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Hannah walked into the flat hungover. She had been out drinking all night. She was still pissed due to the fight she had with warren. She ran a hand through her messy hair and frowned as she spotted Aimee who was sitting in the corner of the room. Quietly. She frowned "Aimee? What's up?" Hannah asked as Aimee looked to her "nothing" she said. Hannah looked to her and was about to open her mouth to say something as Trevor walked down the stairs after putting Curtis to sleep and looked to hannah "and where do you think you have been" he asked "out having sex father...no, I was out having fun okay" Hannah said as she walked to the fridge and grabbed a can of coke out of the fridge and took a drink of it.

"I don’t like you out with warren all night, okay, he is a bad guy" Trevor said "and? So are you. Come on dad, you and I both know that we are as far from perfect, we grew up in your crime life, and you know that warren treats me good, he has never hurt me, never cheated and you know that he treats me right" Hannah said as Trevor sighed. Grace walked into the flat "morning" she said as Trevor and Hannah frowned "where have you been?" Hannah asked "for milk, we're out" grace said "no were not" Hannah said as she opened the fridge "oh I thought we were, oh well" grace said as Aimee glared at her. Hannah frowned as she noticed "I'm going to bed for sleep" Hannah said as she walked off towards the bedroom.

Later after getting some sleep. Hannah walked into the loft. She looked to see warren and he smiled to her "I'm sorry, I know I'm a stubborn cow and everything" she said as he sighed. He placed the pen he was holding down and walked over to her "you are, but I love you" he said as he hugged her. She pulled away and looked to him as he brushed his lips against hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he lifted her onto the bar. She undid his belt as he lifted her dress up and pushed into her. She moaned and bite into his neck as he moved in and out of her "I love you" she groaned "I love you too" he said as they reached their high.

Hannah walked into the flat and saw Aimee who was sitting watching garbage TV. "What's up?" Hannah asked as she walked over and sat next to Aimee who smiled at her "nothing" she said as Hannah sighed "can I talk to you?" Hannah asked as Aimee turned to her and smiled "sure, what's up?" "it's about warren, I don’t know what it is Aimee, he's different I have never felt like this before. I have never loved anyone the way I do hi, and I know he loves me and I think we will be great, I'm pregnant Aimee, and I know mum and dad will go ape, but I do have your support, don’t I?" Hannah asked as Aimee looked to her.

She felt her heart break, knowing that she saw warren and grace together. She didn’t want to hurt her sister "you deserve better Han" Aimee said as Hannah frowned "I thought you were on my side?" "I am trust me, there's something you don’t know about him, he's going to hurt you" "how?" Hannah asked as Aimee sighed "don’t hate me. I saw him last night with mum. Han, they slept together, their having an affair, I'm so sorry" Aimee said as Hannah starred in front of her "Hannah, say something" Aimee said as Hannah stood up and walked to the door. She grabbed the baseball bat off of the side and walked out of the flat. She was going to kill them.

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