08/5/17 - rant

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Hello, hope you've had an okay day today. It's 2:47am for me right now and I'm not a happy camper at the moment.

Ready for a rant?  (Sorry if I sound mean or bitchy, I don't mean to be)

My insomnia alone hasn't been the only thing keeping me awake these past few weeks. A lot of shit has been going on and it's stressing me out to the point where I just breakdown and cry for hours and hours on end.

I'm not getting into the main thing that has been stressing me out simply because I want to keep it private.

But I will say this,

My septiplier book is based off of me/my life in case you didn't know or haven't read it. And with such a big topic and the things that I explain/tell in there, people ask many many questions. And that's fine, ask away, but only to a certain extent will I give answers.

Within reason I'll usually answer as many as I can of the questions I get on that book. If there is a comment I don't want to answer or don't like, I simply won't answer it.

But don't be discouraged if I didn't reply to your comment! There is just so many on that book that it's so hard to keep up but I try my best to reply to all of them.

Many are saying I'm brave for posting such a story on social media for thousands to see.

Why did I post such a big part of my life on the Internet?

My answer to that is, I know I'm not the only one with these situations happening to me out there. I know someone has it worse or better.

I post it because I think it will not only help certain people struggling with this kinda thing, but will also encourage those to reach out and help friends/others that may be going through something similar if that makes sense.
All that aside, I get some comments saying that I'm faking this entire thing or I'm telling nothing but lies. They say I just want attention and that everything I wrote in that book is all fiction. (not real)

Most of the time I ignore those kind of comments but to the ones that I do answer that are like that, I just say 'believe what you want to believe' and leave it at that.

Many ask me to send pictures of my scars or bruises to them, and when I say absolutely not they just say I'm faking it.

The only time I'd show pictures of myself is if I want to show them. Just because you ask doesn't mean I have to or will show you.

And if that doesn't register in your head here's a rundown for those people.

Yes, it's all real, it has happened to me, why the fuck would I lie about it? No, I'm not gonna show you pictures of my bruises or scars just because you don't believe my story is true. Do not ask me such things please. If I want to show pictures then I will, if I don't then I don't.

You can believe what you want, but don't go around talking shit just because you got nothing better to do.

Sorry if I sounded rude. It just bothered me.

I know most of you aren't like that though, almost all of you readers are super nice and caring, I appreciate you so much! Ily all and don't forget it!

Thanks for reading all the way through, it means a lot that my voice is heard by people that listen.


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