Chapter 2~

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Cerise looked through her wardrobe. "Hm..." She mumbled. "I want something fancy, but not too fancy, yet casual, but not too casual.." She decided on a thick black mullet skirt, that reacher her knees in the front and ankles in the back. With that, she wore a light pink shirt which was tucked into the skirt. She decided on asking Rowena and Helga to help her with shoes, hair, and make-up. Believe it or not, the wise witch Rowena had great shoe fashion sense and could find great coordinating colors. Helga could do your hair in a braided fishtail bun, not a second sooner that one minute. She was also great at doing make-up. Cerise, on the other hand, found the best fabrics and designs out of the two.

She made her way up to Ravenclaw tower, knowing Rowena would squeal with Helga, and if her best founder friends didn't know, she'd be in a whole lot of trouble. "What can turn into a solid, liquid, or gas?" The knocker asked.

"Water?" Cerise asked uneasily.

"Correct." The door opened and she yelled, "ROWENA RAVENCLAW! COME DOWN HERE THIS SECOND!" Rowena apparated down and smiled at Cerise. "I have a date with Slytherin tonight!" Cherry sang. "We need to get Helga!" She said seriously.

"Why yes we do." Rowena spoke.

They skipped all the way down too Helga's common room, well, stopped outside the door to Helga's common room. Helga opened the door up, and almost hit Rowena in the face. "Oh goodness me!" She cried, "I almost hit your face with my door!"

"C'mon Helga!" Cerise said, "We need to get my hair and make-up done, I have a date with Salazaar." Helga gasped and then exclaimed, "Why, we need to get a move on, then!" They skipped all the way back to Cerise's common room, to which Cerise did her password.

"This is what I chose to wear for tonight." Cerise pointed to the bed where the shirt and skirt were sprawled out on.

"Well, put it on!" Rowena said impatiently. Cherry slipped the clothes on and asked Rowena, "Could you help me with shoes?" Rowena nodded furiously and began looking at all of Cerise's shoes. "Here. These are perfect." Cerise slipped the matching pink flats on. "How did I not see those?" She mumbled to herself.

Rowena also picked out the make-up as Helga started to do Cerise's hair. "Elegant, yet simple." She told Cerise. She pulled Cerise's hair into a bun and left the front strands out. She curled those with some spells, then applied the make-up. Cerise wore black mascara, light pink eye-shadow, and some clear lip-gloss.

"Thanks girls!" Cerise said and Helga slipped a book onto the dresser.

"It's 101 Ways to Magically Do Your Hair and Make-Up," Helga explained. "I had an extra copy."

They exited Cherry's room and called, "SLYTHERIN IS HERE!" Cerise giggled and walked down the stairs, not knowing that a curse would soon fall upon her. Salazaar took in her appearance and said, "Nice to know that you dressed up for me." She pretended fake hurt and said, "Why never!" They laughed and headed to the Room of Requirement.

"This is amazing." Cerise said breathlessly. There were floating candles surrounding a red and white plaid picnic blanket which was sprawled upon the ground. A picnic basket, plates, and cups were rested on top of it.

"For you," Salazaar said to her, and handed a pink lily to her.

"Sheesh Slytherin, who knew you could be so romantic?" She teased. They enjoyed their night. Little did they know that it would be Cerise's last with the Founders.

"I should probably head back to my room, after all, we start teaching tomorrow." Cerise grinned, "I had an amazing night." He led her back to her room and she kissed his cheek. "See you later." With those three words, she headed into her common room, and then tapped the wall into a harmonic pattern. She entered her room.

Suddenly she heard Godric Gryffindor. "Who knew you would have liked Slytherin?" He glared at her. "Whaa-?" She was cut off. "You know what I'm talking about. I like you! I do! Yet your heart belongs to that evil git! You don't deserve to be a founder! Seeing as you're messing with all of our minds!"

"I am NOT messing with your mind!"

"Frigidus 1975!" Godric pointed his want at her. Suddenly, Cerise was blasted with a cold force, freezing her outside and then her inside, planting her in place. She stood a statue. The fifth founder. Gone until the year 1975. Staying fifteen for almost an eternity. Frozen to the core.


Godric stood there for a moment. What had he done? He froze Cerise, the fifth founder, until year one thousand, nine hundred seventy-five. Godric ran out of her room like a coward, making her side of the castle transparent to the world, and locking her away, just like a princess. Only Godric wasn't the prince. He was the evil wizard who locked her there. Why did jealousy make a person so cruel?

Rowena saw the students flying on their brooms to the school. Where was Cerise? She would have to ask Salazaar. "Salazaar Slytherin!" She huffed at him. "Where is Cerise?"

"I honestly have no idea. She said she had a lot of fun last night, so she should have been down here earlier." He answered. Godric was starting to panic.

"She left. She said she didn't want to teach magic." Godric lied through his teeth.

"She was so excited yesterday..." Rowena trailed off.

"THE STUDENTS ARE HERE!" Helga Hufflepuff screamed.

A/N: Frigidus means frozen or something like that in Latin.

I forgot to post this chapter a while back. XD

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