Drunk Tongue → Spencer Reid

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Word Count: 719

Warnings: Mentions of abuse/mentioning of an abusive relationship, mild cursing, mentions of alcohol, kinda rough.

Prompt: The reader is in an abusive relationship with a guy for over three years now, once the whole team goes out to a bar after a case the reader gets intoxicated. (Part 2: finale)


"Why does he do it?" Spencer questions it was obvious he was pissed.

"He told me its my fault, if I didn't make him mad then he wouldn't have to hurt me." You answer.

"To hell its your fault, that bastard could've stopped hitting you! It's not your fault!" You look at Spencer.

"It is too! If I didn't make him mad he wouldn't hurt me!" You look down at your hands that are clasped together in your lap.

"Y/n, it's not your fault. Reid has a point. You don't make him mad, it's the fact that he has little control over you that makes him mad." Rossi chimes in.

"I'll kill the son of bitch the next time he hurts you." Morgan was just like your big brother and it was cute "No don't! He doesn't know I told you guys." You look up finally "Why haven't you left?" Hotch asks the obvious question.

"I tried but he threatened to kill me. And he beat me." You answer everyone fell silent "Y/n, we can't let you go home to him tomorrow." Morgan states the obvious "Why not? Guys he'll be mad! I have to!" Spencer shifts in his seat.

"No, he'll hurt you again! If you need things then fine but someone will accompany you." Spencer looks at you "Can I stay with one of you guys?" You ask everyone's eyes went to Reid.

"Ye-Yeah. You can stay with me." Spencer caught on "Let's get you back to the hotel." Emily sighs.


The next day, the whole team got on the jet back home. As soon as you touched down everyone was with you "Someone obviously needs to take you to get some of your things." JJ looks at you "I will, she'll be staying with me anyways." Spencer shrugs.

You got in the car with Spencer "Look you don't have to come in." You mumble "But I will, I'm not giving that bastard any chance to harm you." You look out the window silently "Thank you." You whisper.

You make it to your shared apartment with Trent, you walk in and head towards the bedroom quietly noticing Trent was asleep on the couch. You gather your clothes in a bag and head for the bedroom door.

"And who the hell are you?!" Trent yells.

"My names Spencer, and I'm taking Y/n!" Spencer defends himself.

"I'll be damned if you are! She's mine! You got that?! She is mine!" Trent yells you hear Spencer laugh.

This was a new side of Spencer, and you were scared "No she's not! She's not anybody's! And she sure as hell is coming with me, like I would let her stay with an animal!" Spencer retorts.

You step out of the bedroom "Are you ready?" Spencer asks gently you nod "No, Y/n if you leave me-" Spencer steps forward taking your hand "If you threaten her, or harm her in front of an FBI agent I will have your ass arrested. Besides I could now you've assaulted an agent and threatened her life." Spencer takes you back to the car before driving off.

Once you get to his apartment you head inside, you watch him head towards his bedroom. You stand there before dropping the bag you had and head towards the door.

"Spence?" He doesn't answer "I'm sorry." The door yanks open and he looks down at you, almost glaring at you.

He stands there for a minute and before you know it his lips are against yours, you kiss him back before he pulls away "Don't ever apologize again, not to me." He wraps his arms around you hugging you.

"I love you, Spence." You blurt out.

He smiles "I love you too." He kisses your forehead "I have a question." You look up at him "Yes, love?" You look around "Do I have to sleep on the couch?" He chuckles "Absolutely not, I have bed that fits two." He smiles again.


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