Chapter 5!

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A/N: Cerise's POV


How could I forget? How could I forget something this big? I didn't even get to ask the house elves to make candy floss for him! Well, you know what they say, "If you're early you're on time, if you're on time your late, if you're late, well, just forget about it." I didn't think that this would be something to forget about.. So, I left my common room, and ran down the corridors. "Going to Dumbledore's officeeeeeee!" I yelled past students, running around them. "Get out of my wayyyyyyyyyy!" Everyone tried to split into two sections, to create a lane for me, but it didn't work. I knocked someone and their books down. "SORRY! IMPORTANT BUSINESS TO ATTEND TO!" I continued running, until reaching the gargoyles.

"Password?" It asked.

"Uhm.. Dumbledore?"




"Harry Potter?"




"Gargoyles are awesome?"

"No." I burst out laughing at this.

"Hm... Hahaha! How 'bout.-?" The gargoyle cut me off.

"No. It is not Leather Skin."

"I wasn't going to say that... Phoenix?"


"I could have gotten Dumbledore candy floss if I knew that the password would take this long!" I groaned. "Wait.. I like candy floss... CANDY FLOSS! That's the password, isn't it?"

"Yes." The gargoyle looked annoyed as it let me in. I walked down the stairs, and knocked on the door.

"Come in." I heard Dumbledore say and I pushed the door open.

"I am so sorry that I made you wait... I just started playing the piano and I.. Forgot! And then I forgot to bring you candy floss, and the gargoyles wouldn't let me in!"

"Doesn't time fly quickly?" Dumbledore ironically asked.

"Indeed it does." I responded.

"The sorting hat has been wanting to talk to you, and I sense that you've wanted to talk to it as well?"

"Oh yes! Most definitely." I responded.

"I'll let you borrow it on Mondays and Fridays. But, you mustn't tell anyone that it's the sorting hat. We wouldn't want you to lose it to the wrong hands, would we?"

"Uh... Yes, I guess..?" Dumbledore chuckled.

"Well, I'll let you two catch up."

"Thank you!" I called after him, and then put the sorting hat on.

A/N: It's Third Person POV

"So tell me about Salazaar Slytherin." She told the sorting hat.

"If you insist. He left a locket for you somewhere.. I think he told Rowena to give it to you if she ever saw you, because after you 'left' as Godric had said, he'd been experimenting on how to make non-grieving potions. No matter how many times he tried, he failed. The last time he added the wrong ingredient, and it killed him. I believe Rowena had gave the locket back to him, claiming she had no idea where you were. He put it somewhere secret.. Perhaps in a chamber? The Chamber of Secrets.. Now that would be an idea, eh?"

"Chamber of secrets.. Blimey! I think I've read about that before.. Y'know, after I unfroze and headed to the Great Hall, I had read in the restricted section of the library... And Salazaar had disappeared for strange amounts of time while we were building Hogwarts... I'll be right back.. But before I go, do you have a name, besides the sorting hat?"

"It's (the sorting hat sighed greatly before continuing) Desperaux."

"Okay, bye Desperaux!" Cerise said, taking the hat off and placing it back on the shelf. She left to go into the room of requirement.. "I would like to know where the Chamber of Secrets is." Suddenly a map appeared, and there was a snake marked where the Chamber of Secrets was. She looked at it. "Okay. Third Floor. Out of Order Bathroom." She left and started walking down to the third floor, when she heard crying. (A/N: Can you guess who it is? XD) She followed the crying and entered an out of order bathroom. A ghost girl was sobbing. "Hey, what's wrong?" Cerise asked.

"It's just... Some students were throwing their books at me! 'Whoever hits Myrtle in the head get one-hundred points!' Why don't we all just make fun of fat, ugly, moaning Myrtle!" She said.

"Do you know where the chamber of secrets is?" Cerise asked bluntly.

"I don't know where it is!"

"Okay, thanks for your answer!" Cerise quickly said, and looked around. After looking at all of the stalls, she started to look at the sink. Suddenly she saw a snake.

"This must be it." She muttered. "Now. How do I get in?"

She tapped the nozzle. All of the sinks rotated out and a big hole appeared.

Cerise jumped down.

After landing with a thud, she saw a door with snakes. "Open!" She demanded. It didn't work. "He must've made it parseltongue." She closed her eyes and made a snake out of the air. It hissed and the door opened. She put her hand down and walked in. It was dark inside. "Lumos." She said and her wand lit up. A big snake skin appeared.

"What did he put in here?" She asked herself in a cross manner. She continued walking, stepping around the snake skins. They ranged from small to big to HUGE! "What in the name of witches and wizards lives in here?" She furrowed her eyebrows. She continued to walk until she saw a path. Then she started to sprint, feeling that she was being watched.

She heard a large hissing sound and came face to face with...

A basilisk.

A Basilisk.

A. Basilisk.


A B-A-S-I-L-I-S-K.

She accidently locked eyes with it and it killed her. She fell to the floor gasping for air, before being thrown into the floor. Her last words were, "At least I can be with the other founders."

A/N: Yep. This is the end of the story. I hope you all enjoyed it! I know, it has a completely different ending then what you expected... Just kidding! Here's the REAL ending to the chapter!

"Um.. Hello there." She said, avoiding her gaze from it's eyes. "Petrificus Totalus!" She said and pointed her wand at it She heard it fall, stiff as a board, onto the ground. She sighed in relief and started to search the chamber. Suddenly a glimmer caught her eye. It was right next to the basilisk. Cerise reached down to pick it up. She picked up the chain and saw a charm on it. This was the locket. "Aw..." She smiled. There was a snake engraved into the cover, as well as a red panda. She opened it and saw two portraits of them. They were both magical portraits. She closed it. And put it on. She left the chamber.

A/N: Okay, I know that there were some Mary Sue moments in this chapter, but it's my story. I also know that I haven't updated in a while.. That, my friends, is because my keyboard (I type everything up on my iPod, my dad bought me a Bluetooth keyboard a long time ago) is out of battery and needs to charge. Then there's the problem with the charger... It doesn't charge if it's a certain way. Any ways, enough with my excuses! I'm working on chapter six and it'll be up soon!

Probably next week.

Probably tomorrow.

Who knows?

Certainly not me.

Or do I?

Yep. Long author's note.

See ya later alligators.

In a while crocodiles.

Until then, penguin!

The Frozen Founder, From the Present to the Future! (A HP Marauders Era Story)Where stories live. Discover now