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Hannah woke up and frowned as she saw that the bed was empty. She stood up from the bed and sighed as she heard warren on he phone, he was yelling to someone. Hannah stood against the wall as she listened in "no, you keep your mouth shut and you stay away for Hannah, she doesn't need this" he yelled as Hannah frowned. She knew that he was up to something and she didn't like the feeling that he was hiding something from her. He hung up the phone and turned to face her and smiled "hey" he said as he walked over to her and kissed her. She looked to him and frowned "who was that on the phone?" She asked as he smiled "no one, no one important" he said as Hannah looked to him and frowned. She knew that he was lying to her and was worried he was up to something illegal.

"Then why don't you tell me?" She asked as he looked to her and smiled as he walked over to her "I promise you that you have nothing to worry about" he said as she looked to him and smiled. Hannah knew that he was lying to her and knew he was keeping secrets. She couldn't help but get the feeling that he would hurt her again and she knew hat was the last thing that she wanted. She wanted to believe for her babies sake that he wasn't cheating or getting involved in anything criminal.


Later that day, Hannah walked into the club and smiled as she spotted grace who stood behind the bar counting the takings. Grace looked to Hannah, shocked to see her and smiled "Hannah?" Grace said as Hannah walked over to the bar and smiled "do you still want to but things right with me?" Hannah asked as grace nodded "of course" grace said as Hannah looked to her and sighed "Warren is hiding something and I want to know what it is, I need you to find out, your an expert in finding out peoples secrets and your my mum and you owe me" Hannah said as grace looked to her and smiled "sure" grace said as Hannah went to walk off. "Hannah?" Grace said as Hannah turned to face her and smiled "I am sorry for all of this" grace said as Hannah looked to her and smiled "proof it" Hannah said as she walked off.


Later that day, Hannah stood with Aimee as they went baby shopping. "Are you okay?" Aimee asked Hannah who looked to her and smiled as she ran a hand through her hair "I don't know, I just feel as if everything is going to be messed up and I don't know if it's going to work, I don't know what to do if he goes back to his old ways" Hannah said as Aimee looked to her and smiled "he won't do that, you know that. He knows what is at risk" Aimee said as Hannah looked to her and smiled. She hoped that Aimee was right.

Later that night, Hannah walked into the flat and looked to grace and smiled "well?" Hannah asked as grace handed her a file with photos of warren and some dodgy guy who she recognised "who is he? I recognise him" Hannah said "he's an old enemy of your fathers hannah, he is bad news and he is blackmailing warren, he's the one that attacked you when you were fifteen and he's threatened to kill you unless warren gives him a million pound" grace said as Hannah frowned to herself as she started to fear for her life.

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