Part 7

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You don't know how long you two are just sitting in Justins car and laugh. "So, what are we gonna do now?", you ask him when you both calmed down a little bit. Justin thinks for a while and then a smirk builds on his lips. "What about going to the hotel I'm staying at? There's roomservice and I'm quite sure super spicy indian food isn't on their menu" You gasp as you walk through the lobby of the 'grand tower hotel'. "Oh my goodness, Justin. This is awesome.", you whisper. Justin chuckles and says: " Wait until you see the mess in my room. Then you're not gonna say it's awesome anymore" You two walk upstairs to the third floor and Justin guides you into a room. You gasp again when he opens the door. You bet this room had looked just as awesome as the lobby, but you see shirts, joggers, a guitar case, so many drumsticks that you can't count them all and a lot more stuff you don't really want to know what it is all over the floor. Justin laughs and says: "I'm a messy guy... " You turn around and face him. "I'm sorry, Justin, but I really have to change that. Because I'm not a messy guy at all", you say smirking. Justin sighs theatrically and you two start going all the ways through the room. You pick up all his shirts and fold them. Justin just stands there and looks you removing his mess. You grab all the drumsticks and put a lot of stuff in the bin. Suddenly, you feel strong arms around your waist. You feel Justin's chest behind your back and before you can do anything, he picks you up lays you over his shoulder, so the only thing you see is his back and his... mhhh... yeah his butt. You make a creepy noise because you're surprised and you start moving your legs so Justin lets you down. "Nope, *yn*, you don't need to remove the whole mess, I wanna watch some TV now and watching blondie isn't fun if you do it alone.", he says and carrys you to the couch. He puts you down and you laugh at him. He turns the TV on and you watch some TV together and before you know, you're asleep. You open your eyes. You feel an arm around you, a chest behind your back, breath in your neck. Dejà vu. But this time you don't jump up and hit Justin's balls. You just get yourself out of his embrace because it makes you feel a little bit uncomfortable to ly in Justin's arms like this. So you move a little bit away and close your eyes again.

The next time you open your eyes it's because something cold and wet hits your face. You quickly close your eyea again because the cold water goes in your eyes. You hear Justin laugh slightly and you dig your face into the pillow. "Aw, c'mon *yn*, I deserve my revenge!", Justin says and you're so sleepy than you're stupid enough to face him because you want to tell him that you also deserve your sleep. Wrong decision. You don't even get the chance to open your mouth. It feels like a whole flood comes into the room and as soon as you're able to open your eyes again, you see Justin with a big empty bucket. He laughs and you mumble: "You're such an asshole, Justin" You sit up to see Justin smirking innocently. You're still wearing your clothes from yesterday. You pretend to be mad and punch Justins shoulder. "Do you want me to pass out? You take me on my school's roof in the middle of the night and wake me up with a bucket of cold water-", you start and you metally high five yourself as you see Justin's face getting serious. You want to continue but you just can't help and you start to laugh. Justin gives you a confused look and you say: "That, Justin, was the beginning of MY revenge" Justin lifts his left eyebrow and laughs. "Oh oh, now I'm scared" You check your phone. 5 missed calls and a bunch of messages of your mother. "Shit", you whisper. Justin is in the shower and you type the numbers into your phone to call your mom. "*yn*?", is the first thing your mother says. "Hi mom" "Where are you? Why didn't you come home last night?" "I uhhmm... I slept at Justin's" "oh... you shoulda told me. But you didn't... er... you know what?" "No mom what do you think? I'm barely 16 and he's 19, we aren't a couple or something, we're just friends.", you answer a bit too loud at your moms stupid question. "Oh okay, I just wanted to make sure that you know that you have to use condoms, I don't want you to get pregnant, you're ways too young" "Mom, I know that!" "Okay, okay, honey, keep calm and come homr soon", your mother says and you hang up to see Justin, standing in the door of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist, chuckling at you. "Overprospective parents?", he asked. "Yes", you chuckle. Then you cover your eyes with your hands and say: "Justin, go and get some clothes on you!" You can hear Justin chuckling and then you hear the bathroom door close. A few minutes later Justin comes out in a dark shirt and some sweatpants. "That's better", you say and ly down on the bed. You're still tired, but you need to go home if you don't want your parents to freak out. "Justin, how am I gonna get out of here without paps photographing me? They'll think I'm a whore or something. My clothing really doesn't fit into this hotel", you say, remembering the hotel lobby you saw last night. "*yn*, honestly, you can just go out there. I can give you some better clothes, but really, no one will think you're a whore", Justin replys, checking your body out when he says the last part. "You're so rude! And disguisting", you say, but still laughing. "But I really don't want to go out there" You look out of the window, what uses to be covered with blinds, to see a whole group of paparazzi standing at the entrance of the hotel. "Well, I got nothing to do today, and if we can convince your parents that they won't be grandparents in a few months, I don't mind you staying here...", Justin says and your heart jumps a little when you imagine a whole day with Justin, just chilling. And maybe get your revenge. "How do you want to convince my parents? They don't believe what they don't see", you say sadly. "Well then, we'll make them see the truth" "How do you want to do that?", you ask chuckling in disbelieve. "My parents are like bricks. Stone hard and not really intelligent. You're never gonna get my mom to let me stay here" "Never Say Never. And please, your parents aren't dumb! Your dad works at a bank and your mom is a teacher, they have to be somehow intelligent. They just worry about you", Justin answered and you nodded in agreement. "So can I have your mom's phone number?" "Do you want to date her? I think she's a little bit too old for you and most important - she's married", you joke whilst showing him your mothers number. Justin smirks and mumbles: "*yn* *yoursurname*, don't be disrespectful. Your mom is a beautiful woman" You gasp, pretending you'd believe him amd let yourself fall on the bed. Justin goes to the living room and you hear him talking on his phone for a moment. When he comes back he's got a huge smile on his face. "You can stay", he says, opening his arms. You squeek and get up, run towards him and hug him. "Like I said, no women can resist me", Justin chuckled and hugged you back. "I can", you say confidently. "But I have to say, my life was quite boring before the famous mister Justin Bieber thought it was a good idea to prank call me", you admit. "It was a good idea though", Justin said. "No", you joked. "Yes, it was" "No" "Yes" "No" Justin starts to tickle you and you

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