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After recognising Alex's location, we all worked quickly to get to her. Within an instant, all the men were outside stripping down to only their underwear so they could transform quickly and easily. The fastest way for us to get to her was by running in our wolf forms so that's exactly what we were going to do. I ran down the back steps of the house and threw my clothes off in a hurry, I needed to get to Alex and quickly, she needed me.

"Ok everyone, me and Damien are going to lead you all to the place where her phone is, which is hopefully where she is as well," I yell out to my men as they start transforming. I watch them all transform until there is just me left, then I transform into my wolf and take off into the woods.


We run for what feels like ages until we reach an opening in the forest close to where we know she is. I project my thoughts to everyone telling them to take a break here, we need to work out a game plan.

I quickly transform back to my human form and get dressed and so does the rest of my pack. I look around and see that we are perfectly covered in amongst the trees, there is also a small lake that sits to the side of the field, it was a hot day, I wish we could be swimming but we have more important things at stake right now.

"Ok everyone, we need to devise a plan." I look around at the pack and they all nod at me seriously, "Ok so we have to be prepared to fight, I don't know what stands between us and Alex, this is your last chance to back out, I don't want you to fight if you don't want to but if you choose to fight now that's it, you're in."

Once again, I survey my pack to make sure they understand me, a few of them look weary but they don't leave. "Thank you," I say to them all, "your help is very much appreciated, so, now, the plan. The plan is simple we get Alex. I don't know what we are up against, it may just be a creep, or he may have formed an army which I hope not but you must be prepared. I've taught you everything you need to know to keep yourselves alive so you know what to do. The main rules: don't let them get you from behind, don't let them get your neck and don't hesitate. If someone is coming towards you take them down, ok?"

Everyone nods, "Ok so be quiet so I can survey the area before we go in and then I will give you my last command ok?" once again I see a group of nods. "Alright, let's go."

I break off and resume my wolf form and sprint into the lush foliage. I run and run towards Alex, I begin to feel more and more connected to her the closer we get to the place. Once I begin to feel like I'm right beside her I slow down to a walk so that we can slowly approach the enemy. I peek out of the trees to see an entrance to what looks like an underground cellar. I look at it and it doesn't look like there's anyone guarding the entrance.

Damien and Ash flank my sides, "What do you think Alpha? Is it a trap?" Damien asks me.

"I don't know." I am skeptical of the area because of the lack of a guard and the area. There is nothing for miles and miles from here, no tracks, no roads and no sign of any human life. Why would anyone have a cellar out here?

Ash speaks to me inside my head, "Ok, so do we go ahead?"

I continue to watch the door for another few minutes, nothing happens so I deem it safe. I project my thoughts to Damien and Ash, "We three are going to approach the door in our human forms and then we are going to call everyone else over." They nod beside me in their wolf forms before going to transform into their human forms. I turn around and tell the rest of the pack the same thing I told Damien and Ash and they also nod in agreeance.

I proceed to turn into my human form before walking up to the door with Ash and Damien. The door appears to be a wooden door that is surrounded by large gray stones but the thing that stands out most to me is the giant padlock on the door. And I immediately recognize that it is made of silver. We can't touch silver. Whoever is behind this knows about us, which makes this even more dangerous.

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