If We Could Only Turn Back Time Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Sarrah? Rose? Are you ready?" Elena asked, peeping into the room

"Yup! Are the boys here?" I asked

"Yes but remembe- Oh my goodness. Don't you two look gorgeous?!" Elena exclaimed, putting a hand on her chest

I blushed along with Sarrah, "Thanks!" we both smiled

"Let me get my camera!" She ran out of the room and was back within seconds

"Smile!" We both struck poses; some serious and some funny ones

"Well. We can't keep the boys waiting now can we?" Elena squeezed us in a hug and we followed her out the door

I looked one last time in the mirror, making sure I looked suitable;http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=62760237 (outfit i created on polyvore! Follow me!) I had decided to keep the outfit casual, yet dressy. Elena had taken us to her house to get ready and did our makeup and nails. I walked down the stairs and stopped. Niall was standing there, in a gray dress shirt and black slacks. He looked so handsome that it hurt. He held a single rose and walked over to me. Sarrah and Zayn were long gone and it was just us two. He slid an arm around my waist and leaned near my ear, "You look absolutely heartbreakingly beautiful, you know that?"

I looked at him and into his crystal blue pools, "and you look utterly handsome, my prince."

"You kids are too cute! Now get out of my house and have some fun!" Elena said with a smile and shooed us outside

"Love you elena! ill call you if i need me!" I yelled as i walked out the door

I heard a muffled 'okay' and stepped out the door. Standing infront of me was a slick Audi Coupe.

I let out a low whistle, "nice car!"

Niall blushed and shoved his hands in his pockets, "Lemme get that for you." He walked towards the passenger door and opened it. I went into the car and slid into the sleek black leather interior. He soon came on the other side, and the roar of the engine broke the silence. We were soon on the highway.

I turned to Niall, "Soooo, where are we goin'?"

He looked quick at me and winked, "its a surprise."

"I cant wait! Can I turn on the radio?" I ask

"Sure!" He flicked it on and Rihannas' song, "Where Have You Been," came on the radio.

"I LOVE THIS SONG!" I yelled in excitement and cranked up the radio and began to sing at the top of my lungs, throwing in dance moves here and there.

Niall laughed at me, his eyes shining.

"Do i amuse you?" I smirk

"Yes; youre just so full of life, You make me smile," Niall smiled at me again

'So full of life,' i repeated back in my head, zoning out.

"Rose? Rose? Did I say something wrong?" Niall asked, concern in his voice

I snapped back to reality and gave him a small smile, "No, Im fine Niall. Dont sweat it!"

He looked like he didn't believe a word I said, but didnt say anything. He gave my hand a small squeeze, making me feel better.

We soon pulled up to a cliff, overlooking Hollywood. Niall got out of his side and rushed over to open my door. I stepped out, blasted with the cool Summer air. On the cliff was a waiter, a table, candles, and roses. The sky looked so beautiful; it seemed like the stars were winking at me, knowing i had deep feelings for Niall.

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