Chapter 1~

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Cerise was walking down the corridors of the newly finished school. She sighed in relief as she walked outside. Hogwarts. Not her ideal name, but it stuck for some reason. She sauntered over to her side of the castle. It was a tower facing the Forbidden Forest. There were stairs that twirled up to the top of her tower on the third floor of the castle. The entrance to her tower was a door. You had to knock on the door in a specific beat (one, one, one and, one) and then point you wand at the handle while singing, "Harmony!" The word you had to sing would change weekly.

"Hello Cherry!" Godric greeted.

"Hi Godric." Cerise said. "Have you seen Salazaar lately?"

"What, miss your boyfriend?" He rudely asked.

"Shining socks! He is NOT my boyfriend!" Cerise stomped her foot.

Godric scoffed, "He isn't your lover my sword! You too are almost inseparable, hugging and holding hands!"

"Don't make me get my harp!"

"You'd never!"

"Just watch me!" With those words, Cerise rasped her fist in the pattern. She was about to sing her password when Rowena rushed up to them.

"My diadem!" She panted, "It's lost!"

"It's on your head, Rowena." Cherry stated, "For valuing wisdom, you sure don't have any common sense."

"Well, I'm only fifteen!"

Godric chuckled. Suddenly Helga appeared.

"Oh this is simply splendid! We can go and drink tea!"

"What about Salazaar?"

"He's off in the forest... Said he'd be back soon," Helga responded to Cherry. With that, they chatted merrily to the kitchens.

"I can't believe we successfully did it," Cerise whispered to Salazaar outside.

"Yeah... Five founders too..."

"Let me show you something!"

"Okay..." Salazaar said uneasily as Cerise pulled him towards the forbidden forest. She led him through twisted roots to beds of flowers before stopping.

"These are Cherry trees... See the pink blossoms?" Salazaar nodded. "Red pandas sometimes climb in them.. Well I guess we should go now.. Apparate?" They apparated into the castle with a crack. They stopped in front of Cerise's room.

"Cerise..." Salazaar started.

"Yes?" Cerise asked him dreamily.

"Would you like to-" He was cut off by Gordic.

"I see you arrived safely, Miss Cerise."

"Yes, thanks for your concern, but..." Cerise said and Godric glumly nodded.

"It's not important." Salazaar said coldly and broke free from Cherry's gaze. He walked to the dungeons.

"You are so unintelligent!" He scolded himself angrily, "To think that a beautiful girl would like a cold-hearted boy! She obviously likes Godric." Slytherin entered his common room and fell asleep on the couch. "At least I have some dignity left..."

Cherry had glared at Godric. "You ruin everything! He was about to tell me something important! I saw the look in his eyes! And you ruined it!" She felt a sudden venomous hate inside of her tone. Godric's eyes seemed glossy.

"You really are mad at me, aren't you? I just don't want you to get hurt. He's evil," Godric shook his head at her.

"I'm sorry... I was just really frustrated with you... I didn't mean to hurt you."

"I deserved it for meddling in your love life. I just have one question for you; do you like me?"

"As a brother..." Cerise said slowly.

"Oh. Okay. I guess I'll be leaving now. Goodnight Cerise," Godric sulkily left.

"I must be dreaming." Cherry muttered. She entered her common room and went into her private chambers, falling asleep in the soft pink covered blankets.

The next day Cerise woke up early. She slipped on her silver robe over a crimson dress. This crimson dress had long, puffy sleeves and ended at her ankles, where she showed off her black flats. For her brownish red hair, she pulled it into a thick and stiff bun. Cerise headed out of her tower.

"Hello!" She sang as she entered the Great Hall. The other four founders watched her amused. "Lady Ravenclaw, Lady Hufflepuff." She greeted the other girls. "Sir Gryffindor. Sir Slytherin." Cerise smiled at the boys.

"Hello Lady Crimsonpitch." They replied unenthusiastically.

"Oh, I simply can not wait until tomorrow!" Cherry bounced on her feet.

"Why is that?" Slytherin drawled.

"Probably because she's excited for teaching." Ravenclaw answered smartly. This caused Hufflepuff to squeal, Gryffindor to panic, Slytherin to raise his eyebrow, Ravenclaw to grin, and Crimsonpitch to jump up and down.

"I already have all my lessons planned and everything! This is the start of something new! Something majestic, marvellous! The start of beautiful magical works! And I helped create it!" Cerise spoke. "I'm going to be studying in the library. Find me there if you need me!" She then headed out of the Great Hall and into the library, writing spells and practicing them. "Engorgio!" Cherry spoke, swooshing her wand about, practicing random spells. The book she had practiced it on grew. She used the counter curse. Slytherin leaned on the library doors, taking a deep breath (Yes, the all-mighty Salazaar Slytherin was nervous. Get over it), and then entered.

"Hello Cerise!" Salazaar smiled at her.

"'Ello Salazaar." She started, "So what did you want to ask me yesterday?"

"Well... The funny thing is, is that I was wondering if I could..." Salazaar's eyes showed panic. Cerise smiled.

"Are you asking me to be more than just your friend, Salazaar?" She raised an eyebrow, smirking.

"Well, if you would not like too, then I'm perfectly fine, it's your choice. Really." He rambled, his breath hitched as she spoke the next word.

"Indeed. I will go on a date with you. My common room.. Well you know where it is.. But just incase, here's the password." She wrote something on a piece of parchment. "I'll see you later!" She giddily ran out of the library, her messenger bag across her body.

The Frozen Founder, From the Present to the Future! (A HP Marauders Era Story)Where stories live. Discover now