Best Friends

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Jamila's POV.

Just a lonely 19 year old sitting around waiting for time to tick by, the boys had finished yet another tour but they were getting massive break which was awesome! Tonight me and the girls were going to the airport to greet them, we all missed them greatly and just wanted them back home in England. I decided to text Ruby since I had nothing else to do

J: Plz tell me ur bored 2?

R: FUK YEAH! we shld do something, just me and u?

J: K, I'll meet u at ur house in 10?

R: Yup, c u then!

FINALLY SOMETHING TO DO! I quickly put some makeup on, grabbed my purse, phone and keys and headed to my Golf, I started the car and what a surprise, One Direction came on with their hit Midnight Memories,

Straight off the plane to a new hotel,

Just touch down you could never tell,

OW, big house party with a crowded kitchen,

People talk shhh but we don't listen,

Tell me that I'm wrong but I do what I please,

Way too many people in the Adison Lee,

Now I'm at the age where I know what I need, oh oo oh.

The song played along and I arrived at Ruby's, she was actually waiting for me on the doorstep, awww WE BOTH REALLY NEED A LIFE!

"heeey JJ", she said jumping into the car,

"heeeey red velvet cupcake", I said mimicking her,

"where to?", she sayd while browsing through her phone,

"I'm anywhere, why don't we go shopping?", I ask,

"oooo good idea, NOW HIT THE GAS PEDAL!" I back out of the driveway and we head lets just say, ANYWHERE!

We arrived at the shopping centre and quickly get out of the car,

"I can already smell Macy's from here", she laughs, we both laugh and walk in together looking at all the different shops,

"so, have you heard anything from the boys yet?", asks Ruby flicking through clothes,

"yeah one from Niall saying that they're landing at 10 tonight",

"awwweesome, I've missed them so much!" she says dramatically,

"I know I know, you'll get to see you Boo bear soon", Ruby blushed at the comment, yes, she has had a massive crush on him since day one, I was the only one who knew about it, she was too scared to tell him since maybe he might not like her back,

"oh shut up, I miss them all equally", she says blushing even more. We went around for another 3 hours and realised it was 7 o'clock,

"shit we have to go pick up the girls", I reminded Ruby quickly, we quickly left the shopping centre with all of our bags and raced to my car. First we went to Emily's house, I gave her a beep and she ran out,

"hey bitchez", she smiles,

"Em, we have 2 hours to chat, lets concentrate on getting the other girls", I laughed, she quickly jumps in and we head to Sunny's house then Brooke's. We finally got everyone and head back to mine,

"okay we have 2 hours until theu land, watcha girls wanna do?" asks Sunny,


"you truely are Niall's best friend", smiles Brooke, we all laugh and arrive at my apartment, we all go inside and they sit down while I rampage through the cupboard,

"okay lets just get a pizza", I say to them all, they all scream and we order the pizza. It arrives in 30 minutes and we all sit down like the old days,

"lets go through some old memories!", says Ruby excited, oh dear god NO,

"okay, remember when Sunny was running in Year 9 and she ran into the princaple", smirked Brooke, we all laughed except for Sunny,

"well remember was talking to that boy she liked, and right in front of him, she farted", we all laughed including Brooke,

"lets see, OH remember when Rubt for suspended since she died her hair blue", I laughed,

"then she came back and her hair was all green", laughed Emily, she all shit ourselves then Ruby smirked evilly,

"remember the time that all of us were having a sleepover and Jamila was dancing around in her underwear then all the boys were there", everyone screamed and I just blushed,

"then Emily's just like, um she's just practicing to be a pole dancer", we all cracked up laughing,

"shit its 10 past 9, LETS GO!", I screamed, we all ran down to the car still wiping the tears from our eyes then quickly getting in the car and getting to the airport.

By the time we got to the airport it was quater to ten, we parked the car around the back way since that would be the way they were leaving,

"Jamila have you got the passes?", asked Ruby, I pulled them and she smiled, the passes were like backstage passes but instead airport bacstage passes, well thay sounded wierd, anyway we all got out of the car and went to the security guard, he let us in and we all went in with 10 minutes to spare. It was 10.12, where could they be, just then the door openes and there atood our 5 other best friends, I ran as fast as I could into Niall's arms and hugged him tight,

"god Niall I've missed you so much", I said tears filling my eyes,

"don't cry love, I'm here now and thats the main point", he said soothingly,

"er hem we're here too", smiled Louis,

"I've missed you all too don't worry", the girls ran up and he had a massive hugging session,

"weeeell, whats it like to be back?", asked Brooke,

"AMAZING", screamed Zayn,

"somones excited", laughed Harry,

"I think we all are", also laughing Liam,

"you boys must be exhausted, do you boys wanna come back to mine for a movie night?", I asked, they all jumped up and down like little girls, what a classic!

"okay we have my car and the limo, whos going with who?", asked Emily,

"well I figured it out on the plane", said Lou pulling a piece of paper from his pocket, who sorts out who goes with who on a plane?!

"okay, JJ, Niall, me and Rubs go in her car and Hazza, Sunny bunny, Li, Zayner, Cookie (Brooke's nickname) and Em go in the limo, any objections?", we all nodded and grabbed the bags,

"okay just get the driver to follow me", I yell back to the boys, we all hopped in the car and headed back to mine.

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