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I wake up in the morning to whispering voices

"Shh guys you're going to wake them up"

"Just take the photo already"

"It has to be perfect" That is definitely Charlie

"I think they're waking up take the photo!" someone else says, I think it was Jodie. I hear the click of a camera and groan in response. I hear chuckling from our friends in front of us. Sam and I must have fallen asleep on the couch last night and I immediately feel the consequences of it when I move my neck and can feel the kink that is in it. I hear a groan from above me and realise that I am sitting across Sam's lap with my head rested on his chest. I open my eyes and see its dark because we are in the cinema room. Sam starts to move underneath me and his arms wrap around me tighter.

"What are you guys doing?" Sam asks and I think I die a little on the inside when I hear his morning voice. It's so husky and it makes me fall in love with him even more. This is what I love about Sam, I find out little things like this that make me fall in love with him even more every day.

"Oh we weren't here" Charlie says and then they all run out of the cinema room as fast as possible. I look up to see Sam's eyes open a split and him smiling down at me.

"Good morning beautiful" He says to me and I smile at him.

"Good morning to you too" I lean up and peck him on the lips. 

Sam looks at me with intensity, "can I mark you Alex?" His eyes are full of worry when he asks this question but the nod of my head quickly reassures him that it's ok. 

I feel his lips on my neck in the place where the mark will be left forever marking me as his. The sharp points of his teeth gently touch my skin. "This might hurt a little, I'm sorry." 

I don't think about the pain, I think about how this will connect me to Sam forever. The sharp pain is quick and I know that Sam is trying to be as gentle as possible. When he is done he looks up at me and stares me in the eyes, "I love you" he says happily looking proudly at the mark he had made on my neck.

"I love you too. Word cannot explain how much I love you" I say in response and he leans down to sweetly press another kiss to my lips.

"Your mine" he says against my lips and I smile pulling away and kissing him on the cheek

"C'mon our friends are going to suspect something" I stand up off his lap and look back at him to see him pouting.

"Nooo, Come back" He whines trying his hardest to look sad I just smirk at him turning around to walk out of the room but I don't get far before I am caught around the waist by a pair of strong arms

"Sam let me go" I squeal laughing at him.

"Never, you can't run away from me" he says jokingly lifting me up and spinning me around. He presses me up against the wall with his hands under my thighs supporting me against the walls. My own legs wrapped around his waist and my hands wrapped around his neck.

"Come on Sam, I'm hungry and I want some breakfast" I say pouting. Sam quickly leans down and kisses my lips releasing my legs but not letting me escape.

"But I want to cuddle with you in here" he says pouting again and I can't help myself from leaning up to peck him on the lips. He just looks too cute.

"Please can we go get breakfast and then I will cuddle with you" I wrap my arms around his neck leaning up to kiss him on his cheek.

"Okay then" he sighs giving in, "But I have to carry you" I look at him shocked and before I can answer he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

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