440 21 13

I decided to bless y'all with another chapter, only cuz I don't write much orz

It was a Friday afternoon. I was still thinking about what happened yesterday with Laurence, and I was lost in thought. That's all I could think about.

I felt it slip out of my fingers, a loud thud could be heard on the ground below. I averted my eyes to the ground, tears filling my eyes. Garroth (along with his siblings Vylad and Zane.), and Laurence all turned to me, wide eyed.

I sniffled.

"...m-my..p-phone...m-my iPhone 7..I-I'm.." I fell to my knees, staring at the shattered glass below me.

"I'm screwed. Absolutely screwed. Fathers gonna kill me..." I sighed

"What a tragic week this has been..first I get beat up by Gene and an iPhones life was lost right before me," Zane crouched down to my phone.

I could hear Vylad laughing.

"IT ISN'T FUNNY!! THIS IS AN EMOTIONAL MOMENT!!" I pouted, angrily looking up at the brown haired boy.

"I can buy you a new one?" Garroth asked.

"No no no," I frantically shook my hands in the air. "It's fine!"

"Yeah, but by the sounds of it, your dads gonna get angry. It's the least I can do,"


"Vylad, Zane, tell mummy I'm going out shopping with some friends," Garroth held out his hand, helping me up.

The two nodded, and walked off.

"Have you even got the money?" Laurence questioned.

"Yeah, duh. I got it in my wallet right now," Garroth grinned.

"...how much money do you have in your wallet?" Laurence asked, shocked.

"That doesn't matter, what matters now is buying Y/N a new phone," he replied.

"How about I buy one for her?" Laurence asks.

"Eh? Why? You haven got the money—"

"Uh well, then I'll come with you guys!" Laurence crossed his arms.

"No wa— I mean sure why not!" Garroth replied.

I heard Garroth groan under his breath.

Everyone stayed silent, and I could feel the tension surrounding us.

"Uhh..guys. I can't exactly go shopping anyways. Gotta study—" I lied. My father had returned, which would mean if I came home late the punishment would be worse than what my mum would do. He'd probably ground me. He's probably gonna be ticked off my phone broke too..I still have my iPhone 6, thank god decided to keep it.

"I can buy one and drop it off at your place!" Garroth insisted.

"I'll come too~" Laurence chimed in.

"Eh no, no-"

"Why do you never want us at your house? We're your friends, and friends don't keep secrets.." Laurence mumbled softly, but loud enough for everyone to here.

"Unless they have a reason they can't tell!" Garroth added.

They did have a point..but how're they gonna react when they see my giant mansion? If they're true friends..they shouldn't judge me. Garroth rich, and no one judges him. But he's more social—

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. I hesitated, but I nodded.


The boys smiled, and I gave them my address. The speedily ran off.

I walked home, sprawling myself on the bed. Then it hit me.

Two of my friends are coming over, and my parents don't like me having guests over. Well, I don't think my mother would mind Garroth since he's rich but what about Laurence??

What happens if my parents see them at the door handing me an iphone 7??

Maybe I should tell them to take the packaging off so it looks like I just forgot my phone or something..

No!! That won't work. I can't call them, I dunno their number.

My parents would be asking me how they know my address too...gah.

Before I knew it, I heard the doorbell rang. I sprung up and sprinted down the stairs, opening the door to greet them.

"I didn't know you were rich!!" The boys said in unison, Laurence handing me the phone as well.

"Uh well, you knowww..."

"Wait, so you're Y/N L/N??" Garroth asked, shocked.

"Yeah, why?"

Garroth stayed silent. Does he hate me..?

I felt someone tap my shoulder, I could sense it was my dad by the way the boys were looking up.

I whispered softly. "Go along with what I say kay?"

The boys stared at me with confusion.

"Hey dad!" I smiled.

"Hello, Y/N. What're these two gentleman doing at my door? How did they get our address?"

"Oh uh..well,, you seee.." I sighed. "I broke my phone, and they offered to get a new one. I would've asked you but you would've gotten mad,"

My dad chuckled.

"It's fine, I suppose. We could've bought a new one anyways, no big deal. This is the first time you've broken something in a long time..so I'll let you off," my dad explained. "I'm slightly upset you broke one of the rules, you're not supposed to bring people over here so you can study, and to keep the press away from us,"

The press barely recognise me with makeup, hence why they haven't noticed I'm attending school here.

"Sorry.." I sighed.

Father noticed Garroth.

"Hmm..you're Garte's son?" He simply nodded.

"Y/N, you're quite a lucky girl,"

I stared at my father in confusion, while Garroth's face turned redder than a tomato. Weird..

Anyway, your guests must be leaving now. I'm warning you two to not tell anyone about our location, and if you don't say anything, I'll allow you to visit her every now and again, Especially you, Garroth. It's about time my daughter interacts with people. She's been doing exceptionally well in her studies, so I'll give her a reward," He finished, before shutting the door.

Red Thread  ♡《Laurence x Reader》DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now