Part 20

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"I don't think I have a choice", you say and smile at Justin. He chuckles and moves his head in agreement. A couple of steps, a kiss on yout forehead and a naughty smirk on Justin's face later, you find yourself completely wet and held underwater by a pair strong arms. It just takes you a couple of seconds to refind orientation and you quickly get to the surface of the water and take a deep breath. Justin's face eventually pops out of the water next to yours and you feel his hands grab you by the waist underwater. He pulls you into a long kiss and, how could you not, decide to let his punishment for basically throwing you into the water wait a little longer. He pulls you closer and you feel him press his body against yours whilst you feel the tiny little piece of coldness that you'd felt just before because of the fresh seawater disappear just as rapidly as it had come. "Are you shivering?", Justin mutters into the kiss. You can't help but smile like and idiot at his cuteness and only manage to press a "I was" through your lips before they reconnect with Justin's. Then Justin pulls away so suddenly that it actually kind of scares you but you don't get time to ask for the reason because he just pulls you under the water again. But this time, you don't only feel his arms protecting you, but also him continueing what the two of you had started at the surface. And you also feel something else. And since you're already kind of used to it happening every time you get somehow close to Justin, you just take it as another compliment. To you, it feels like an endless kiss underwater and you couldn't tell how long the two of you had managed to hold your breaths. The second you get to the surface again you can't help but gasp for some air and when you open your eyes, you see Justin in front of you with his chest rising up and down just as rapidly as yours. Justin's lips, which are only about an inch from yours, form into a smile and you're about to kiss him again when he quickly turns his head away from you and towards the beach. You follow his eyes and see something that makes all the hotness from the kiss disappear within seconds and you start freezing again. There are two men kneeling at the beach, each one with a huge camera. "So they found us", Justin says and gently takes your hand underwater. Justin turns his face back at you and looks at you so seriously that you almost start laughing. The serious face doesn't look good on him. "*yn*, they already got a picture of us. It doesn't change anything when we hide now", he says and you realise he's right. You see headlines of online articles and cheap newspapers flip around in front of your inner eye. "Justin Bieber's new girlfriend?" ; "Who is the girl making out with Justin Bieber" ; "Justin Bieber engaged" and a whole lot more. For a short moment, you're back in the real world with Justin standing as close to you as it's possible for two human beings to stand, then you see a third man with a camera walk towards the two of you and suddenly, you hear blondie's terrible voice as she says "Justin Bieber has a new girlfriend but who is she really? Who is the slut going out with him?.." Blondie's voice in your head goes on and on and you feel your throat tightening as you try to breathe calmly. You start to sweat even though you're actually freezing in the water and all you can hear is blondie's voice telling you how much of a bitch you are in your head. Your breathing gets heavier and heavier and you feel like you can't breathe at all. Far away, you can hear someone calling your name but all you can do is try to breathe properly. "*yn*, you're having a panic attack", the voice far away says but you can't put the words together properly. Your ears have completely heard every single syllable of the words he just said but your brain just doesn't seem to be able to be able to put them toghether properly. Your whole body just screams 'escapeescapeescape' and before you know what actually is happening to you, your brain stops thinking in general and you lose conciousness. The next thing you realise is coldness, a lot of it. And there's no air. Your lungs immediatly start to burn and even though you are sure it all isn't real, you are desperately to catch a breath to refill your lungs with some oxygen. Then, like the always so disgustingly romantic light at the end of the tunnel, you feel a pair of arms grab you tightly and you soon are back to the surface and all you can do is just gasp for air - with the wonderfully reliefing result of actually getting some oxygen into your lungs, but also swallowing a whole bunch of salty seawater what makes you caugh again. "*yn*!" You hear a familiar voice call your name, even though you can't identify the person spontainiously, you feel safe and - most importantly - your heavy breathing has stopped and you feel every single muscle in your body slowly relaxing. After a couple of seconds you realise that you have actually been given the amazing gift of having eyes and also being able to see with them so you open them up and just stare into the wonderfully familiar and comforting pair of hazel brown eyes. Justin's lips immediatly form into a slight smile when he sees you opening up your eyes. "Oh, oh, oh! Justin Bieber is

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