Chapter 9~

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Lotus dropped Cerise off at the Hospital Wing, after many right and left turns.

"I forgot how confusing we made Hogwarts!" Cerise said breathlessly.

"Yeah..." Lotus trailed off. "Okay here's the Hospital Wing! I'll see you later, Cherry!"

"Later Lottie!"

"Bye!" The Hufflepuff walked away. Cerise noticed Madame Pomfrey was in the back, looking at her healing potions.

"Hullo." A girl'a voice said from behind her.

"Oh! Um, hi!" Cerise turned, looking at the girl's face.

"What're you in here for?"

"Thorns, scrapes, thorns in scrapes... Nothing a basic healing charm can't fix. I think," Cerise added. "What happened to you?"

"My twin hexed me. I have antlers on my head! And, my top front teeth! Oh! My two front teeth have reached my knees!" She sighed dramatically. Madame Pomfrey rushed in and gasped at the sight of the twin.

"Oh! Dear, let me reverse those spells." Madame Pomfrey said some counter curses and the hexes reversed themselves.

"Thank you!" She cried happily as she felt her teeth shrink. Suddenly she screamed out of pain as the antlers shrunk and disappeared into her skull. Cherry cringed at the sound and sight.

"What are you in for?" Madame Pomfrey asked as she have the girl a pain numbing potion.

"I have some scrapes and thorns.." She said, shyly.

"Well how'd you get those?"

"It's a long story.." Madame Pomfrey clicked her tongue at her and headed back to the room.

"Now that my teeth are back to normal, I should introduce myself, I'm Saffron Black. Slytherin house."

"Why'd you say your house after your name? Oh! And I'm Cerise. You can call me Cherry, all my friends do!"

"I'm your... Friend?" asked Saffron.

"Why of course! Unless your a, erm, what's it called? Oh yes! A deatheater."

"Of course not! I would never kill anyone!" She exclaimed, her grey eyes shone innocently and her long, black curls bounced. "Oh! And call me Saffi!"

"Ok!" Madame Pomfrey returned with Cherry's healing potion and some tweezers.

"I trust you know what you're doing with these, first pull the thorns out and then drink the healing potion."

"Thank you!"

"Now, hurry to your common rooms! I bet you're friends are waiting for you!"

"Would you like to see my common room?" Asked Cerise.

"Really? I'd love too!"

"Great! Follow me!" Cerise grinned.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~Time Skip~*~*~*~*~*~*~

"Here we are!"

"Wow! So many instruments!"

"Thanks," Cerise smiled at Saffron.

"Okay, I need to get these thorns out of my knees! You can leave if you'd like, I don't think that this sounds very interesting." Cherry laughed.

"See you at the Great Hall!" Saffi said and laughed on her way out.

A/N: Okay, so three updates in one week! So, tomorrow I'll be on a plane and on vacation, so as I said in chapter eight, there probably won't be an update for a while! Anywho, the story will probably get more interesting from here, okay! You know, since Cerise has her group, and yeah...

Until the next update! (Which will be in the double-digits, woohoo! I didn't think this would last that long! :D)

Picture of Saffron in the Multimedia box!

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