Part 8

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"*yn*!", you hear your mom shouting into the phone. "How dare you to tell me you two are just friends and then kiss this... this man in the middle of public? There are paps and journalists all around our house now!", she shouts on. You sigh. You didn't think about your parents yet. Justin woke up on your lap and he gives you a sign you should give him your phone. You're glad you don't need to do it on your own and you say into the phone: "Mom, wait... it isn't what ot looks like at all. Justin will talk to you now" You give the phone to Justin and he starts to talk. Your mother seems to listen (and believe) to him more than you and after some minutes, your mom seems to be quite calm. Justin gives you the phone again. "Mom, I won't be able to come home now, the paps won't leave me alone,

I'll have to stay here. I love you, bye", you say and hang up. You sigh and look at Justin. "Thank you", you say. "How do you always manage to calm my mother down? You could tell her you'll take me on tour and she'd say yes" You smile and Justin does too. "I thought you'd know what I can do to women. But you obviously didn't get it yet", he says chuckling. You smirk. "Let's see what blondie says about us two", Justin says and turns the TV on. "Justin Bieber has a girlfriend! Finally we get to know who the unknown girl was! Do y'all remember the picture of Justin and a girl in the water? The one he claimed it wasn't him? Now whe know it WAS HIM and we also know who SHE is! This picture was taken today near the hotel Justin's staying at the moment.", Blondie says and a big picture of you kissing Justin is kn the screen. You gasp and hide your face in Justin's chest. He chuckles and turns the TV off."Is it so embarassing to be seen kissing me?", Justin smirks. You nod. "You know thousands of girls on this planet would give everything to be the one who's with me on this picture?", he asks. You get your face 'out of his chest' and look at him. "You're famous. Ok. I kissed you. Accidentally. Ok. You are a good looking guy. Ok. You do have a special kind of effect to women. Ok. You know you're famous, good looking, attractive, talented and you know you have a special kind of effect to women. NOT OKAY.", you say and look provocately at him. He looks at you, smirks and lifts his left eyebrow. "Look, *yn*, you need to know, the thing that makes me famous, attractive, and all that other stuff you just said, is the fact that I am confident. No confidence, no fun.", he replys just as provocately as you did before. "Huh... Justin, you're unbelievable." "I know", Justin whispers and you laugh. "Justin!", you say out a little bit louder than you actually planned. "What?" "I don't know I just wanted to say your name", you say and you get off the couch to get something to drink from the kitchen. Whilst you're digging your way through Justin's used (maybe not) clothes which are spread all over the floor to get into the kitchen you hear Justin talking on his phone. "You again, Scooter? No, I can't do this to her. She won't want that and her parents won't allow it anyways. No, scooter... you don't understand... Yes, I can ask her but I don't want her to feel like she has to........ yeah... ok.... but I can't promise anything.... okay... bye, see you later"

You raise your eyebrow and before you can even think about what you just heard you feel Justin's chest behind your back. You turn around and look straight into his eyes. "*yn*, I need to talk to you. Scooter wants us to go to an interview together", he says.

"Justin... I'm sorry... I... I don't think that's a good idea... my parents... all the hate... i... ", you stutter. You feel tears coming up because you know if you say no it will be a lot more stress for Justin and if you say yes, he'll have less stress but you'll recieve a lot of hate and stuff. "*yn*, don't cry. It was just a question. It's okay to say no. I just hoped we might could go through this stress time together...", Justin says gently and pulls you in his arms. "I'm sorry... I freak out about just a question.", you say and laugh through your tears. "I'll be 16 next week, so my parents aren't a problem, but I really don't know...", you add. "Your birthday is next week?", Justin asks surprised. You nod and blush. You don't like big birthday parties, you use to spend your birthday with your family or some good friends and just hang out a little bit. "Why didn't you tell me?" "I don't really like my birthday...", you mutter. "Oh, your one of these people... But you know what? I'm gonna change that!", Justin says exited and you chuckle. "What do you wanna do?" "Secret" " Oh man, not again! I don't like secrets", you say and turn around to walk away. Justin follows you. "*yn*, I need to ask you again, Scooter wants the answer as soon as possible. Will you come to an interview with me?", he asks you. You inhale. "Justin...I don't know... I mean... what would you do if you were me?" "Difficult question. But I'm not going to answer it. It should be your own decition.", he says and smirks. "I'll leave you alone for a while", he says then and leaves you in the living room. You stand there, thinking. You don't know how long you stand there and just stare at your feet, your brain working harder than ever. If you go, you'll probably not get out of public for a while. But on the other side you choose to be Justin's friend so you kind of had to expect something like this to happen. If you don't go, Justin'll be stressed and you still wouldn't really be left alone. The paps still would come up to you, they were in front of your house now and you don't think they're going to leave without a statement of yours.You knock softly on the door of Justin's bedroom and then open it. Justin's laying on his back, slightly snoring. You chuckle but you want to tell him now. You don't want to wait, you decide to wake him up. But how? You smirk as you get the idea. You go to the bathroom and get some shaving soap. (Who knows why Justin's got that in his bathroom, he doesn't really need that, you think) You put some of it on his left hand and then start to tickle his nose with your fingers. And, zack, he puts his hand into his face and makes himself full of soap. You chuckle and start to laugh gently when he opens his eyes and looks confused around. "I still had to get my revenge for the water bowl", you say. Justin smirks too then disappears into the bathroom. When he comes back, he sits next to you on the bed and you inhale loudly. "Ok... I thought a lot and I came to the result that I don't really have something to loose. So I will come to an interview with you.", you say with a mixture between shy and exited. There's an awkward silence between you two, then Justin suddenly hugs you really tight. You smile. "Thank you", you hear Justin whispering into your ear. Justin lets you go and you lay down on his bed. "So, how long will I have to wait here until I'll be able to go home? I mean because of all the paps.", you ask. "Well, Scooter wants you to be near me until the interview anyways, so from tomorrow on you'll have the hotel roon next to this. It's still busy at the moment, so you'll have to stay one more night in here with me...", Justin answers quickly. "When the hell did you guys plan this all?", you ask. "What about my things? Clothes, laptop, all that stuff is all at home! And what say my parents to all that?", you ask. "All done... now lay back down and relax, you had an exhausting day.", Justin says. "But..." "No buts. What about watching some TV now, what do you wanna watch?" "You can choose" "Ok" "Justin Bieber's friendship with Kendall Jenner officially ending, more later", you hear blondies voice. You see Justin smirking nasty next to you, then you punch his balls with you ellbow, just the way you did it the first time you met him.Justin gasps then lets out a loud moan. You grab the controler of the TV and quickly skip to a different programm. You watch some advertisements, until you finally kind of worry about Justin. He's still laying next to you on the bed, his hands between his legs. You lean your upper body over him and look at his face. His eyes are closed and he doesn't seem to notice you. "Justin?", you asks quite scared. You grab his face and look at him. No reaction. You lean more over his body so your face is like 2 inches away from Justin's face. You feel his breath on your face and he suddenly starts chuckling. You realize that he'd just kind of pranked you and you get off him and chuckle. "Justin, you could have been seriously hurt. I was scared.", you say. "It's not my fault that you keep punching my balls!", he says and smirks. You sigh. He's right. And you know it. But yoj don't even think of admiting it. "So where am I gonna sleep tonight?", you ask to change the subject. "Uuhhmm... you can choose... either the cold uncomfortable couch or the warm comfy bed", Justin smirks. "Justin, your disguisting!", you say. Justin chuckles. "I didn't say anything wrong!" "But you...." "Yes, you'll have to share this bed with me but first of all, you know nothing will happen, second this bed is obviously big enough for two, and last but not least, don't tell me you don't enjoy falling asleep in my arms...", he answered cheecky. "Justin!" "What?" "Why do guys always have to be perverts?", you ask him. "I'm not. You just understand the wrong things." You smirk, look down and blush. "Awww, you're so cute when you're embarassed", he says and hugs you. He pulls you on his lap and you blush more and hug him back. You feel Justin's hand on your back. And you feel something else. In his trousers.

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