Part 17

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You open your eyes and immideatly see Noah's face, even though you have to close your eyes eventually because of the bright light. You smile and open your eyes again. "You fell asleep in the car, so I brought you to my apartement", explains Noah before you even have the chance to ask. "Do you want something to eat?", he asks, making you notice that you are actually starving. "Yes, please", you answer and sit up. You get a little bit dizzy from the quick change of your body position and you press your hand against your forehead. "Are you alright?", asks Noah worriedly. You nod and smile at him so he doesn't worry any more. Usually, you have the dizzyness a couple of days before you get your period. Great news... "Do you have any warm sweatpants? I'm still in my dancing clothes", you say whilst looking down at yourself. "Yes, of course... they're probably a little bit too big though", Noah answers and walks towards something that turns out to be his closet and gives you some new clothes. "I'm gonna order some pizza whilst you're changing", says Noah and you can't help but smile again. He's just the best, you think. Noah leaves the room and you slowly change your clother, feeling a lot more comfy afterwards. As soon as you're done, you go through the door where Noah had left and see him sitting on a couch in what's looking like a living room. "The pizza is coming soon. The pizza place is right down the road, it usually only takes about 15 minutes until it arrives", says Noah and signs you to come over to him. "Are you living alone in this apartment?", you ask him shyly. "No, actually not. I have a roomate but he's travelling florida with his girlfriend at the moment", Noah answers and you sit down next to him. In this moment the door bell rings and Noah quickly gets up, mumbling something like "that'll be the pizza guy". You and Noah eat the whole pizza in what feels like no time. As soon as you've eaten the last piece, you lay down on the couch and sigh loudly. "I think I've eaten ways too much", you say, placing your hand on your heavy feeling stommack. "Is it even possible to eat too much pizza?", asks Noah jokingly and gets up from the place he'd been sitting on floor. "I didn't think so either, but the fact that I feel like I'm gonna throw up any moment speaks for its own, doesn't it?", you giggle. Noah slowly kisses you and then asks: "feeling better now?" "Not really" "Well then, I'm gonna have to try on..." You smile and Noah slowly 'climbs' on you, giving you the sweetest kisses ever. Just when you're about to deepen the kiss, the door bell rings again. You giggle and pull away from the kiss. "I am gonna go this time", you whisper and peck Noah's lips one last time before quickly sliding off the couch and heading to the front door, leaving Noah completely speechless. Without thinking you open the door. Wow. Shock. "Justin, what are you doing here?", you ask silently. He's just standing there. Looking fine as hell, just like always. "I wanted to make sure you're okay", he says and puts on a face that makes him look ways too cute. You'd really like to hug him really tight right now, but you manage to control yourself. "What if Noah would have answered the door?", you ask, trying to look as furious as possible. "Well, he hasn't" Justin smiles but he immideatly stops and touches his cheek with his hand. You notice that one of his cheeks is a lot redder than the other one and the longer you look at it, the surer you get that your slap earlier on hadn't been as harmless as you thought. That kick between the legs must have hurt him a lot as well. You bite your lip and try to convince yourself that he deserved it. "*yn*?", you suddenly hear Noah's voice from the couch. "I'm alright, Justin, you don't need to stalk me. I can easily look after myself.", you say, trying to end the conversation so Noah won't notice anything. "Was that Noah?", asks Justin. You nod. "If he hurts you in any way-", Justin trys to continue but you cut him off. "He won't", you say and smile. "Thanks for checking on me", you say and close the door right in front of Justin's nose. "Who was it?", asks Noah from the living room. You walk towards him. "The pizza guy thought you had payed him too much and wanted to return some money... turned out to be a little calculation mistake", you say and sit on Noah's lap. "So where were we before our little interruption?", asks Noah and you kiss him with a smile on your lips. And there it is again. The feeling you'd had when you made out the last time. You pull Noah's shirt over his head without any warning and wrap your legs around his waist. Your tongues fight and you slide your hand down Noah's muscular chest. ␣ You slide your hand further down into Noah's sweatpants, feeling his dick through his underwear. Noah seems to be feeling similar to you, your shirt soon lands next to his on the floor and your bra also finds it's way off your body. Noah then picks you up and walks towards the room you had woken up earlier and you clearly feel his boner through his pants. Noah slowly lays you down on the bed and hovers over you. "Do you really wanna do this?", asks Noah in between your kiss. "Yes", you answer without even thinking. A couple of minutes later you are completely naked, laying next to Noah, who is completely naked, and the only thing you can think about is that you two just have lost your virginities. You wake up by the sound of your phone vibrating on a wooden underground. You immideatly think it's your mom calling you and thinking you'd died or something because you didn't go home yesterday's evening. You quickly free yourself out of Noah's embrace and grab your phone from the floor. But it isn't your mom. The letters *Unknown Number* are big and white on your phonescreen. You press the green phone icon and say: "Hello?" But you regret it

just the next second. Of course. Who else would it be? "Hi, it's Justin", you hear from your phone. "I just wanted to make sure you're alright...?", you hear his voice and if you wouldn't be super pissed that he's stalking you again, you'd probably find him really cute right now. "Yes, Justin I am alright, I actually have never really been better, and now I have to go and shower before Noah wakes up", you answer. But again, you regret it just the second after you said it. "Does... Does this mean... Do you mean you've done it? Has he taken- wait! *yn*... I was-I don't know-Have you really-I mean- fuck...", you hear Justin stutter in a really confused sounding voice. "Justin, I don't think this is any of your buisness so please just stoo checking on me all the time, I know what's good for me and that's definitley not you!", you say in your anger but you, again, regret it right aferwards. First of all, you've talked ways too loud and Noah looks like he's going to wake up any minute, and you don't even want to know what Justin feels like now. But he deserves it, you tell yourself. "*Yn*, I really don't want to annoy you but fuck... I was... I mean I was supposed to ta- No wait sorry, alright, I hope you're a-alright... okay, uhmmm... bye, *yn*", Justin says and then hangs up really quickly. "Who was that?", you hear Noah asking in a raspy morning voice and you quickly turn around facing him. "Just my mom wondering where I am", you say and peck his lips. He wraps his arms around your body, which is still naked, and pulls you into a tight hug. You snuggle into his chest and you just lie there for a moment, thinking about how sad Justin had sounded in the last sentence.

"Last night was beautiful", Noah whispers in your hair and starts caressing your back. "It really was", you answer and smile. Just before Noah's hands reach your breasts you sigh and sit up. "I'm gonna go have a shower now", you say and grab a big shirt, which probably belongs to Noah, from the ground and throw it over so you don't have to walk out of the room all naked with Noah watching you. You get out of the bed with Noah just staring at you and you walk out of the room heading into the direction where you meant to have seen a shower last night. But before you go into the shower you go to the living room and pick all your clothes up.

You open the door to the gym Noah had just driven you to and let him walk in. You follow him to a couple of lockers and lock your stuff. Noah wanted to go to the gym really bad so you'd thought why not? "I have to go to the loo, I'll be right here", Noah says and you nod and sit down on a bench next to you. Then you hear some really agressive sounding shouts and you eventually turn around to see where they came from. You notice that there's a glass wall right behind you and you get up to take a look through. You expect to see a couple of people working out, but since nothing ever really happens the way you expect it, there are of course not just normal people working out. There's actually just one single person and a box sack. You know the person who is agressively and violently hitting the boxing sack ways too good and the fact that you have to see him everywhere for some reason makes you think twice about coincidence. Justin face looks angrier than you have ever seen him and his body is covered in sweat. He shouts at every punch and his whole body looks like he is really really angry. After some more punches and shouts he just stands there, sweat running down his forehead, his chest rising up and down. He then takes a couple steps back until his back crashes onto the wall and he slowly sinks down until he's just sitting there, staring at his feet. You're about to start feeling very sorry for him when Noah's arms wrap around you from behind and he turns you around to kiss you.

You kiss Noah back and try to walk a little bit whilst kissing him so he won't look through the glass and notice Justin in there. As soon as you are sure that there's no way for him to see Justin anymore, you end the kiss and tell Noah that you'd forgot something in your locker and that he should just go and start. As soon as he'd turned around the corner you walkt back to the glass and take another look into the room. Justin looks so small sitting there in the corner. Before you even know what you're doing, you have your hand on the doorknob and push it gently. The door opens without any noise and you step in. As you walk towards Justin you notice that his eyes are watery and he is about to cry. "Justin?", you say softly with a shaking voice. Justin looks up with his eyes wide open, like a deer who had just realized that there was no way of not getting shot by the hunter. He doesn't say anything and just sits there in complete silence, probably panicking inside, and you know it's your fault. You know it is because of you that he is curled up in the corner like a little mouse in her hole when the cat's outside. You know you should say something to make him feel better, but all you do is just sit down next to him. After a while, you want to put your arm around his shoulder but he slaps your hand away with his.

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