Part 21

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It takes quite a while until you have successfully written a text that that you think is appropriate to send to Noah without him noticing how much he hurt you by basically 'betraying' you to the media. Your first attempt is basicay calling him every curse word that appears in your head but in the end you manage to write a message that doesn't make you sound like a crazy old wife with a pan im her hand ready to swing it across the room. "I never wanted our relationship to end on bad terms and I really don't see why it would somehow make you feel better to get someone so kind hearted like Justin in even more trouble but if you like the way you look that much, you should go and love yourself" You know you're still sounding pretty much like the crazy ass ex-girlfriend that for some reason is angry at her ex-boyfriend but at least you're not on the wife-with-pan-level anymore so it's okay. You press send and it undeniable makes you feel better to have blamed just someone for the whole situation - even though somewhere in the back of your head you know that it's not only Noah's fault that the relationship between the two of you had so quickly gone from deeply in love to - well - deeply in

hate. Justin walks back into the room and looks tired - he has dark circles around his eyes and he just generally looks exhausted. You feel very sorry but you don't dare saying anything because you don't want to stress him even more. He lays down onto the bed next to you and exhales loudly. Still without saying a word he lays his head into your lap and closes his eyes. A few minutes later he's deeply asleep and you take this first moment of peace this day as a sign that you should rest, too.

You wake up by the sound of your phone beeping. You sigh because you have a feeling that it is a message from a person you do 't really wat to hear anything from, but your curiosity wins and you grab your phone from the nightstand. 1:29AM. What a time to recieve a text. You glance over to Justin who is sleeping on the other side of the bed, just to make sure he didn't wake up. You then look back at your phone - 1 new message from Noah. You don't know whether to look at it or not because you know that - whatever he wrote - it is going to hurt. You really like(d) Noah after all. You feel like you're prepared for the worst curse words and the rudest things tou can think of but his message still manages to completely and truly shock you. It's not a single bad word in it, neither is there any form of hatred or negativity, all he wrote is the truth. You feel tears coming up and you tell yourself that Noah is the last person you should be crying over but the tears won't stop coming into your eyes so you just sit there for a while and let the message sink in. You try to cry as silent as possible because if someone on this world deserves a good night's sleep without any worries it's Justin and you really don't want to bother him with your teenie-problems even more. But of course he wakes up. How could it have been different? "Whassup?", Justin mumbles sleepily. "Nothing. Just keep sleeping", you reply but you don't even need to see Justin to know he doesn't believe you. The room is pitchblack except for a little red light on the TV and you're pretty sure Justin can't really see you but your last hope of not having been caught crying fades away as he asks:"*yn*, are you crying?" You can't help but sigh and the next thing you know is that Justin has his arms wrapped all the way around you and you feel horrible because he's the one that deserves to be held for once. You pull yourself together and sit up straight. "Thanks", you whisper. "Why did you cry?" "Noah-" "No, no, no, we ain't not talking about him now", Justin cuts you off and you smile. "*yn*, he changes us. Since he's in your life I constantly feel different around you...

"I want the old us back. The US that would go onto a schools roof in the middle of the night just to talk about dicks, I don't want to be constantly talking about my career. I want the *yn* that got prankcalled by me and I want you to ask me stupid questions like what color my toothbrush is. I don't want to talk about Noah and how the press will react to us." He takes a deep breath after his long speech. "I know", you whisper. "So, you think the color of your toothbrush is unimportant?", you ask and he giggles. "That's the *yn* that I want" he says and kisses you long and soft. When your lips seperate he asks:" Now tell me why you cried" You grab your phone and show him yours and Noah's conversation. 'I'm only human' is the last message that has been sent by Noah. Justin takes another deep breath and then giggles again. He takes the phone out of your hand and throws it as softly as he can away. He then kisses you patiently whilst getting on top of you. When you wake up the next morning you immideately notice that all you're wearing is a bra and panties. You quickly turn around to look at Justin who peacefully lies there with his arms wrapped around you. He's also almost naked, but a little peek under the sheets informs you that he still is wearing boxers. 'Did we sleep together?' you question yourself whilst Justin starts shifting a bit, probably due to your panicky movements. "Justin!" you whisper and he slowly starts blinking and opens up his eyes. "Ugh...." Justin groans in his morning voice. He then seems to realize that you're there, too, and a tired little smile tugs at gis lips. "Morning" he mumbles and is just about to turn around and keep on sleeping when you ask straight out "Justin, did we sleep together?" Justin immideately turns around - wearing a quite shocked expression on his face. He then wrinkles his nose and thinks for a moment before starting to giggle. "No, we'definitely didn't. And just in case you don't remember any of yesterday evening, I would love to repeat it to you" Justin says with a nasty smirk playing on his face. You can't help but smile, too. "Okay..." You say teasingly. "Go ahead" Justin's smirk dissappears and he wriggles his eyebrows amd laughs. "Soooo... first I took your phone amd threw it out of sight" He takes your phone from the nightstand and throws it on a pile of dirty clothes. "Then I got on top of you and kissed you passionately" He slowly lifts his body up and does as he told you. " After the kiss, I started kissing your neck and you pulled my shirt over my head" You as well as him do what he says. God damn, he's just so sexy. "I then rolled over -" He flips the two of you over on the bed, making you on top. "- and kissed you again." He kisses you and you immideately feel the fireworks going off in your chest. Justin slowly pulls away and smiles at you. " And that's where I got a bit too exited and started getting as many clothes off that gorgeous body of yours as I could find until you decided it's enough and told me to stop" Justin blushes slightly and his smug smile leaves his lips. You look at him laying there under you with a slightly blushed head and a small smile on his face and you ask yourself how someone can be so fucking cute and hot at tge same time. You lean down and place a sweet kiss on Justin's lips. "You didn't do that yesterday" Justin whispers into the kiss, putting the emphasis on the word 'that'. You smirk and start moving your lips from his down to his neck. Justin moans softly as you continue sucking at his neck. You feel his hands on your back and you let your mouth travel back to his. Justin's tongue and yours fight for dominance whilst Justin's hands open your bra. A short glance down at Justin's boxers tells you thathe's just as exited about this while situation as you are and you feel a sudden urge to rip the boxers off him. You gently tug on the calvin klein ribbon as a sign that you don't want them to be where they are at all and he starts to hesitantly tug on them but soon stops and pulls away. "*yn*..." Justin mumbles and completely surprises you by saying that. Usually, it's always you trying to stop him and not the other way around. "I don't think you want this. The time's not right." Justin talks softly and you pause. You let your body fall onto the bed next to Justin's and sigh. The worst part about the whole thing? You know he's right. Why? Because Justin Drew Bieber is always right, keep this in mind people. Well, not actually, but at this exact moment you can't think of anything that isn't perfect about your sexy ass boyfriend. "Is there anything you're not good at?" "Of course not" Justin chuckles and winks at you.

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