11/6/17 - Fuck my life

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Well, today really goes in the books as one of the worst days ever.

I'm sitting in class minding my own business, occasionally laughing because my friend was trying to cheer me up since I was already having a bad day, and out of nowhere the teacher starts making fun of me. I wanted to rip his head off!

He was making fun of how I look and was comparing me to other students, like wtf I didn't even do anything for him to say that.

Everybody was laughing at me.

Then this kid was throwing balls of paper at me from across the room for no reason whatsoever. (It was honestly like in the movies, how a girl gets spit balled and stuff by bullies)

I also got blamed for shit I didn't do. But once again, nobody cared.

And the teacher didn't care about the kid that threw paper balls at me. He didn't even yell at him once.

Everybody was just ganging up on me even though I didn't do anything.

I honestly wanted to run out of the class and breakdown in the bathroom.

I'm so done.

I'm gonna go cry until I get a headache..

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