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Hannah looked at warren in shock,as if she was trying to process just what he had said "your taking the piss, right?" Hannah asked as warren sighed "han" he said as eh went to grab her arm. She moved back away from him "don't, warren, don't bloody touch me. What the hell, do you mean they were your drugs, I thought that you were done with it all.You lied to me" Hannah yelled "i didn't, I swear im not dealing" warren said and Hannah rolled her eyes "i swear to you, im telling you the truth" warren said "okay, then why do you have them" Hannah asked and warren sighed "i cant tell you" "fine, then I cant tell you until you can be honestly with me" Hannah said as she placed her ring on the bar "han...Hannah?" warren called as she walked off ignoring him. Warren ran out after Hannah "Hannah? Hannah" he yelled as he walked over and grabbed her arm. She looked to him with tears in her eyes "im sorry, its complicated, I want to tell me, trust me, I do" warren said and Hannah sighed as he placed a hand on her cheek "come on, lets go back to mine okay" warren said and Hannah smiled and nodded. 

Warren and Hannah sat in the flat "do you want anything to eat?" warren asked as he stood in the kitchen "can we order a Chinese, im starving" Hannah said and warren smiled "sure" he said as Hannah lay on the sofa, she hand a duvet wrapped over her and was flicking through the channels when a news report came up over a baby that was abandoned at the hospital. "warren" Hannah called as warren walked over "what's up?" warren asked as he looked up at the news report. "there's no one pregnant, in the village is there?" Hannah asked and warren shock his head. Hannah paled slightly as she thought to just how oddly her sister was acting "han?" warren asked as Hannah looked at him "what is it?" warren asked and Hannah looked to him "your gonna think im crazy, but I think that its Aimee's baby" Hannah said and warren sighed. "i need to go see her" "and say what, did you dump a baby by a hospital?" warren asked "i don't know, maybe" Hannah said as she walked off "Hannah?" warren called, he knew how hasty Hannah was.


Hannah walked into the flat, where she spotted Aimee sitting in the corner on the sofa in a ball. Hannah sighed as she walked over and sat next to her sister "want to tell me, what's up?" Hannah asked and Aimee shock her head "Aimee, your my little sister and you need to tell me what's wrong, unless you want to bring mum out in me" Hannah said and Aimee smiled slightly "im fine" Aimee said and Hannah smiled "okay, then lets go for a walk" Hannah said "i don't want to" Hannah raised an eyebrow "if your fine, why cant you"  Hannah asked "okay" Aimee said as she stood and grabbed her coat. Hannah smiled as she looked to her little sister, she knew something was up. "I need to head  to the club" Hannah said and Aimee nodded, she followed Hannah into the club and Hannah walked into the office with Aimee, she smiled as she seen warren. Warren frowned "han, a word?" he said and Hannah nodded "wait here" Hannah said to Aimee. She walked out of the office and followed warren, she closed the door what are you playing at?" warren asked "getting answers" Hannah said "Hannah don't this wont help Aimee" "she's my sister" "and im your fiancée im not going to let you do this" warren said and Hannah raised an eye brow to him and smirked "id like to see you stop me" Hannah said as she locked the office door "Hannah?" Aimee said and Hannah said "im sorry Aimee, but you need to tell me what's going on, and your not going anywhere until you do" Hannah said as warren sighed to himself, he knew there was no stopping Hannah.


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