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I originally wasn't going to continue. I sorta lost interest, and drawing has been my top priority, since I have so many people anticipating my next doodle or fanart, and it makes me very happy that so many people love my art!
LOL ANYWAY-- I had a dream..and it's really motivated me to continue. I've been debating with myself for a few days and I thought

I may as well continue.
And that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

The dream was so intriguing to me, I might write a chapter based on it. I'll let you know when I write about it, since I feel like I can't write about it this early in the book.

I hope ya enjoy this chapter..? ouo


3 months later

Everyone knows me as the school klutz ever since I fell over. I haven't even bothered to tell them my real name. Sure, teachers say my name on the class roll, but I don't think anyone takes any interest.

I was being bullied daily. I've never felt so sad and helpless in my life. If I told my parents, they'd start unnecessary drama. If I told the teachers, they'd tell my parents.

I had no one.

Anyways, I hate Laurence. And Gene.

But I especially hate Laurence. I hate everything he's done. He still throws paper balls at me in history, and takes every opportunity to pick on me.

I came to the school in October, so we've just had Christmas break in December. Thank god I only had to deal with the embarrassment for a 2 months. But the humiliation is going to continue anyways. It's a new school year..but nothing's gonna change, for me anyway.

I can't wait to get paper balls to the head. Just fantastic.

I had history first, and Laurence sat in front of me.

The strange thing was that...he didn't do anything to me. Now that's just weird!! Too weird for me.

After class finished I stood up and shot him a death glare. He looked up at me. His eyes.

He looked guilty, and tired.

Am I supposed to feel bad for him? Haha. No.

I can't let my guard down, maybe he's just having a rough time. The teasing is bound to continue sooner later.

— — —

A week past. Nothing. Sure, people were bullying me, but Laurence..

He did nothing. I usually copped the worst of the teasing from him and Gene, but I noticed he wasn't hanging out with Gene anymore. Gene, him and 2 others were apart of the rebellious group known as the 'shadow knights". I was quite surprised to see that Laurence wasn't talking to them anymore. He was hanging out with a different boy, with beach blonde hair.

It was confusing-- weird! I want to talk to him about it, but no way in heck I'm doing that. I still hate his guts.

It was Friday afternoon, everyone had basically left. I walked down the pathway to the school gates, exiting the school.

I turned my head, and saw Gene and his crew.

Tch, it's the shadow knights. I gritted my teeth. They've been standing at the corner of the street for the past week, and each time I've crossed the road, so I wouldn't have to deal with them.

I could hear them mumbling things to each other. This time, I'm gonna walk straight past them, and pretend like they're not there! Perfect. I don't want to seem weak.

I could hear a door close, or maybe open, from the house I was walking past.

I continued walking--

I felt my knees collide with Genes leg.


No no no.

I was reliving the embarrassing nightmare all over again.

He..he actually tripped me over.

I could feel the swaying motion of me falling forward, I closed my eyes, waiting for my head to hit the ground like last time.

But I didn't.

I felt a hand grip onto my arm, and as I looked up at Gene, he seemed infuriated.

I could feel myself being pulled up again, and pulled back next to someone.

"What the heck do you think you're doing, Laurence?!" Gene shouted. "Since when were you a total softy?!"

"I'm just doing the right thing," he replied.

They started arguing, but I was in a daze.

What the heck? Has Laurence actually changed? I'm honestly so confused right now. I still haven't fully processed what's happening. This doesn't make any sense at all...

I snapped back into reality as I heard Gene say something which caught my interest.

"Just come back to the shadow knights, we can go back to doing things we've always enjoyed, such as this,"

Gene ran towards me.

Wait, he's going to punch me?!

Laurence pushed him back, and Genes two other friends rushed to his aid.

"Look," Laurence started.

"I need you to leave now."

"What?! N-no! I'm staying. I can't just leave you here," I protested.

What am I saying?! Don't I hate this guy?

"It's fine, just go," he assured.

I ran past Gene, and everyone else. I ran down the road, I could see my house in the distance.

What if they see me walk into this giant mansion?! They'll think I'm some sorta stuck up rich girl. I took a left, and hid behind the corner. I breathed in and out heavily. I had no idea I could run so fast.

I turned back to see Laurence, and it was evident they were all fighting.

As scary as this all was, it was so thrilling. I've never been in something so adrenaline pumping in my life.

About 10 minutes passed, I've been reading stories on my phone. I checked if they were still beating each other up, but I guess they left.

"Thank god," I breathed out.

I switched off my phone.

I wonder where Laurence came from though? No one was behind me, and if he was behind me, then first off, that's creepy, and secondly, Gene would've said something earlier.

I think he lived in the house out the front of where Gene and his crew were standing.

Wait..then was Gene waiting for Laurence to leave the house? Ugh, I don't know.

This is all very confusing.

Red Thread  ♡《Laurence x Reader》DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now