facts about me 07/7/17

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Some of these are actually important but I know most of you probably won't care or read, that's totally fine you can skip this entire thing.

If you choose to read, get to know me below👇🏻👇🏻

Hello, how've you been? Hope you all are good.

I've been tagged twice and usually I never do tags cuz either nobody cares about me or anything about me or I have no idea who to tag at the end. And at this point it's both.

I get asked to do them a lot so I just figured since I haven't uploaded in awhile I'll do it.

I forget who tagged me in them and it's buried in my notifications and there's way too much to go through so I'm not gonna find it. Sorry.

1st tag -

Rules: list 13 facts about yourself, you have a week.


1) I'm female
2) I can't choose between cats or dogs so I like both
3) I wear glasses
4) I'm terribly picky when it comes to food
5) I wear black almost all the time
6) I prefer solid colours over patterns on clothes
7) I hate shorts of any sort and you will never catch me wearing them
8) I have 31 disorders/phobias/whatever (nobody will care what they are so I won't list them)
9) I hate wearing sweaters to bed cuz I overheat quickly
10) I prefer the cold winters over hot summers
11) I prefer trucks over cars
12) my shoe size is 10 in womens
13) I have no life. Help. Nobody's even reading this

2nd tag (long)

1) Q: Fave song
A: at the moment it's 'light on' by David cook but all time fave is pretty much anything by Marianas trench

2) Q: fave sport
A: I hate anything and everything to do with sports.

3) Q: fave band
A: always been Marianas Trench

4) Q: fave show
A: at the moment 'Shadowhunters' but all time fave is supernatural or doctor who

5) Q: fave movie
A: very tough to choose...um I'm gonna go with sandlot and if not then literally any horror movie

6) Q: fave colour
A: black or turquoise

7) Q: fave food
A: always chicken but has to be specific kind or I won't eat it

8) Q: fave drink
A: ice tea or 7up/Sprite (they taste the same to me)

9) Q: fave video game
A: too many to choose from🤔 beyond two souls is in my top 5

10) Q: Do I have a crush?
A: Matthew Daddario and/or Harry Shum Jr.

11) Q: middle name
A: Elayna

12) Q: Height
A: 5, 5' (idk how to type it out)

13) Q: eye colour
A: brown or if u wanna get fancy, hazel

14) Q: last time you cried
A: few hours ago.

15) Q: biggest fear
A: too many but I'd say being forgotten or surgery

16) Q: last song I listened to
A: 'whataya want from me' by Adam lambert (it was a throwback it's been awhile since I listened to it)

17) Q: last person you texted
A: nobody cuz I have no friends

18) Q: fave app
A: Instagram or YouTube

20) Q: current lock screen
A: Shadowhunters character Alec lightwood😍

20) Q: current lock screen         A: Shadowhunters character Alec lightwood😍

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(Yes it's currently 3:02 in the morning, I don't sleep)

21) Q: 5 fears
       A: have more than that but I'd say being forgotten, my mom, pregnancy, intimacy or love, and being touched

22) Q: Fave otp
       A: at the moment Malec!❤️😍 (Alec lightwood and Magnus Bane from Shadowhunters) but in other aspects septiishu


That's it! Hope u know more about me now, can you relate to any of my answers?

Once again idk who to tag, I never do sooooo that's all for now.


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