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(Will be posting on both books)

Ya it's been awhile


Happy new year to y'all btw

I don't really celebrate it but to those who do, hope you had a good one.

I'll be honest, it's been hell this entire month.

I'm honestly so done with everything and everyone, you have no idea..

Mental breakdowns have become regular for me.

I've been having almost 3-4 a day.

Friends are leaving me

Stress is eating me alive

My birthday is in a few days and I can't celebrate it because I'm so busy and stressed.

Teachers are constantly on my ass for bullshit reasons

I currently have the worst headache known to man because of all the crying

I'm just done..

I don't know when I'll continue writing..

But for those that kept asking, I made an Instagram account.

I'll post there more than I will on any other social media

You don't have to but if you wish to follow me then my user is @ sapphireinkk

(I won't be posting pictures of my face)

Thanks for being so patient

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