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I ascend the stairs avoiding people at all costs. If anyone sees me with blood on my hand's questions will be raised and I can't deal with people prying in this moment.

After taking the life of Cade my head is running with thoughts. Was it the right thing to do? Will Alex be relieved? What have I just done? The only thing keeping me from becoming an aggravated mess is the thought of my future and how this will benefit my children. My brain is telling me to punch a wall to let out my frustrations and clear my head but I know that wouldn't make anything better.

In my head visions of my future repeat in my mind as well as my dagger protruding from Cade's stomach and the loss of life slipping from his eyes. After watching the blood seep out of his body, I waited to make sure he was definitely dead and after seeing enough blood to be satisfied I left him lying there on the floor in his cell. I know I'll be informed of this by at least sundown as that's when the guards take up post if not before then so I have until then to get my shit together.

Once I reach my office I open the door expecting it to be empty, it's been at least an hour since I was in here with Alex yet here she is sitting on my desk chair with her head down on the table. Her head shoots up when she hears me enter and her hair is a crazy mess. Has she been sleeping?

Suddenly she is up and around the table in front of me, she doesn't reach out to me but I see the regret in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Sam," she mumbles looking down at her feet and fiddling with her fingers in front her nervously.

I take two strides towards her and wrap my arms around her burying my nose into her neck and inhaling her intoxicating scent. Having her in my arms instantly calms me down and I take in a sigh of relief as she does. It seems we both help each other.

I lose time of how long we are standing together like that in my office but it feels like hours when, in reality, it was only minutes. She pulls away from me and looks up at me and I feel cold from the absence of her warmth. Her eyes stare into my own and I see the conflict in her eyes.

She opens her mouth to talk before closing it again and then opens it again to begin talking, "I'm sorry that I got angry at you, I just really hate Cade and I really want to see him dead because what he did was so terrible and I never want anyone else to ever experience what happened to me, especially not our children Sam and the thought of that prick doing anything to something so precious to me as my own child just makes me want to rip his head o-" I interrupt her by leaning over and planting a kiss right on her lips interrupting her sentence. I feel her lips smile on mine, I missed everything about her when she was gone so to have this moment means the world to me.

She breaks the kiss apart and I try to follow her lips to continue kissing her but she smiles and places her soft hands over my mouth. I grip her around the waist trying to pull her closer.

"Sam," she giggles, "we need to talk about Cade and what to do about him." She says to me seriously. I don't let her go I just bury my head in her neck once again and plant a kiss there, she sighs into my touch.

The door swings open swiftly and I turn to see Ash standing at the door not letting go of Alex.

"Alpha," he says frantically his eyes jittering around the room, "Cade is dead," he exclaims.

At that moment, Alex rips out of my grip and turns to Ash, "What!" she shouts, rage rising to her face. Her hands clench at her sides and she sends daggers in Ash's direction. He winces at her harsh expression and in a flash Alex has slipped by Ash and is out the door.

I quickly run after her but it's too late for me to stop her from the sight of Cade. She's too fast and manages to reach him in the cell before I do.

There he still lies, blood pooling around him, semi-dried up but still evidently blood. His eyes are open and blankly staring at nothing. Alex doesn't react as she looks down at him she just stares at his lifeless body. I watch her face to try to see any reaction from her, anger, sadness, happiness even but her face remains as blank as his.

I nudge her in the side, "Alex," I say quietly. She shakes her head and turns to look at me.

"Why aren't you shocked about this?" she asks me and I wince.

I ignore her question and reply with another question, "Are you ok?" I ask her gently.

She narrows her eyes at me and I know I'm not going to be able to ignore her question anymore, "did you know about this?" she seethes, the rage returning.

I sigh running my hand through my hair, "yes," I reply.

Her face hardens, "how?"

I look up into her frenzy filled eyes, "because I did it," I say quietly.

Her expression changes from rage to dismay and she takes a step back. Suddenly I think I've made a grave mistake, Alex was never going to kill Cade and now she's scared of me because I killed him. I take a step towards her and she takes another step back.

"Alex," I say reaching a hand out to her.

"No Sam," she says taking another step back almost touching the cell behind her. "Why did you do it?" she asks

I put my arm down and slouch in defeat, "because I didn't want you to have to live with this anxious feeling for the rest of your life and I didn't want to have him around to affect our children but I also didn't want you to kill him because I didn't want you to have to live with that either," I scan her face for any sign of love but her face remains stone cold, "I did what needed to be done so we could move on."

I look down at my feet feeling like I've made a massive mistake, that she will never forgive me but unexpectedly I feel a small hand reaching out to my own and intertwining her fingers in mine. I look up and see Alex looking worries.

"But now you must live with that," she says softly.

"It's ok, I've dealt with this before I know how to move on," I glance over to Cade's body on the floor and wince at what I've done but what's done is done and there's nothing I can do about it now.

Alex puts a hand on my face and turns it to look at her and she reaches up on her tiptoes to kiss me gently and I embrace her love.

I pull away to see what she's feeling, "well now that that's over that's one less thing to worry about," she says smiling. I'm glad that we don't have to worry about that anymore as well because otherwise, I think I would have gone crazy.

She turns away from cades cell and begins to pull me back to towards the door but she turns around too quickly and trips over her own feet. I see her falling before it happens but I'm too slow to catch her.

I watch her fall in what feels like slow motion and she reaches out to brace herself on the bars of one of the empty cells, I know I can't touch them myself but she can so I don't worry about her touching them, I worry about her hitting her head and injuring herself.

Her hand connects with the bar of the cell and she manages to catch herself but what happens next is a shock to both of us. I hear the sizzling of skin from where her hand is touching the bar and she rips it away quickly proceeding to land on the floor with her hand held to her chest.

I stare at her open-mouthed as she says, "I have something to tell you."


I am so sorry that this is so shit and so short but I wanted to get you guys an update because I hate to break it to you but you probably won't get another one until December because I have my final high school exams in November and I need to pass so I can get into university!!!!!! 

But please stick around, this book will be done by the end of this year I promise, its so close to the end but the next couple of months are going to be hectic and I don't think I will have time for this. 

Thank you all for your votes and comments, I honestly appreciate the support so much. 

Love you all xoxox 

- Bee  

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