you food", you joke. "I hope you like Indian food", you add as Justin looks at you. His eyes wide when he hears the word "indian food". "I love indian! And thank you for getting me food", he chuckles. You take a first mouth full of your indish food and Justin does too. You glance over to Justin and you start giggling. "What?", he asks you with a full mouth, but he doesn't need much time to realize why you're laughing. His face gets red and he hardly swallows. As soon as he swallowed the food he gasps. "Fuck. This is so spicy", he swears. You laugh more and he realizes that you didn't accidently buy a super spicy one for him. His face got even redder. "Fuck, *yn*, I'm never gonna let you buy food for me again!" You feel a little bit sorry for him and you think he's suffered enough and give him the milk bottle you'd bought too. He takes it and drinks almost the whole bottle until he says: "Why did you do that? You'll have to share your food with me now!", he says and looks at you nastily. You laugh out loud and

he laughs too. "Why are you laughing?", you ask. "I'm just thinking of my revenge", Justin says. "Oh no... Now I'm really scared!", you joke and you both laugh. "Oh my god, my mouth is still burning.", Justin says and you also see tears in his eyes. Not like crying-tears but spicy-tears. "Oh no Justin... don't cry... mummy is here Justin, everything is gonna be alright", you say in a high mummy-voice making him laugh. "I'm not crying, you jerk. Try a spoon of this food and you will look just the same as me if not worse", he answered smirking. You look from Justin to his spicy food and back. "Okay", you say and take your spoon. Justin looks surprised at you, you bet he didn't think you'd really do it. You put the spoon in your mouth and quickly swallow. "Not even that bad", you lie. You feel your head turning really read and you quickly grab the milk bottle and drink the rest of the cold milk. You gasp and look at Justin who had watched you for the past few seconds without a comment. "Not that bad, yeah? You look like a tomato and I think if you eat another spoon of this, you'll pass out and I'll have to drive you to the hospital and your parents are gonna hate me for ever, so please don't do that!", he says. You laugh. He laughs. You both laugh. And laugh. And laugh.

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