Chapter One

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     It all started with a pair of sweatpants.

     They weren't my sweatpants, though. They were just-... I think it might be easier if I start the story a little earlier than that.

      Lia pulled the car into a parking space as we continued yelling out the lyrics to our favorite band, and my favorite song. Right on que, the chorus came and instead of the actual lyrics, Lia sang, "Get out, get out, get out of my car! And walk into that mall insteaad!" I laughed hysterically and got out of the car while she turned off the CD player and the engine. Lia climbed out of the car and locked it behind her as we walked to the front enterance of the mall. "So I think we should go to this store first..." Lia said, as usual she was being loud and outgoing in the middle of the people infested food court. Lia suddenly shouted, "OOOH! Let's go here!" She then ran to a store she had pointed at and immediately went to the shirts section. I fast-walked to catch up to her, laughing the entire time. I usually laughed at anything she said or did. She was just a naturally funny person. In the words of a true Directioner: Lia was my Louis.

     "What are you looking for?" I asked her. She ignored my questions and shoved a pair of skinny jeans and a t shirt in my arms.

     "Try those on, now, or I'll hurt you." she said, mumbling slightly. I pretended to look shocked, my mouth open like a fish but shaped down in a frown. She laughed and led the way to the changing rooms. Not that many people were in. Just a few older women trying on skirts and such. As we entered the changing rooms, a girl rushed past us, her cheeks stained with tears. "Aw, I wonder why she was crying." I shrugged, but looked back at her as she left the store in a hurry. "I'll go in this room." I nodded to Lia and went into the changing room across from hers. I closed the door, only to face a mirror. The strange thing about this mirror was that there was a pair of sweatpants hanging from it. There was a letter taped to the pants. On the front of the letter, it was addressed:

To Whoever May Find This Letter

     I shrugged. Guess that was me. I took the letter and opened it up. Inside was another letter labeled:

Open After You Read The Letter

     I read the piece of paper also in the letter. It said:

Dear Reader,

It saddens me to do this, but I feel like I have to. My bestfriend died a couple weeks ago. Now that she is dead, I find that I don't have any need for these anymore. Please enjoy these. Don't waste them.

     I eagerly opened up the other letter. I could here Lia open the door to her changing room and start talking to me, even though I wasn't talking back. When I opened the letter, a piece of paper fluttered to the floor. I picked it up and dropped it again when I realized what it was.

     It was One Direction tickets.

     Front. Row. Seats.

     I looked at what else was inside the envelope.

     Two backstage passes.

     At This point I just couldn't hold it back. I let out a high pitched fangirl scream. I quickly stopped, but was jumping around and freaking out.

     "Claire?" Lia said from outside my door. "What was that? What happened?" There was a short pause. Then she said to the older women, "I'm sorry about my friend. Please, continue your business. Oh, by the way, I reccommend you get that blue shirt. It looks great on you." She was such a push over. I whipped open my door, hitting Lia in the process. "Ow! What was that for?" I still had a giant smile on my face.

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