If We Could Only Turn Back Time Chapter 8

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another chappie (:

All Rights Reserved © 2012


Chapter 8:

I awoke in a daze, stretching and feeling the warm sun on my skin.

I then looked at my phone, and groaned remembering what today was.

It was the day I shaved off my beautiful wavy brown hair.

Such a nightmare.

I heard a knock on the door:

"Come in!" I yelled

Niall appeared, smiling with my breakfast, "Hungry?"

I groaned and threw my head at my pillow, "noooo!"

I felt the bed move and Niall wrap his arms around me, "It'll be okay. You'll be so beautiful. You'll see," i heard the smile in his voice, "Anddddd, you can always get a wig!"

I turned to look at him, "Ya... i guess."

"Thats my girl." he bent down and kissed my nose. Niall then handed me my breakfast.

After a couple minutes of chowing down, I realized i was missing a crucial part to my breakfast: The bacon.

"Niall?" I asked


"Wheres the bacon?"

"I dont know what youre talking about." He said really fast, not making eye contact

"Nialllll, tell me the truth." I demanded

He went close to my face, kissing my lips softly, "I dont know what youre talking about." he repeated

I licked my lips once, "Liar." I smirked, "I can taste the bacon!"

With that, i pounced on him, and tickled him.

"I-i SURRENDER!" Niall protested

"Good! Don't you think ill forget this Niall James Horan!" I poked him in the chest

Niall smiled and grabbed me by my waist, pulling me to him. He brushed a lock of hair out of my face, tucking it behind my ear.

"You're so beautiful to me." He kissed me softly, and i intertwined my arms around his neck. After of few minutes of complete bliss, Niall and I broke apart.

"Now eat your breakfast before i do!' He grinned wide

"Yeah Yeah!" I said as i chomped down on my buttered toast


"One last picture?" I asked, my voice quiet

"You got it." Niall whipped out his IPhone, and snapped a picture of us.

"Ready Rose?" Elena asked, the shaver in her hand

I closed my eyes shut, "Make it quick." I searched for Nialls hand, and gripped it tight

I felt a pair of lips touch my forehead; i looked up and saw Elena smile at me, "Dont worry sweetie, youll look beautiful."

I gave her a weak smile, and shut my eyes as i heard the buzz of the shaver.

I felt one piece shave off, and another, and then another.

For what felt like centuries, i was done.

"Open." I heard Niall say

I opened my eyes and Elena and him walked me over to the mirror.


I was in utter shock.

I lifted my fingers from Nialls, and brushed my fingers against the stubble on my head.

It felt foreign. But nice and fuzzy.

Nialls arms went around my waist from the back, his head rested on my shoulder.

"I've never ever seen someone so beautiful." He whispered in my ear


I looked up, startled to see Elena with a camera.

"Im sorry. you guys are so cute. & you look so beautiful." Elena smiled. She walked over and planted a kiss on my head, "Well. I'll leave you guys to your privacy Oh, Rose, you dont have to come into the hospital for a week, kay? Just dont forget to take your pills!" She left the room, closing the door quietly.

"A week? wow." I said

"Do you wanna stay with the boys and i?" Niall asked, shyly

"I'd love to." I sealed the deal with a kiss


Jgjshgkek SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED! Ive been so busy and its summer -__- Well i promise to update more! & omg, one of my best friends got a tweet from Niall today! her names @Catherine_1D! shes so lucky! (:

be sure to follow me and 30 of my directioner friends on twitter: @weare1dsboobs

thanks for sticking by me; much love xxx

Sam (:

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