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Hannah woke up and groaned. She heard warren yelling and frowned as she realised it was what had woken her. She stood from the bed and sighed as she rubbed the back of her neck and sighed as she walked to the door. She looked to see warren on the phone as he stood pacing across the living room "no, I don't care. I don't want Hannah to know, she won't get hurt and I don't care who you are I won't let you do it. This is as much your problem as it is mine" Warren said as he hung up the phone. She turned to look at him and frowned "what's going on?" She asked as he looked to her and smiled "it's nothing just supplier and business at the club" he said as she looked to him and smiled. He walked over to her and kissed her. Hannah kisses him back and smiled as he pulled her into a hug and smiled. Hannah knew that he was lying to her and was going to find out just what was going on.

Hannah walked off to the flat and walked. She saw Grace and Trevor as they stood acting shifty and frowned. She didn't like all the secretly and that everyone around her was lying. She was tired of it. Hannah looked to Aimee as she walked down with Alexa and looked to Hannah and frowned slightly. Aimee knew that she was lying to her sister and she hated herself before of it "is someone going to tell me what is going on as I'm sure that everyone is lying and acting off with me" Hannah asked as grace looked to her and smiled "of course not, it's nothing" grace said as Hannah rolled her eyes "you can lie to me all you want but I'm not stupid, your all doing and Warren is. I will find out the truth eventually" Hannah said as she walked off to her room.


Later that day. Hannah woke up after a nap and frowned as she heard Aimee and warren arguing. She frowned to herself knowing they hardly spoke to each other never mind argued "you can't tell her" warren said as Hannah walked down the stairs as quiet as she could "she has a right to know, she is my sister and I won't lie to her anymore. It's killing me" "shut it" warren said as Hannah looked to them "what's going on?" She asked as Aimee looked to her and sighed "I'm sorry, I should of told you but warren, he's alexas fathers. I wanted to tell you but he made me stay quiet" Aimee said as Hannah looked to warren and frowned.

"You got my sister pregnant" she asked as he looked to her and sighed "I'm so sorry" he said as she looked to him and nodded as she walked over to me corner of the flat and grabbed a baseball bat "Hannah please" he said as she started to chase him out of the flat chasing him and swinging the bat. She hit him and knocked him to the ground "how could you do this to me and lie to me again, you stay away from me and Aimee and this baby" Hannah said as she continued to hit him a few more times before she threw the bat to the side leaving warren bloody and barely unconscious before she walked off feeling her heart rip inside not knowing if she could forgive him or Aimee for lying to her months and letting her life a lie with warren.

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