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Our lips mould together immediately to the point where I felt like we were seamless. At first the shock of Sam's forwardness leaves me motionless but I quickly find myself reciprocating the kiss, fluttering my eyes closed and leaning into his body. Sam's hands come up to cup my face and the raging storm of butterflies in my stomach becomes apparent. The kiss is rough and needy leaving both of us breathless.

Sam begins to pull away from the kiss and I open my eyes to see his green ones staring back at me. His hands are still holding my face and we are both breathing as if every breath has just been sucked from our bodies.

My mind is in a state of euphoria and all that exists in this moment is Sam and I. Sams face is inches from mine and I can't help but look down at his lips; swollen and red. That's all he needs before he leans in again taking my lips in his again. This kiss is different, it is gentle and loving and soft leaving me feeling safe and warm.

Sam's hands begins to travel down my shoulders and to my waist, he places his hands gently on my hips not venturing to places he knows he's not allowed. The warmth of his hands seeps through the thin material of my shirt. I reach my hands up to cup his face. His stubble is rough against my palms. I begin to inch my hands towards his hair longing to feel his hair which I hope is as soft as it looks.

Suddenly Sam bites my lip and I come back to reality. I move away from him ending the kiss and letting my hands fall into my lap.

He opens his eyes a look of confusion in them but doesn't advance any further letting his hands fall to his lap also. I look away from him adjusting myself to sit a little further away from him, the desire still in me to continue what we just ended.

What am I doing? I have just met this man and now I'm all over him, this is crazy.

I reach my hand up and touch my lips, the feeling of his still lingering on mine. I look back over at Sam who is looking at me still confused.

I cough in embarrassment thinking about what just occurred moments before.

"I'm sorry for being so forward Alex but I've been wanting to do that for a long time." I look over to see Sam's eyes pleading with me to accept his apology.

"Its ok," I mumble knotting my fingers together not wanting to look at his face.

"No its not, I should have asked first, I'm sorry," he says leaning back into the couch and sighing. I look up to see his hands covering his face.

We both sit in silence for a bit neither of us moving or talking. I can't help but think about what happened, the way his lips felt on mine, the fluttering in my stomach.

"What do we do now?" I say, looking over at Sam. He moves his hands away from his face and lets them fall onto the couch beside him. His beautifully green eyes look over at me questioning.

"What do you mean?"

"Well I think I need to tell my parents that they have a werewolf living in their house. It's probably also a good time for me to bring up the fact that I know they are wolves." I sigh lying back on the couch and lifting my feet to rest on Sam's lap. He rests his hand on my bare ankle, the contact giving me feelings in my stomach.

"I think it's a good idea to tell your parents, they should understand," he says gently stroking my ankle. The feeling driving me crazy.

"This is so crazy," I say dragging hand down my face in frustration. "I mean I only met you like 2 weeks ago and I already have feelings for you," I exclaim throwing my hands in the air before letting them drop down beside me.

I see Sam's head snap around to look at me his eyes wide. "What did you just say?"

I sit up furrowing my brows. "That I met you 2 weeks ago?" I say questioningly.

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