Chapter 8~

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As Cerise slowly walked back into Hogwarts, she looked around for the Hospital Wing. Suddenly, feeling quite thick, she remembered she knows how to use healing charms. "And of course I lost all of my common sense when I dove into that bush," she muttered to herself. "Now where is the hospital wing?" As Cherry turned around, she was pushed down by a couple of rowdy boys who were running in the halls. Cerise was standing back up, when a quidditch broom zoomed over her head, making her lose her balance again and land on her butt. A girl helped her up.

"Sorry about them," She said, "They tend to cause havoc in the halls. I guess that's how they got sorted into Gryffindor and I got sorted into Hufflepuff. I'm Lotus. Lotus Altruistic. It's nice to meet you Cerise!" Lotus had a wavy, honey-blonde colored bob that ended towards the middle of her neck.

"It's nice to meet you too! I don't want to get to big of an ego, but every time I ask how people know my name, they always say that everyone knows me."

"That may be because of your entrance and introduction."

"Well, I certainly did make a first impression, didn't I?" Cherry giggled after she agreed with Lotus.

"Do you mind if I call you Cherry?"

"Do you mind if I call you Lottie?"

"So, you don't mind?"

"I don't mind. Do you?"

"Not at all!"

"Y'know, I have a Gryffindor friend, Ravenclaw friend, and now a Hufflepuff friend. They're all girls. Now all I need is a girl Slytherin friend, and my girl-posse will be complete... Then I'll make a guy posse. And then everyone can be friends!"

"Wow, you really thought this through, didn't you?"

"I'm ending the Hogwarts rivalries!" Cerise and Lotus started laughing uncontrollably.

"Oh, that reminds me, do you need help finding the hospital wing?"

"Yes, please!"

"Well, us Hufflepuffs are great finders." Lotus said and giggled at it. "Okay I'll show you to it now!"



With those words, the Hufflepuff and founder, headed to the Hospital Wing.

A/N: I know this is short! I mean, it's not even my standard two pages! Any who, on July 31st through August 7th and August 9th through August 18th, there probably won't be any updates, I'll try to, but I'm really busy! For the first dates that I listed, I'll be in Disneyland, Sea World (thank you Lunaannabethlovegood for telling me that it's two words! :D), and Universal Studios! Plus, when I finished writing this, I thought, "Why not split this into two chapters, adds more suspense into what'll happen in the next chapter."

Everyone is probably thinking that this is worse than the time I had a fake ending! XD

How do you like Lotus? What about her brothers? I was thinking of making her name Jenny, but then I was like, wait, Ginny, and then they'd both have two brothers and I'll stop writing now! Plus I thought that this seemed satisfying as a chapter, because I was (STOP READING IF YOU DO NOT LIKE KIND OF SPOILER ALERTS) going to introduce a new character into the story.

Until the next chapter!

On The Frozen! Founder! Fromthepresenttothefuture!

(Sorry, I've been watching Total Drama Island)

Edition to the Author's Note #1: I just re-read the chapter, and I noticed that Lotus has 3 brothers, and Ginny has WAYYYYY more than two brothers, sorry for any confusion!

The Frozen Founder, From the Present to the Future! (A HP Marauders Era Story)Where stories live. Discover now