Part 5

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Justin's Point Of View

I go to the bathroom, *yn* lying behind me on the bed. I lock the door, get my clothes off and go into the shower. Let the hot water falling onto my neck. Prepairing myself for the upcoming argument with scooter. "Why didn't you be more careful? Who is she? Don't you learn from your earlier mistakes?" I can already hear his questions in my mind. And I don't have an answer for one of them. I jump out of the shower, my neck burning from the hot water. I wrap a towel around my waist and look out of the window. I just want to go back into my bedroom to join *yn* but I freeze. My eyes hang on a small figure down at the street. A familiar girl, a familiar suitcase next to her. A strange car driving. The familiar girl going into the car. The car driving away. She's gone, I think. And she won't come back. You lay on your bed. At home. Save, would your parents say. You still don't know how they found you in Atlanta. You called them and - boom - they were there with their car. Probably, you think, they found me because of my phone. Your father had always been a little technic freak and you wouldn't be surprise if he was able to find your phone somehow. You feel like this whole thing was just a dream. You're bored and your parents still don't want you to go outside or meet your friends because they're afraid of you leaving them again. But where should you go? So you turn the TV on and see the blonde news speaker. You sigh and want to turn it off because you know it isn't going to cheer you up at all. But you see this one letter, the letter J, that makes you holding on. You read on and see the word. Justin. Your heart starts pounding and you want to turn the TV off even more now. But you force yourself to watch on. You exhale loudly as soon as you see the next letter. It's a B. You look at the screen, even if you know you're not going to like what is going to come. "Justin Bieber talked about the pictures we all saw the last days.", blondie says. Then comes Justin, looking perfect as always, a reporter asking him, who the girl on this picture is. "I don't know.", he says straight into the camera. You stare on the screen. The reporter asks how he explains the picture if he doesn't know who this is. "I don't know how this picture was made. Either there's someone on this world who knows photoshop ways too well or it's just not me on this picture. That's all I have to say.", he replys. He turns around and you feel tears coming up into your eyes. He denies to have met you. Why did you leave? How can someone be so damn stupid? It is Justin Bieber we're talking about! I need to go back, you think. none of your fantastic plans how to go back to Justin worked. Your parents are like guards, seeming always to be right at your door, just waiting for you to come out of the door to ask you where you plan to go. Justin doesn't answer your calls or messages, he's probably got a new phone number because hes afraid of you putting it to public. Your money is all used and you didn't have a chance to get out of the house, even if you'd be able to buy every train ticket of the world. So your day is just sitting on your bed, watching some TV, getting annoyed by blondie, explaining to your parents that you're not going to go to Alaska but going to the kitchen to get some cereal. You know you need to change something. If you're not going to change something, you're going to be a fat, stupid, depressiv teenager in some weeks. But what can you change? Meeting some friends? Your parents wont let you more than one step out of the house. Watching some TV? That's exactly what you're already doing the whole day. Reading something? You're not able to concentrate on the story because your head is full of much more interesting stuff than a teenager finding out she's a vampire. That's what Twillight is about, isn't it? I said, you're not able to concentrate. So what else can you do? You don't know. 5 months, 23 days, 16 hours, 37 minutes and 28 seconds of boredom, sadness, dissatisfaction and repenting later: #imagine Your phone rings. You get up of your bed, stumbling over a whole bunch of empty food packings, trying to get your phone which you've left on your desk before you let yourself fall on your bed a while ago. Unknown caller, your phone says. You pick up and say something similar like "whosere". The last few months were like this, you sitting in your room, waiting for the time to pass by. Of course you did go to school but the fact that all the people in the internet didn't believe Justin that he didn't know the girl on this picture and the whole internet startet hating on the girl with the hashtag #WhoSTheGirlcouldn't get you out of your hole. That's exactly how you feel. Like you're stuck in a hole, not able to even try to get out of it. "Hi *yn*.", says a too familiar voice into the phone. You gasp and fall back on your bed. "I just wanted to know this one thing, *yn*.", Justin says softly. "Did you leave me because you... you were embarassed to be seen with me or did you leave me.... be-because you didn't want to get me in more trouble?""I.... I don't know", you whisper into the phone. You're not sure if Justin heard it but you can hear him mumbling something like "ahhh goodness me, women" and you laugh as you hear him swearing. "I think i might mention that I regretted it the next day. Until now. I just... i don't know but imagine you suddenly meet an international popstar and paparazzi take pictures of you - what'd you do?", you try to justify yourself. You don't hear anything from Justin for a while, then he sighs and says: "I don't know. I think I'd act similar like you did..." You chuckle and feel yourself trying to get out of the hole. "Justin?", you ask shyly. "Yeah?" "I'd really like to meet you again", you say. You hear Justin breathing and you know you've said the wrong thing. "I... I'm sorry, I'm stupid I shouldn't have aske-" "No. No it's okay I just don't want you to leave me like this again.", he says, cutting you off. "Tell me your address and I' gonna get you out of this house", he says and you see him smirking, even if you can't really see him."That's probably going to be the mission of your life. My parents are better bodyguards than these super tall men who always walk around with you. Since I just left the house my mom is like Tom in front of Cherry's house.", you say. "Huh?", Justin asks confused. "Don't you know Tom and Cherry? The animation for little kids...?", you chuckle. "Ohh... I thought - mhh - doesn't matter. Of course I know Tom and Cherry", Justin says and laughs. He whispers something, probably telling himself something, you don't understand it and ask: "What did you just say?" "Er... what? Sorry, I just didn't listen to you" "I asked you what you just said", you say and laugh. "Oh er... nothing. I - I spoke with myself...", Justin says and you are glad you don't have to see him blush. "It's just... Jerry is the name my beliebers have vor my... my... uuhmm, you know, the thing you - er... however, this name is quite special to me...", he explains. You don't really understand what he's trying to tell you but you don't want him to be embarassed so you switch the subject of your conversation. "Er... however, how do you plan to get my parents out of the house or at least get me out of the house without them noticing?", you ask. "Well, I think I might have something like a plan....?", Justin says and you both laugh. You bite your lip nervously. Your backpack next to you on the floor. It's not much in there. A bottle of water, some money, a warm jacket. You walk towards the window and see a bright light coming down the road. It's dark outside and the car stops when it reaches your house. It must be him, you think. You go out of your room, trying hard not to make a noise. You go downstairs and out of the door. You look around you and see the shadow of a tall persons back in the dark. He turns around and there he is. Justin Bieber. Right in front of your house. Every other girl would have freaked out. (You did too but only in your mind.) "Hi *yn*", Justin whispers. "Hi", you say shyly. You see Justin chuckling and you look down on you. Jeans, shirt, hair. Everything okay. "What are we going to do?", you ask softly. "Secret", Justin says gently and signs you to follow him. You smirk and follow him, expecting him to go to his car but he doesn't. You two walk next to each other. Silent. You look down to the ground when you walk, even though you can't really see anything because of the darkness. Justin guides you towards your school and you start to panick inside. "What are we going to do at my school?", you ask anxious. Justin chuckles and mumbles "secret". You and Justin walk towards the sport halls and you really start to worry about your decition to let Justin guide you. "I saw a really cool place when I was here to play basketball this morning.", Justin says. You follow Justin and suddenly, you don't really

know how you got there that fast, you're on your schools roof.

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