Chapter 6~

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As Cerise left the chamber, she heard a rustle. I bet you're thinking, "A rustle, it must be a bush." Yet, it was not a bush. She was still inside the school, well almost out of the secret chamber that's inside the school, that also has a giant scary snake. If you didn't hear that, well, congratulations! You get a celebratory party!

Wait. I'm getting off track. Well, that's the narrator, your's truly, for you. On with the story...

Cerise had heard a rustle. That was, indeed, very weird. She was in the castle, not outside. As she jumped back into the girls' bathroom, there was a muffled crying. "Myrtle..." She sighed. Should she stay and help Myrtle, or go to the Great Hall? It was lunch already.

IT WAS LUNCH ALREADY? That meant that Cerise had already missed half of her classes! She sprinted out of the bathroom, tripped and somersaulted over a couple of steps, and made it to the bottom, giggling like a maniac. Cherry's hair surrounded her dirt and dust covered face and her arms and legs make a star-like formation combined with her head.

"Is it normal to see the stars already?" She mumbled, her eyes were practically crossed.

Someone held out their hand, and she clumsily held into it as she pulled herself up.

"I don't think so. Let's take you to Madame Pomfrey." The boy smirked.

"Hey.. You look like Regulus," Cerise said, suddenly serious. The boy stiffened.

"He's my brother. Younger brother. I'm Sirius, Sirius Black." Sirius smiled at her.


"Cerise, yeah, everyone knows who you are."

"Well then."

"So, do you still need to be taken to Madame Pomfrey's or do you want to go to the Great Hall?"

"I'm well! Let's go get some food!" Cerise beamed at Sirius as she skipped to the Great Hall.

Sirius raised an eyebrow at her, before shrugging to no one and skipping after her, a silly, loving grin on his face.

As the two entered the Great Hall, Cerise slid into a random spot at the Gryffindor table. She ended up in a chair next to a red haired girl. "Hello!" Cerise said. She smiled at her.

"Hi Cerise! I'm Lily, Lily Evans. It's so cool that you've decided to sit here with us. I mean, if we have any reports on the founders, you can tell us about them... Or write a book! Oh! That would be amazing!"

"That sounds interesting," Cherry said, "I might write a book. Or make a muggle-style, as this century would call it, a movie."

"How'd you know about them?" Lily asked, clearly interested in what Cerise had to say.

"I've done my research..." Cerise trailed off, smirking slyly. "Oh wait a minute... I know I've heard about you from someone! Snape told me!"

"His name is Severus."

"He seems to really like you."

"Yeah.. But, he's not the same.. He's too interested in the dark arts. And his friends call me names. I'm afraid that he's going to be a deatheater."

"Why don't you tell him that?"

"Then he won't want to be my friend... I mean.. It's just, I'm trying to protect him from those guys over there." Lily pointed to the Marauders. Cerise gasped.

"No way. Sirius is a bully?"

"Yeah, and super annoying. He's dated like every single girl in our year. And the year below us."

"But he seemed like such a nice boy." Cerise told Lily. Lily immediately raised an eyebrow at this.

"Nice? Why, he and that arrogant toe-rag Potter are way too infuriating. Of course, every other girl thanks that they are charming." Lily rolled her eyes. "A prince is charming. Potter is a caterpillar, that just hasn't become a mature butterfly yet." Cerise started to laugh at this last statement, and soon Lily joined in.

"A mature butterfly?" Cerise asked through laughs.

"Hey! It was the only thing I could think of!" Lily stopped laughing and stared at Cerise. Cerise blinked.


"I don't remember seeing you wearing that locket when you first arrived."

"Oh, yeah, I, um, found it in my room." Cerise nervously explained. She didn't want Lily to gossip or worry about her being in such close contact with a basilisk.

"Okay.." Lily sounded unsure to believe this.

"Isn't it amazing how many new potions and spells there are in this era! I wish Rowena could see these. Along with Helga, Salazar, and Godric! What an amazing place!" Cerise changed the subject.

"Why did you say Godric? Didn't he freeze you into this time?"

"Well, thank about it: If you had the chance to go to the future, wouldn't you take the chance? Plus Dumbledore said that if I wanted to go back to the past, by the end of the school year, he'd give me a time turner."

"Well, that does sound quite interesting.."

"So I forgive Godric, plus when I get back, if I get back, it depends, then I'd tell them my stories! Plus my house would be here! You could've gotten into Crimsonpitch."

"What qualities does your house have?"

"Musical-that's an option, cheerful, harmonic, friendly, confident, smart, you should have some common sense, and artistic."

"Your house sounds like fun."

"It was. I should show you my common room sometime. In fact, my friends used to tell me that my house was the one that would stop arguments, envy, and rivalries between the other houses. I did stop lots of them back then... But I was always the odd one out when we were paired up. Luckily I was friends with everyone, so I would help everyone!"

"Looks like it's time to get to class. I have History of Magic. You should come in and teach us one if these days. Professor Binns is so boring!"

"I'm guessing all he does is drone on about the goblin war."

"How'd you know?"

"I had History of Magic as my first class."

"Oooh. That must've been horrible."

"Well, I have to get to Potions, see ya later!"

"See ya!"


And now for the most anticipated part... The author's note! YAYYYY!

Okay, it's been eleven days since I last updated, but, to be fair, I have been writing chapter seven at the same time.

And by that, I mean I have only written two sentences! But it's not my fault our internet was out! That was like the end of the world for me!

So any who, I'll try to get some chapters out as fast as I can because I shall be on vacation!

Yay Disney! Yay Universal Studios! Yay Seaworld (is Seaworld together or seperate? Whoever answers first in the comments gets a dedication, yay!)

So yeah, chapter seven and MAYBEEEE chapter eight will be up sometime by next week.

If chapter seven is not up by Thursday, feel free to rant. XD

Because I will be on a plane on Thursday! Mwah-Hahahahaha!

The Frozen Founder, From the Present to the Future! (A HP Marauders Era Story)Where stories live. Discover now