11. Jin At The Hospital

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Tae came out of the house holding Jin...who is not able to walk...possibly passed out...It crushed my heart to see him like this...blood coming out from everywhere...we took him to the hospital...I don't know what happened...Tae is calling the boys...

Tae : "Hyung ! we are at the hospital...come quickly...Jin hyung is been shot!" saying in his cracking voice...

TF He's been shot? Ommoo...My heart stopped of a sec...How come I didn't hear it?....possibly because police siren...

I felt tear rolling down my cheek...

the boys came after some time...

Suga : "where is he? How tf he...How is he?"  so worried about Jin.

Tae quickly went to Namjoon and hugged him...Buried his face into Namjoon's chest and started crying....


Namjoon : "Hyung...He is scared...he is shivering right now...give him some time..."

Lisa : "He is in the operation room..." sobbing...

Jungkook looked like he is going to cry too...he kept looking at everyone...silent.

J-Hope : "How come you guys are with him? can you tell us what happened?" very tensed.

Lisa told them the whole story...about that kidnapper...I stopped him...he wanted to take revenge and how Tae and Jin came to rescue us...

"we are really very sorry, I'm-"

Jimin came to us...giving us a tight hug saying "it's alright now...Hyung will be fine."

I wanted to cry out loud...it's all my fault...

we sat down on the chairs waiting for doctors to come out...Me, Lisa and Teahyung are still crying...cuz we have experienced the stuff...and we have seen Jin in that situation...we can't stop crying...Suga finally came to Taehyung and console him,

"I am sorry for shouting earlier, I was worried about you guys...and I was mad that you lied to us...But both of you were brave enough to save the girls...I am sorry...and don't worry about hyung...nothing will happen...he'll be fine." and gave him a tight hug.

J-hope is with Jungkook...trying to make him feel better...he is still shocked...he didn't say a word...

Namjoon is very tensed he is just walking here and there waiting for doctor to come out...Jimin is with me and Lisa...

suddenly doctor came out...we all gathered...

Doc : "He needs to rest...nothing to worry...he'll be fine....you can meet him now...but not too long.."

we all agreed and everyone got inside to see Jin.

He is lying on the bed...he looked so tired..his eyes are little red...skin is pale...I can't look at him...it cracks my heart...I feel so sad...

Tae directly went and hugged him and cried.

Tae : "Hyung ! I was so scared!" with teary eyes.

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