Chapter 3~

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As the years flew by, the Founders grew old, the sorting hat sorted, and Cerise was still frozen. Eventually Godric died first, from all the guilt swarming in him he used the killing curse, and made it seem as though he died from old age. Salazaar was the second. He had created a potion that failed so badly it killed him. They were both still alive in paintings. Helga died from an acromantula. She accidentally insulted it.

Rowena was still alive and well. She was left as the headmistress and tried to solve the Cerise mystery. She had classes to teach, and a school to run. Rowena was stressed to the max. The school nurse had to give her a calming draught almost everyday. Years ticked by quickly, and eventually Rowena was dead. She was the only one who died of old age.

The headmaster/mistress position filled, and was soon occupied by Albus Dumbledore. Albus had found Rowena's files. He looked into them deeply, his half moon spectacles reading over every word. Deeply intrigued and interested, he had started walking around the hallways at night. Soon he had so much knowledge, it was as if he could tell you anything about yourself without a second glance.

The Marauders -Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, also known as Remus, Peter, Sirius, and James, soon arrived to Hogwarts. James met Lily and Severus ("Snivellous," James said in disgust), the three other boys, started a friendship, got into Gryffindor, met an enemy, and found an interest in a girl ("Lilyflower!"). There was someone still lurking in the castle. She was frozen. Suddenly she awoke. It was September 1st, 1975. "I'm not frozen anymore!" She shouted, tears brimming her eyes. Suddenly she gasped, and started to sob. Her two bestfriends and boyfriend were dead. Forever gone.

She looked to the window. Students rode boats across the black lake. Cerise walked to her wardrobe. It was a new time period. She would lace up her cloak, and forget about her sadness. She was cheerful. Friendly. Not depressed. Cherry looked through her clothes. "Perfect." She said and put on the black pants (or skinny jeans as students would call them now), black boots, and crimson blouse, along with her black robe, silvery velvet appeared on the inside. Cerise applied red lipstick, black eye liner and mascara, then left her room. She had her hair down and thick with curls. Cerise walked outside of her part in the castle.

Founder number five made her way to where the first years were, a lady by the name of Professor McGonagall told them what they were expecting from them and what-not. The professor's eyes fell upon Miss Crimsonpitch. They were not expecting a fifth year, were they? Or a fifth founder to be precise. They formed into a straight line, Cerise at the back. The Marauders saw her, as well as Severus Snape.

McGonagall started to call the list.

"Alaca, Sam"


"Aaron, Ryan"


"Avery, Troy"


She started calling out the B's.

"Bailey, Justin"


"Bella, Bonnie"


"Bennet, Kyle"


"Bona, Terry"


"Boston, Selah"


"Bunny, Kendall"


"Burden, Austen"


(A/N: Now it's CERISE'S POV)

McGonagall droned on until I was the last person left. The headmaster's eyes widened as he saw me. Suddenly she called my name off of the list, shocked at how it appeared.

"And now joining us for her fifth year, Crimsonpitch, Cerise!" She announced, I walked up there, sat on the stool, chuckling. Oh, how did they come up with this? Rowena probably.

'I don't remember you creating me..' The sorting hat said. 'You've been frozen for a long time I see.' "Thanks to bloody Gryffindor," I muttered, rolling my eyes. Sadly, the whole hall heard it because it echoed. 'Well. You are the mysterious fifth founder.. So I shall put you into you're house.'

"Oh thanks, I've been there for the past centuries and I'm back there again... I feel so loved." I had heard this thing called sarcasm from some first years.

"She's surely going to be in Slytherin!" I heard a boy exclaim happily. My expression wavered. Oh.. Salazaar.. 'Slytherin or Crimsonpitch.. You're lucky Rowena thought that Godric had lied!' The sorting hat exclaimed. I know.. I miss her so much.. 'So you are as gentle, friendly, and caring as the say?' Yeah, I just wanted to try out this sarcasm.. 'Very playful as well, if you visit Dumbledore's office, then you can catch up with me about the Founders as well. Since we mustn't keep these students waiting to eat.' Okay. Wait, who's Dumbledore? 'The new headmaster.' Oh... Carry on. 'I believe you'll do best in...'

"CRIMSONPITCH!" The whole hall was quiet. Suddenly, my table and banner came down. I stood up, taking the hat off of my head.

"Hello Hogwarts of the future!" I smiled and waved. "I am Cerise Crimsonpitch. The fifth founder of Hogwarts. Due to not recent events, I was frozen by Godric Gryffindor, in my bedroom in my house. It is one of the locked doors in the third floor. I suppose I'm just so beautiful, that Gryffindor and Slytherin both liked me." I flipped my hair dramatically. "Which led to the rivalry between them. Gryffindor was a tad bit more... Forceful to say. I thought of him as an over-protective brother because he kept trying to convince me that Slytherin was evil. My best friends were Rowena Ravenclaw, who sometimes didn't have much common sense." I thought back to the time when she was wearing her diadem. "And Helga Hufflepuff, who was amazing at hair. Soon enough, I started to date Salazaar Slytherin, because he was my best mate for a while, and then he tried asking me out on a date. Which I responded to with a yes. This led to the unfortunate event. I was returning to my bedroom in my house, the school would open the next day. I entered my bedroom and Gryffindor was there. He froze me, until this year. I'm assuming he lied about it, being a bloody coward ("Language!" Professor McGonagall scolded). He valued the trait, and was quite brave, but he was afraid of what Rowena would do if she found out. And now I am here." I finished my story, earning a round of applause. I sat at my table.

"Let the feast begin!" Dumbledore announced and everyone dug into their food happily. Cerise smiled, she piled a lot of pasta onto her plate and started to eat. A lot.

A/N: 8/19/14

Hello! I posted a picture of Cerise on the side, with straightened hair. I've decided that she's going to be played by Ariana Grande! Yay!

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