If We Could Only Turn Back Time

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New story; a Nialler one <3 10 votes till next chapter :)

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Chapter 1:

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

That noise was so annoying; it could really drive a person crazy. I let out a long, frustrated groan.

"Rose? Are you okay? Do you need something to drink?" My best friend Sarrah asked, her face growing with worry

"I'm fine Sarrah," i let out a dry laugh, "I just HATE that beeping noise. I promise it can drive a person mad."

She smoothed down my hair and laughed at me, "Thank God. I thought something was wrong...how are you?" She asked with caution

"Eh..well, you know. What would you be feeling in my position?" I asked, giving her a small, weak smile

Sarrah let out a puff of air as she settled back into her chair, "Well. I sure as hell would be nervous. Scared. Anxious. Curious."

"Now you know how I feel, but not completely. You left out hope." I smiled and poked her in her side

"Ah, yes. Hope." She smiled and bowed like a sensei causing me to lose all my nerves and burst into hysterics

We continued to laugh for a few seconds, till we heard footsteps walk in; it was my doctor.

"Hello Rosaline." The doctor said, using my full name which I hated

"Hey doc." I gave him a thin smile

"Can I talk with Rosaline for a moment Sarrah? The diagnosis is complete." Doc asked

"Sure," Sarrah said then turned to me, "I'll be right outside if you need me." She squeezed my hand once more and walked out.

There was a short silence between the doctor and I, and after a while, he sat down on the edge of my bed. He then turned to me and delivered the words that will soon change my life.

"Rose, you have Cancer."

Tada! new story:D hopefully it'll get to be shown in the fan fiction section; but that only happens in dreams. please fan and vote! 25 votes till the next chapter! xxx Sam

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