Part 15

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A tall young man walks into the room and the nervous voices of the new dancers quickly get silent. The man walks towards Justin who seems to be trying not to look at you. "I am Joseph", the man says in a deep voice. "but you can call me Joe, that's shorter", he adds and earns a couple of laughs. "I am going to be your coach and I am also going to be the one who's going to teach you the choreographys. I'm not gonna lie, we have weeks and months of hard rehearsals right ahead and I need you all to work hard and to focus on the dancing.", he says in a strict voice and you start doubting your decision to sign the contract. "Hi everyone! As you all probably know, my name is Justin", Justin says and chuckles. "I'm not always going to be at the rehearsals but I'd like to get to know you all a little bit better since I'm going to be on stage with you all." he adds and a few girls start squeeking softly. "So let's start off simple... What's your name?", he says and points at Noah who is standing next to you. "Noah", he answers and Justin nods. "And you?", he asks you without even blinking. Does he really not remember you? He has to... "*yn*", you answer and Justin asks everyone else about their names. "Okay, now I know all your names and I hope I'll still remember them in five minutes... But because we don't want to know the obvious stuff, because I want to know you personally (another squeeks [is this even a word]) I'm going to ask you funny personal stuff now... things you don't expect.", Justin says and smirks. "You", he says and points at Leona. "How old was your mom when she had you?", he asks and Leona blushes and starts thinking. "27", she finally answers and laughs. Justin's eyes then travel through the room and finally rest on you. "Color of your toothbrush?", he asks whilst smiling like an idiot. Your brain starts working and searching for the right answer. But you feel like your brain had been split in two. One part was working normally, trying to find the right answer to the question you'd just been asked. The other part of your brain was hyperventillating and trying to calm your body down at the same time. He'd just asked you the toothbrush question. THE question. Your question. The first real question you'd ever asked him. The question who made him noticing what kind of person you are. The question which made him smile, which made him show his amazing dimples. The question which was the basis of your relationship. Well, that might be a little bit exaggerated, but in that moment, that is what goes through that part of your brain, whilst a really small third part of your brain analysed Justin's smile. It is just the way it was back then. "Baby blue", your mouth says without the rest of you really noticing it. Justin's smile gets even bigger and he stares at you for just a milli second, a stare which you probably just mean to see because you're expecting something awkward to happen. The fact that you are in a room with the guy who had had his hands under your shirt whilst you were talking to your mom, the guy that had taken you onto the roof of your school in the middle of the night, AND the guy who had helped you a lot in the past year, and a whole bunch of other people you barely know, is kind of confusing. Justin asks a lot of other questions, about recent haircuts and a lot other stuff until he finally turns towards Noah and says: "Last one... I gotta find a good question for you... When did you loose your virginity?", he finally asks. Another one of those questions. Your brain starts working again. The part of your brain which isn't thinking about the scene at the beach when he told you the answer to this question with a smirk on his face notices Noah's face turning into a dark shade of red. Noah's face looks likes it's going to catch fire any second and he stares at the ground. "Uhm... I... er... i mean...", he starts but he doesn't know how to start the sentence. You feel sorry for Noah and look back at Justin. He has still a huge smile on his face and he seems to enjoy let Noah suffer from this personal question. Why couldn't he just ask a normal one? "I haven't yet", Noah finally breathes out and you see Justin faking a surprised face. "Aaaaand how old are you again?", he asks and Noah sighs. You grab his hand and squeeze it slightly, trying to make him feel better. His hand immideatly relaxes but his jaw is still tightened when he presses a "nineteen" through his lips. "Oh... ok... Well, we don't have to race here... However, is there still someone who hasn't been asked something yet?", Justin says and looks around the room. Everyone stays silent and no one wants to say something after this awkward situation. Noah's skin color slowly starts getting back to it's normal shade and he somehow manages to smile at you. "Okay, enough of that, we're taking a little break now, even though we didn't really start yet but I want you guys to get to know each others better so talk to each others whilst I'm going to take on my sports clothes", Justin then says, earning some giggles. He walks out of the room and everyone starts looking around helplessly. Your legs start becoming tired after all the standing so you sit down and pull Noah down with you. Leona sees you from the other corner of the room and walks towards you. "Well, that was an interessting interrogation...", she says shyly and sits down with you and Noah. Noah blushes slightly at the mention of the questions hed just been askes ans an awkward silence falls over you three. "Hi, guys!", you hear a voice behind you say. You turn around and gasp unhearable. Justin is standing there, still a huge smile on his face. You just can't get him, you can't imagine his thoughts. What does he even want? "Hi", you all say shyly and Justin sits down in between you and Noah. "So, do you like it on here?", Justin asks. "Yeah... I think the questions

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