All Along → Spencer Reid

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Word Count: 714

Warnings: Some sad parts. Part 2.



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Morgan had pulled you out of the SUV, an ambulance had come minutes after the wreck and after Hotch had called. You weren't responding to anyone and you looked bad.

The EMS had confirmed you were injured badly, he couldn't say anything other then that. They got you in the back of the ambulance and the team was able to go with you since their own rides were non-useable.

Rossi hung up his phone and threw it in the middle of the seats "We have to go to the hospital." Rossi informed Spencer.

"What? Why?" Rossi shook his head he would rather have Spencer see what happened then tell him.

Once they got there Spencer saw everyone but you, Rossi was hurt and worried about you "What's going on?" Spencer asks.

Hotch nods to Rossi "Tell him." Is all Aaron said.

"Y/n was injured badly in a wreck while going after Scratch, we believe it was a set up." Rossi looks at Spencer seeing a change in his eyes, they were hurt and scared.

"She's in room 202, we aren't sure if she'll make it or not." The doctor informs the team.

Everyone headed into your room, you were hooked up to a lot of machines. Spencer stood there he was upset with you, here he was by your side when something bad has happened to you... Yet you were never there for him when he was arrested.

"Kid, you okay?" Rossi asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Everyone looked at him they knew he was lying but they weren't gonna press any buttons on him right now. But Rossi knew deep down inside Spencer was breaking, he might still be mad at you but Rossi knew he loved you more than anything and he wanted to be here.

One of the machines lets out a long line of one beep, everyone looks at the machines screen seeing a line go from up and down to straight.

"Help! We need a doctor!" Doctors rushed in and shoved the team out quickly as they worked to revive you.

They team let tears slip out as they worried for one of their friends and team mates, you were pulled out of the room in your bed with a doctor checking your vitals. The team watches as a doctor tells them about you heading into surgery.

Hours passed, then two days had passed. You were in your room out cold, Spencer was obviously at your side afraid and hurt. He held onto your lifeless small hand while you stayed out.

Rossi was there as well, he was the same way as Reid except he was asleep. You shifted and Spencer looked at you with wide eyes, your eyes slowly fluttered open and you looked right into Spencer's coffee colored eyes.

"Spence?" Your voice was weak and light nothing like how it normally was.

"Uh... Hey there." He gives you a weak smile.

"You have to understand I didn't visit you because it hurt, and I had to clear your name. Or else I would've been there." He shakes his head.

"Y/n, I almost lost you and you think I'm worried about that? I was mad, yes. But almost losing you is more important to me then me being mad. I need to be here for you." Spencer looks at you with concern and sorrow.

"Can I ask you something?"

You slowly nod.

"Y/n  Y/m/n  Rossi, will you marry me? I need to know that you'll always be here by my side, that no matter what happens I will always have you and you will always have me. And I need you know how much I do truly love you." You look at Spencer.

"Well what's the answer?" Rossi asks with a small smile you shake your head looking at Spencer.

He looks down shaking his own head.

"Yes." His head shot up "Wait, like yes you will?" You nod smiling like an idiot.

"Welcome to the family, son." Rossi smiles.

"I love you, Ms. Reid." Spencer smiles like an idiot himself.

You shake your head with a laugh "Let's not push it, Spencer." Rossi teases.

"I love you too, Reid." He just smiles.


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