Chapter 13~

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"Oh dear! What happened to her?" Madame Pomfrey asked as she listened to Taurus' heart.

There was a faint beat.

A very faint beat.

"She fell into the Black Lake off of her broom." Regulus said without hesitation as silent tears streamed down his face. Cerise had her head in her hands as she was crying.

"Foolish girl.. I knew that we shouldn't allow brooms. Always injuries involved there." Pomfrey clicked her tongue, as she got various potions ready and did some incantations.

The Next Day...

Remus woke up. The cuts and bruises hurt, but he had gotten used to them. Suddenly he heard something and turned his head to face her.

"I should have closed that window. I should have closed that window. I should have closed that window." Cerise repeated to herself, over and over in the hospital wing.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Remus asked her. She smiled weakly at him.

"Taurus... She was... She jumped out of the window onto her broom and fell into the Black Lake."

"Ouch." Sirius said from the bed across from Remus.

"That must've been painful. It's like a slow death." James said from the bed next to Sirius.

"It's all my fault! If I had closed that window, then she wouldn't have..."

"It isn't your fault Taurus. There must have been a reason why she jumped out of the window!"

"Well... We did hear a howl. It must've been a werewolf! It's the werewolves fault, then!" She furiously exclaimed. Remus paled considerably, and James and Sirius turned a share or two lighter.

"But it's still my fault!" She said. "I should have closed that window!"

"Cerise... If you were to meet this werewolf.. What would you do?" James asked curiously.

"Well, I'd let it have a piece of my mind! Unless it was Fenrir Greyback.. Because apparently he turns children into werewolves or eats them! And he's apparently a deatheater as well, wouldn't want Voldemort to go crazy." James, Sirius, and Remus flinched.

"Oh come on! It's just a name! It's not like he's going to show up and be like, 'I LOVE YOU, MUGGLE BORNS NOW LET ME KILL YOUUUU!'"

"I'm pretty sure that, that is what would happen. Minus the I love muggle borns part." James said.

Suddenly, Voldemort showed up in a Harry Styles crop top and hot pink short-shorts and declared his love for Lucius Malfoy.

And then Dumbledore killed Lucius and hugged Voldemort.

Then the entire school started singing, "The Mysterious Ticking Noise."

Just kidding!

"Can we stop talking about Voldemort?" Sirius asked.

"NO! DON'T!" Taurus screamed, shaking,

"Um.. Taurus..?" Cerise asked her, shaking her lightly.


"Taurus wake up!" Remus shouted at her. James dunked ice water on her and Taurus' eyes shot opened.

"Wakes wakey!" Sirius said, smiling cheekily.

"Wh-what happened?" Taurus asked.

"You drowned in the Black Lake and then you start talking about Voldemort." Cerise said to her.

"What? No I didn't. I was.. Oh." She laughed.

"You had me worried so much! I thought you were going to die!"

"I'd never."

"Yes, you would."











"OH MY GOSH! YESSSS!" Taurus started giggling. "Now introducing Voldemole! Whack a Voldemole! Yes!" Cerise started to giggle too. Remus, Sirius, and James just stared like the weirdos they are.

"Take a picture it'll last longer!" Lily said as she entered, posing. James took out a camera and snapped a photo. "It's an expression, idiot."

"Will you go out with me, my beautiful Lily flower?"

"No." Lily said and James went into a corner.

"James has an Emo corner! Nooo!" Lotus said as she sat on the bed next to Taurus. Remus turned pink.

"OHMYGOD! James is an emo and Remus is pink? What has the world come to?!" Saffron dramatically said and Severus and Regulus walked behind her. "The Slytherin Goddess is here! Carry me, fools!" She shouted at Sev and Reggie as they sadly sighed and made a basket with their arms, and carried her to Taurus.

"My friendzy! You're awake!"

"No, I'm dead." Taurus said sarcastically.

"Glad to see that you're awake, Taurus!" Regulus smiled at her.

"Oh yeah! Regulus saved you!" Cerise said. "It was so cool!"

"LET'S HAVE A PARTY IN THE ROR!" Sirius shouted.

"Yay! Now carry Taurus, peasants!" She said as Regulus and Severus carried Taurus basket-style.

"I'll set up the Room of Requirement with Lotus, Saffron, and James, Remus. Taurus will be carried there and escape the hospital wing!" Lily said, excited, "And you and Sirius can get food from the elves!" She smiled and left. Along with everyone else.

"So... Should we go to the kitchens now?" Cherry asked Sirius.


About five minutes later they were at the kitchens.

"Okay. We will have a couple huge candy flosses, punch, a lot of fries, pasta, and cake!" Cerise told the House elves.

"And cookies, chocolate, licorice, and waffles."

"Anything for Master Black and Mistress!" The house elf said and came back with all of the food, ten minutes later. They levitated the food to the room of requirement.


Bet you weren't expecting two chapters in one day, huh?

Well, I wrote this when I was waiting for my brother.

Yay! Another chapter!

I really don't have anything else to write, so...

Until the next chapter~

The Frozen Founder, From the Present to the Future! (A HP Marauders Era Story)Where stories live. Discover now